pallasvoid: awake.... hatkirby: Yeah... pallasvoid: i wanna go back to bed hatkirby: Grabs your but the orb few and deaths your into hex pallasvoid: ..... yep I'll nod to that pallasvoid: *nods* gasmasque: Star is sleepy talking pallasvoid: either that or his phone is back on its bullshit pallasvoid: or both hatkirby: I think it's a bit of both hatkirby: Well that one came out fine gasmasque: What did you mean to say? hatkirby: I was trying to say I'm grazing you by the arms and caring you back into beef hatkirby: Better that time pallasvoid: i nearly spat out my coffee reading that one hatkirby: Gdkskgdlh gasmasque: I love being cared into beef pallasvoid: same hatkirby: I'm here to help!