#555 Up +0/-0 Down
hatkirby: Dippy with a gift
hatkirby: For u all
rindomness: :O
tinylittlegremlin: :owo: ✨
eka_caesium: awwww
eka_caesium: Thanks Dipper!!!
tinylittlegremlin: 🌞 <- a gift for dipper as thanks
hatkirby: :blobaww:
eka_caesium: hey why is it dark outside now :blobnervous:
rindomness: uh oh
eka_caesium: where did the sun go :blobnervous: :blobnervous: :blobnervous:
tinylittlegremlin: Dont worry abt it!! :D
azhdrake: You did not let dipper eat the sun right as winter was ending
rindomness: it's dipper's now eka don't worry it's fine
tinylittlegremlin: Who said dipper ate it???
hatkirby: Well I think my psychic heart nosed bat deserves little a sin as a treat
azhdrake: If it gets one degree colder I'm ending everythng
hatkirby: Sun*****
rindomness: no no no
rindomness: stick with the first one
rindomness: it's already been said
tinylittlegremlin: [Carefully and slowly puts away the giant ice machine]
hatkirby: Well maybe he deserves that too
hatkirby: The son
hatkirby: Sin
rindomness: jfdlskafjskfjls
azhdrake: hxkulHL
rindomness: STAR
hatkirby: My PHONE
tinylittlegremlin: Dipper deserves a som too, yes
tinylittlegremlin: To cherish
tinylittlegremlin: And kove
tinylittlegremlin: As any adult should
azhdrake: Give the bat little a Jesus, you know, as a treat
tinylittlegremlin: Shajsbskavaksba
hatkirby: Listen, I u and o are all right next to each other on the keyboard
rindomness: fair fair
tinylittlegremlin: You said it star!!!!
hatkirby: Ok but I don't know if Dipper's going to know who Jesus is, he wasn't raised that way
hatkirby: In fact he was raised to soon
hatkirby: SIN
hatkirby: I'm gonna scream
tinylittlegremlin: Yes hebwas raised too soon to
rindomness: STARRRRR
azhdrake: I realize he's Jewish but I don't think you can
azhdrake: yeah he was raised 2000 years ago
azhdrake: no Jesus there
azhdrake: too early
hatkirby: Lol