#688 Up +0/-0 Down March 12 2024 at 11:35:07 pm EDT
kf01: Looking For Game Short > LFG Short > Let's Fucking Go Shortenstein
hatkirby: ohhhh i always thought LFG really did stand for let's fucking go
kf01: shortenstein reminds me of my cousin throckmorton
exempt_medic: I thought FTW meant Fuck The World for SO long
kf01: (physics problem meme name)
kf01: I refuse to believe
kf01: oh no
hatkirby: ok so the name sounded familiar so i googled throckmorton and this is one of the first things i found https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Thomas_sign
kf01: ah yes, TTT, Throckmorton Throckmorton Throckmorton.
hatkirby: was not expecting the embed jksdhfksjf
kf01: lmfao
exempt_medic: I was reading the embed!
kf01: didn't want an X-ray of some poor sap's dick
rever: :Ban_Hammer:
hatkirby: you have been cursed to read the actual page
hatkirby: :owo:
rever: :rever_flushed:
kf01: kinkshame.png
kf01: /s
hatkirby: kink unlocked: guys with broken hips
rever: :isabelleBanHammer:
kf01: LOL
rever pinned a message to this channel. See all pinned messages.
exempt_medic: I AM WHEEZING
kf01: side effect: broken bed
hatkirby: hdfjkhskgdsf
exempt_medic: Primary side effect: Broken Hip
kf01: destroyed pelvis
kf01: this is getting really fucking raunchy holy shit
rever: imagine if it was phrased
rever: Nerf: Broken Hip
kf01: ashfkjasfgjhfgkwajkhfjhJGJHASDGHJGG
hatkirby: when god nerfs you for having too much fun
rever: @hatkirby join vc
hatkirby: > Studies have shown that the "sign" is no better than chance at identifying the location of a hip fracture.
hatkirby: i just think this is really funny because the implication is that some radiologists were trying to use ppls dicks as injury divining rods
exempt_medic: That was NOT how I thought that sentence was gonna end