#568 Up +0/-0 Down October 22 2023 at 12:24:15 am EDT
hatkirby: hello!
rindomness: hi hi!
gasmasque: Howdy
hatkirby: welcome to the grownup chat!
azhdrake: Hello!
hatkirby: every time someone joins this chat my mind goes to "hehe we're grownups we talk about taxes" and then i think about "alcor commits tax fraud because he wants to feel normal"
rindomness: jfdlskfjdslk he would wouldn't he
gasmasque: It wouldn’t surprise me
azhdrake: Alcor does the opposite of tax fraud sometimes, he pays taxes despite not being legally recognized as someone who should
hatkirby: That's what I mean lol
azhdrake: Oh I thought you meant he was raised by Grunkle Stan
azhdrake: So like
hatkirby: i think that is technically fraud because he is not a citizen anymore
rindomness: it can be both!
azhdrake: Tax Fraud as a "this is how you do things" sort of thing
hatkirby: It can be both! switch off
azhdrake: Dork
hatkirby: grunkle stan doesn't commit tax fraud he just doesn't pay his taxes
rindomness: that is true
hatkirby: he would know how to commit fraud though
azhdrake: apparently tax evasion can be considered a form of tax fraud
hatkirby: oh!
hatkirby: that makes sense
gasmasque: Knowing Alcor he probably answers summons about doing people’s taxes all the time
gasmasque: Gives him a nice little vacation from murdering cults
hatkirby: dipper is like grunkle stan i want to pay my taxes because i want to be normal and stan is like "i'm glad you came to me, kid. here's what you do. get your tax money. put it in an envelope and address it to this PO box. what do you mean you know that's my PO box"
#564 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 09:12:30 pm EDT
hatkirby: i find the slang terms for "muscular" to be the funniest things ever
hatkirby: shredded? ripped? tweaked? jacked?
hatkirby: its just. so good
toothpastecanyon: alcor ripped some angel
alcorian5305: I've never heard tweaked??
alcorian5305: Wtf how does that make sense
hatkirby: how do any of them make sense?
alcorian5305: "Tweaked" sounds like the opposite of muscular
toothpastecanyon: aww lil angel is tweaked
hatkirby: bab angel
hatkirby: one one muscle
toothpastecanyon: Omg just a tiny angel in the same pose
toothpastecanyon: like comes up to lucy ann's knee, still rockin the sword n the armour
toothpastecanyon: absolutely tweaked
hatkirby: pfffffft
hatkirby: i cant get over shredded
toothpastecanyon: I would not like shredded muscles thanks
toothpastecanyon: that sounds painful
hatkirby: "yes i got prion disease so my muscles would be shredded"
toothpastecanyon: PFFFFT OW
aba_daba_do: Did you guys see the SNL skit that parodied Star Wars? “I heard that Kylo Ren is shredded. That Kylo Ren has a six pack.”
aba_daba_do: That’s what I’m imagining rn but with TAU
hatkirby: "yo i heard that Alcor the Dreambender is jacked to the moon"
hatkirby: mabel loses her mind laughing bc dipper is a scrawny kid
toothpastecanyon: ~~alcor shows up with bleeding, shredded muscles and a six pack of soda~~
toothpastecanyon: 'DINNER GUYS :DDD'
eka_caesium: Yeeesss
toothpastecanyon: nobody eats alcor's dinner\
hatkirby: "bruh i read online that alcor is nutty tweaked"
toothpastecanyon: even lane is like 'may I have candy'
hatkirby: pfffft
toothpastecanyon: NUTTY TWEAKED
aba_daba_do: Don’t ever say Nutty Tweaked again
eka_caesium: Star that's so cursed.
hatkirby: >:D
toothpastecanyon: N U T T Y T W E A K E D
aba_daba_do: NO!
hatkirby: T̩̯̪H̝̫̞I̯̖ͅS̼̫̭ ̝̝̞C̡̹͔U͏̱R̻̝͔S̴͇͙E̡͎ ̖̫̟I͉̣̰S̻͈̝ ͚̥M̻̲͇Į͎̩̰N҉̺̝̘E̙̹ ̯̜̙AL̶͇̭O͇͙̰N͏E̸ ̩͝T̠͍́O̥̟ ͈̝̲B̨͖͉E͇͝A̢̤̦R҉̖̤ͅ ͢N̩̞̖O̷̱̬ ̰L̖͈̺O͕͉͎N̷͎̠G͓̳͚E̱̺̜Ṛ̢̟͎
#563 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 09:08:59 pm EDT
toothpastecanyon: Dipper got noodle arms but he will crush you so hard your matter will collapse into a black hole
hatkirby: ok
hatkirby: i'm ready
#550 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 08:22:24 pm EDT
bessler: How do vampires work in tau
hatkirby: they drinka the blood
#544 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 05:32:50 pm EDT
toothpastecanyon: I think TAU has spoiled me on any other fandom tho lol
toothpastecanyon: I'm like wow I love this show can't wait to find the thriving discord server full of aroace people who have so many non shipping discussions!!
eka_caesium: Awww yeah
tinylittlegremlin: hahaXD
toothpastecanyon: grem!! It's so strange I can't seem to find the discord server!!
tinylittlegremlin: odd
toothpastecanyon: I'm sure it's there tho!!
hatkirby: No yeah tau has completely ruined me
hatkirby: My body mind and soul have been destroyed
hatkirby: Utterly bitched by this demon of a lad
azhdrake: They haven't been destroyed, they're been rebuilt in his image
hatkirby: khsdkfjshf
#528 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 01:50:02 pm EDT
azhdrake: Ah yes my favorite part of TAU; that bit when there's direct to mouth ovulation.
toothpastecanyon: Cnfnfnfncck
hatkirby: Lrheoysldlhdlh
toothpastecanyon: Oh no star bees is getting quiplash points too
hatkirby: Bees you and I have probably read more of the tau blog than anyone else so we would know
hatkirby: We would know that that's true obviously
toothpastecanyon: It’s as common a trope in TAU as people doing first aid on Danny phantom!!
hatkirby: 🙏
hatkirby: Poor Danny
hatkirby: Tooth get over here I need to put gauze on your arm
toothpastecanyon: Honestly no poor Danny!! Set ur own broken bones snowflake!!!!
#520 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 01:28:00 am EDT
hatkirby: Literally today has been an all-star day. buff alcor was THIS MORNING. can you believe it? that felt like 300 years ago.
tinylittlegremlin: nothing but bangers
avespecora: It weirdly does sjdhdvs
ToothPasteCanyon: alcor frequently is like 'that felt like 300 years ago' and lucy ann is like because it was dipstick
avespecora: feel like a while ago
avespecora: LMAO
hatkirby: saw that coming. Googoo Gaga Boobie Waaahhh
ToothPasteCanyon: star you're omnicient it's not fair 😔
gasmasque: Star loves quoting my nephew
hatkirby: i'm deleting the tau chat