Старла Эппрет: I'm trying to deal with listening to a fantastic Regina Spektor album and an album that I've newly discovered to be truly awesome (this is already after it contains my favorite song of all time hmmm whats that) at the same time Drifty: What's the problem? Старла Эппрет: Is there a problem? Drifty: Probab;y not Старла Эппрет: Could never tell you what happened the day I turned SEEEEEVEEEEEENTEEN Drifty: Because you got drunk and hooked up with Taylor Swift /it's a song by marisa something am i rite Старла Эппрет: oh god I thought I had that all covered up! Drifty: But you didn't! Drifty: It's on all the respectable periodicals Старла Эппрет: IT WAS ONE GAY EXPERIENCE WITH A CELEBRITY, YOU CAN TELL NO ONE! Drifty: like Four Island Daily Drifty: and True Falsities Drifty: Of course, daily is now monthly Drifty: but Drifty: details Старла Эппрет: she later wrote a song about it: "I Kissed A Girl And Now I'm Realizing Why All My Past Boyfriends Sucked" Старла Эппрет: wellllll I actually wrote a post two days in a row thank you very much Старла Эппрет: and the song is Seventeen by Marina & the Diamonds Drifty: My god Drifty: Four Island Daily is not to be confused with Starla Daily Старла Эппрет: but… my camera! Drifty: Starla Daily is a shad- respectable periodical by the Lady Queen Mistress herself Drifty: Four Island Daily is run by Pumpkin Старла Эппрет: Ah, I can see how one could confuse that
Tamasys: I had Love Story stuck in my head all yesterday Hatkirby: :D Hatkirby: YAY TAY! Drifty: Yaytay? Hatkirby: Tay = nickname for Taylor Swift Hatkirby: That's what we call her on t-swift.com * Drifty hides from all the Taylor Swift fangirls Hatkirby: HEEHEEHEE Timbo94: *coughs* * Ozzyfrog hides with drifty Drifty: O_O Hatkirby: Hey, it's better than being a Twilight fangirl Timbo94: "fangirls"? Timbo94: *coughs* * Drifty curls up and whimpers Timbo94: WHAT ABOUT ME DRIFTY! * Drifty hides from the Taylor Swift fan...people Timbo94: YOU CALLED ME A GIRL! Timbo94: YOU MUST DIE! Hatkirby: LOOOL * Drifty runs away and hides behind Ozzyfrog
Hatkirby: "Love me, hate me, say what you want about me!" Hatkirby: ....I have to stop quoting songs Hatkirby: At least, I have to stop quoting songs that aren't Taylor Swift Hatkirby: I will hypnotize you! Hatkirby: YOU WILL LYKLE TAYLOR SWIFT HAHAHAHA Ozzyfrog: no * Hatkirby freqbegusashes Ozzyfrog: wrong way round Ozzyfrog: no i wont Ozzyfrog: never * Hatkirby gaspes Drifty: I'm interested in betterer songs * Hatkirby dies Ozzyfrog: mmm, so am I Drifty: Like from The Fray and stufff Hatkirby: O_O Hatkirby: Demi Lovato? Hatkirby: O.A.R? Hatkirby: I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! Hatkirby: AVRIL LAVIGNE! Ozzyfrog: I wont comment on Avril, because you were just nice to me by adding me Drifty: lol Hatkirby: You, you dun like Avril? * Hatkirby dies Hatkirby: Well! Ozzyfrog: no comment Hatkirby: I will see to that! Ozzyfrog: hey, I said no comment * Hatkirby is listening to The Best Song Ever * Drifty watches from the sidelines Hatkirby: a.k.a. Complicated by Avril Lavigne Hatkirby: You just insulted Avril Lavigne! NOW YOU DIE * Hatkirby eats Ozzyfrog twenty-frog times Drifty: Twenty-frog is a number? Ozzyfrog: I didnt say anything!! Hatkirby: Yep, it comes after 50947598436938526534 Hatkirby: You're silence was taken as an insult Ozzyfrog: lol