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Dead Project Poll

Sometimes, I think that I'm the only one who knows what I'm talking about. Come on, nobody else liked InstaDisc? It was awesome! Anyway, here are the results:

InstaDisc - 2 vote(s)! Xidet - 0 vote(s)! Project Soshibi - 1 vote(s)! Other/Indifferent - 7 vote(s)!

Anyway, this week's poll is about what project I should work on now. I'm currently undecided between Four Island 3.0, Frigid Earth and The TGS Website, though I do think I should do The TGS Website before Four Island 3.0 to increase my Ruby skills :P

Hatkirby on
👍 0 👎


I don't know what Frigid Earth is, so I'd have to say.... 3.0 !!! What exactly would the coming of the fabled 3.0 bring? :P

Timbo94 on January 17th, 2010 at 10:47:54am

Four Island 3.0 has a very large expected feature set that I can't really disclose at this point because, like Frigid Earth, I don't want to say things that I may not eventually be able to do. But it will be awesome. Yes, very awesome. :P

Hatkirby on January 18th, 2010 at 1:27:04pm
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