#607 Up +1/-0 Down
tinylittlegremlin: Twin souls kinnies, aka Twinnies or in the singular: Twinny,-
hatkirby: djkhfkaf
tinylittlegremlin: I sufter the though, you suffer the thought too
toothpastecanyon: yesssss I love that except for the twinner part but yeah before that hell yeah grem
tinylittlegremlin: XD
tinylittlegremlin: Ok now i want a fic where alcors pretending to human and when he tries to reveal his secret everyone just thinks hes a closet twinny
tinylittlegremlin: Not just a twinner
tinylittlegremlin: But a twinny
hatkirby: omG
hatkirby: kjhsadkfh
hatkirby: IDEAS THO
hatkirby: alcor tries to tell someone and they're like "oh thanks for feeling comfortable enough telling me something like that! i know people say it's cringe but i'm alcor kin too... hey why do you look like you're gonna be sick"
tinylittlegremlin: XD
azhdrake: "Oh don't tell me you're a no doubles kind of guy"
tinylittlegremlin: Every time he tries to prove it theyre just like "man ur rlly commited to this arentcha"
hatkirby: 😶
theentity0808: :blobglare:
azhdrake: And that's how space california gets blown up
tinylittlegremlin: *Gjfhskalalijho*
azhdrake: "COULD A KINNIE DO THIS???"
azhdrake: "oh fuck not again"
hatkirby: kjDSHF
tinylittlegremlin: Bees ur killing me
tinylittlegremlin: Im dead
tinylittlegremlin: Youve slain me
tinylittlegremlin: The news reports tho-
tinylittlegremlin: "Alcor 'kinnie' blows up space california"
azhdrake: ;oafjo;awefjo;awiejf;iaw
tinylittlegremlin: "Twin Souls: harmless romance or unspeakable crime?"
hatkirby: you're laughing. the world's biggest alcor kinnie blowed up space california to turn space georgia blue in the elections, and you're laughing.
tinylittlegremlin: "Twin Souls encouraging violence in The Youth"
tinylittlegremlin: Im no just laughing im ***howling***
hatkirby: >:D
azhdrake: I mean. "The world's biggest Alcor kinnie" is, if you think about it, a technically correct description of Dipper
tinylittlegremlin: *wheeze*
azhdrake: Are we all not but the worlds biggest kinners of ourselves?