Blog posts tagged "layout"

Once again, thank you for voting on the poll of the week. This week was OK, but we got the same number of Indifferent as Yes. Anyway, here are the results:

Yes - 3 vote(s)! No - 0 vote(s)! Huh? - 1 vote(s)! Indifferent - 3 vote(s)!

In other news, you many have noticed that we have reverted the Layout 4. Sorry about that. Many people didn't quite like the style and the truth was, it broke in many browsers and many screen resolutions. Apparently, it broke in every browser and screen resolution other than mine. Oops.

EDIT: You also may have noticed that my username's changed. It has. Don't worry. You're not going insane.

Hatkirby on May 23rd, 2008 at 3:10:28pm
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Well, we've already switched to the 5th layout. The fourth one didn't seem to last that long. Sorry about that. I'm just ever-trying to make the perfect design for Four Island. I'll probably continue to tweak at this design for a while.

Also, I know the commenting system is still disabled. I'm sorry. I'm just still trying to figure out a way to get around the vandalism on the Projects page because they shouldn't have been able to post anything at all anyway....... Oh poopsicles. An idea just struck. I'll let you know how it goes later.

EDIT: Okay, I was right. This is how the bots were posting comments.

Most bots do not understand disabled form field elements and apparently, the form validation page didn't actually check to see if the person was logged in. The only thing keeping out logged out people was the disabled submit button, but since bots bypass that....

It's been fixed now, so I've re-enabled the commenting system. YAY! Happy commenting! Now, tell me what you think about the new layout!

Hatkirby on May 15th, 2008 at 10:30:03pm
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Okay, today I have quite a lot to talk about. Why don't we start out with this week's POTW:

The poll this week..... was interesting. I never expected ANYONE to vote for Brain Damage, but to each his/her own.... Anyway, here are the results:

Brain Damage - 1 vote(s)! Myopia - 4 vote(s)! Diabetes - 3 vote(s)! Arthritis - 0 vote(s)!

Speaking of the POTW, because last week I was short on time, I didn't get to say this: That poll actually did have a purpose. I wore that shirt one day in public, and immediately got comments back. Some people wanted to buy it off of me, and some told me I looked like an idiot. Oh well.

Speaking of voting on things, as two days ago was the first of the month, the first ever QOTM (Quote of The Month) took place. And guess who won. Yep, it's good ol' #2. Look at if you like, it's pretty funny, but there are funnier ones. For instance, look at #30 and try to tell me that it's not funnier.

So remember peoples, get voting on quotes! There are already about 91 quotes up, and because #2's already won, it cannot win again. Can't wait to see the next winner!

Okay, to some exciting information! Well, peoples, as I'm sure you've noticed, Four Island is a little WHOLE LOT different! That's because I finally got tired of Layout 3, and we have finally moved to wonderful layout 4!

I hope this layout will be a wonderful one, not only because it's the FOURth layout, but also because everything is becoming more integrated. The Fourm and the Quotes DB have moved in now, and the Projects site is on it's way. Also, the header image at the top will be fun because it will be another thing I can change on holidays! (BTW, there is a holiday in 2 days!) So, let's all congratulate layout 4! Even though it's not COMPLETELY done yet, it will be soon.

And to end off, I'm hosting a new website. Say hello to "Colour Pencils" from Gryphic! Hello! I know, I know. It has U in it. Don't worry, it's driving me insane as well. But it's her blog, and while I can change it, that would be rude.

Well, thus ends a beautiful post! Can't wait to see the votes on this week's POTW, I am quote-happy (and a sugar-freak, according to Gryphic), the fourth layout's looking great, and I can't wait to see some content coming in on Gryphic's new blog!

Hatkirby on May 2nd, 2008 at 5:07:13pm
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Whew! Who likes the new site layout? I just spent the last four (actually three and a half, but four is just such a better number) hours designing it. What I think is the strangest part, however, is that I barely touched the HTML and PHP code (well, ok, I had to move the HatNav and the HatBar into header.php). Most of the changes you see are all CSS. Wow. No, I didn't think CSS could do that either. So, anyway, I hope you like the new site layout!

EDIT: Oh, and by the way, I haven't finished the little icons on the top yet so don't worry that your browser is malfunctioning.

ANOTHER EDIT: Yes! I have now finished the first two icons! Don't they look great? The third isn't done yet, and I'm going to re-do the fourth because I don't think it looks good enough.

Hatkirby on December 3rd, 2007 at 3:38:45am
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