#353 Up +23/-14 Down April 25 2010 at 03:07:50 am EDT
(11:02:37 PM) mib_0dvgq4 [dcfdecce@webchat.mibbit.com] entered the room.
(11:02:51 PM) Hatkirby: Who's the newbie?
(11:02:57 PM) DriftyBeyond: Who is mb_0vqd4?
(11:03:00 PM) Hatkirby: OHMYGAD A PERVERT!
(11:03:02 PM) ***Hatkirby rans
(11:03:12 PM) Hatkirby: Bucket, save me!
(11:03:12 PM) Bucket: Can't talk, zombies!
(11:03:18 PM) DriftyBeyond: Lol!
(11:03:19 PM) Hatkirby: WOW, LOL
(11:03:35 PM) mib_0dvgq4 left the room.
(11:03:41 PM) Hatkirby: We're saved! Thanks Bucket!
(11:03:56 PM) tamasys [dcfdecce@webchat.mibbit.com] entered the room.
(11:04:00 PM) Hatkirby: YAY TIMTAM
(11:04:09 PM) Hatkirby: TimTam, you missed Bucket fighting zombies!
(11:04:10 PM) tamasys: soz
(11:04:12 PM) tamasys: was me
(11:04:15 PM) tamasys: lol
(11:04:18 PM) DriftyBeyond: TimTam!
(11:04:19 PM) Hatkirby: TimTam's a zombie pervert?
(11:04:22 PM) ***Hatkirby stabs TimTam anyway
(11:04:22 PM) DriftyBeyond: Lol!
#262 Up +34/-25 Down June 13 2009 at 01:54:26 am EDT
[21:46:24] * Starla eating TEH DELCIOUS JOLLY RANCHER
[21:46:47] Drifty: What'a a Jolly Rancher?
[21:46:52] Starla: O_O
[21:46:53] TimTam: o_O
[21:46:56] Starla: She
[21:46:57] Starla: Doesn't
[21:46:58] Starla: Know
[21:46:59] Starla: What
[21:47:00] Starla: A
[21:47:00] Starla: Jolly
[21:47:02] Starla: Rancher
[21:47:03] Starla: Is??????????
[21:47:08] * Starla dies
[21:47:10] TimTam: What's a Jolly Rancher?
[21:47:10] Drifty: A pirate?
[21:47:14] TimTam: :D
[21:47:14] Starla: He
[21:47:15] Starla: Doesn't
[21:47:16] Starla: Know
[21:47:16] Starla: What
[21:47:17] Starla: A
[21:47:18] Starla: Jolly
[21:47:19] Starla: Rancher
[21:47:20] Starla: Is
[21:47:21] Starla: ????????????????????
[21:47:30] * Starla runs, screaming, into the lollipop desert
[21:47:33] Drifty: A Cowboy Pirate who sails the bovine seas!
[21:47:37] TimTam: :D
[21:47:53] TimTam: herding his seacattle
[21:48:00] Drifty: And repeatedly screams "YEEEHAA" as he makes you walk the plank
[21:48:09] TimTam: lolololololol
[21:48:11] Starla: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jolly_Rancher
[21:48:12] Starla: Read
[21:48:13] Starla: Or Else
[21:48:14] Drifty: With his seadogs
[21:48:19] TimTam: :D
[21:48:25] * TimTam reads
[21:48:49] Starla: They're like the best candies on earth
[21:48:49] Drifty: Awwww, but it will forever be a cowboy pirate in my mind
[21:48:54] Starla: I don't know you people anymore :)
[21:48:59] TimTam: oh, so it's like our Natural Confectionary Company, but not as good :P
[21:49:05] Starla: It's a type of hard candy
[21:49:06] Drifty: Nope :D
[21:49:13] Starla: YUMMY, DELICIOUS, VERY GOOD
[21:49:23] Drifty: I like the natural confectionary stuff
[21:49:25] TimTam: :D
[21:49:27] TimTam: me too
[21:49:32] TimTam: they make banana flavour :D
[21:49:34] Drifty: :D
[21:49:37] Starla: What's that?
[21:49:41] TimTam: O_O
[21:49:47] TimTam: Natural Confectionary Co.
[21:49:48] Drifty: She
[21:49:48] Drifty: Doesn't
[21:49:48] Drifty: Know
[21:49:48] Drifty: What
[21:49:52] Drifty: It
[21:49:56] Drifty: Is?????? /jkoe
[21:50:01] TimTam: O_O
[21:50:01] Starla: Lol :)
[21:50:01] TimTam: :P
[21:50:04] Drifty: Jkoe?
#130 Up +31/-22 Down October 10 2008 at 10:38:55 pm EDT
Hatkirby: What did you do, you ate my petunia salad!
Penny: I'm don't care
Hatkirby: You're hurting my feelings
Penny: Do-do you want a hug?
Hatkirby: Yes, yes I would.
Hatkirby: But not with you.
Penny: *cries*
Penny: You don't love me anymore!
Hatkirby: I use to.
Hatkirby: But then you ate my salad.
Penny: It was just a salad!
Hatkirby: That's what they said about my mortgage.
#276 Up +25/-16 Down August 08 2009 at 12:56:04 pm EDT
[10:17:50 PM] Tay & Sparks fangirl 4evver <3 says: It died??!?!?!
[10:18:03 PM] Tay & Sparks fangirl 4evver <3 says: MOUTH TO MOTH RECESSITATION!
[10:18:09 PM] Tay & Sparks fangirl 4evver <3 says: LOLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[10:18:12 PM] Tay & Sparks fangirl 4evver <3 says: I MEANT MOUTH!
#349 Up +27/-19 Down April 11 2010 at 03:26:19 am EDT
(11:13:38 PM) Tamasys: hmm, i've asked Dr Karl
(11:13:44 PM) Tamasys: hopefully he replies :P
(11:13:52 PM) Starla: Dr Karl?
(11:14:10 PM) Tamasys: :O
(11:14:11 PM) Tamasys: Dr Karl
(11:14:21 PM) Tamasys: one of Australia's to 10 most trusted people
(11:14:25 PM) Tamasys: publisher of 28 books
(11:14:29 PM) Starla: Yeswell I'm in America
(11:14:36 PM) Tamasys: does segments on tv, radio, and online
(11:14:53 PM) Starla: Here, we believe in George Lopez and microwave pasta
(11:14:58 PM) Tamasys: O_o
(11:15:00 PM) Tamasys: ?
(11:15:08 PM) Starla: LOL
#94 Up +32/-24 Down May 03 2008 at 09:15:33 am EDT
Hatkirby: Like my new avatar?
Gryphic: *looks*
Gryphic: ...
Gryphic: Ask... TimTam.
Hatkirby: He's not on
Tamasys: lols @ hats avitar
Hatkirby: Thanks?
Gryphic: ... I dunno whether to force you to change it back
Gryphic: or to laugh insanely.
Gryphic: ...
Hatkirby: Laugh insanely
Hatkirby: I like it
Gryphic: ...
Gryphic: ...
Tamasys: ok. i'll laugh coz ur the same!
Hatkirby: ....k
Hatkirby: as who?
Hatkirby: Oh, yes, Charolette
Gryphic: ...
Gryphic: You are too enthusiastic about things,
Gryphic: you go "YAY THINGS"
Gryphic: ...
Gryphic: The skirt...
Gryphic: I think... I'll take a nap now...
Hatkirby: IS PRETTY
#64 Up +38/-30 Down April 26 2008 at 07:06:18 am EDT
* Gryphic is cool.
* Hatkirby agrees
* Gryphic is being strangled by headphones
* Hatkirby runs for help
* Gryphic is saved
* Hatkirby is relieved
* Gryphic is bursting
* Hatkirby thinks Gryphic has to go to the bathroom
#41 Up +42/-34 Down April 25 2008 at 11:23:48 am EDT
hatkirby: HELP ME
#118 Up +30/-22 Down June 08 2008 at 11:23:41 pm EDT
Gryphic: I think you two may be soul-siblings.
Pyro: We're siblings?
Pyro: Ok, in that case
Pyro: I hate you.
Starla: ....
Starla: Thanks. [/sarcastic]
#86 Up +50/-42 Down April 29 2008 at 10:49:46 am EDT
Hatkirby: HELLOOOOOO!?!?!
Hatkirby: Anyone on?
Gryphic: no
Hatkirby: Ok, just wondering