Hatkirby: Like my new avatar? Gryphic: *looks* Gryphic: ... Gryphic: Ask... TimTam. Hatkirby: He's not on Tamasys: lols @ hats avitar Hatkirby: Thanks? Gryphic: ... I dunno whether to force you to change it back Gryphic: or to laugh insanely. Gryphic: ... Hatkirby: Laugh insanely Hatkirby: I like it Gryphic: ... Hatkirby: DON'T LAUGH AT ME BECAUSE I'M DIFFERENT Gryphic: ... Tamasys: ok. i'll laugh coz ur the same! Hatkirby: ....k Hatkirby: as who? Hatkirby: Oh, yes, Charolette Gryphic: ... Gryphic: You are too enthusiastic about things, Gryphic: you go "YAY THINGS" Gryphic: ... Gryphic: The skirt... Gryphic: I think... I'll take a nap now... Hatkirby: IS PRETTY
Hatkirby: What did you do, you ate my petunia salad! Penny: I'm don't care Hatkirby: You're hurting my feelings Penny: Do-do you want a hug? Hatkirby: Yes, yes I would. Hatkirby: But not with you. Penny: *cries* Penny: You don't love me anymore! Hatkirby: I use to. Hatkirby: But then you ate my salad. Penny: It was just a salad! Hatkirby: That's what they said about my mortgage.
Student: Class participation counts as a homework grade? Hatkirby: What? Teacher: Yes, obviously. Hatkirby: What? Student: Why? Teacher: Because it's part of your homework? Hatkirby: What? Teacher: Are you OK? Student: Me or him? Teacher: Him. Hatkirby: But homework isn't class participation! *fizzle* Student: Oh, if it was me I'd say no because I'm loopy!
(11:13:38 PM) Tamasys: hmm, i've asked Dr Karl (11:13:44 PM) Tamasys: hopefully he replies :P (11:13:52 PM) Starla: Dr Karl? (11:14:10 PM) Tamasys: :O (11:14:11 PM) Tamasys: Dr Karl (11:14:21 PM) Tamasys: one of Australia's to 10 most trusted people (11:14:25 PM) Tamasys: publisher of 28 books (11:14:29 PM) Starla: Yeswell I'm in America (11:14:36 PM) Tamasys: does segments on tv, radio, and online (11:14:53 PM) Starla: Here, we believe in George Lopez and microwave pasta (11:14:58 PM) Tamasys: O_o (11:15:00 PM) Tamasys: ? (11:15:08 PM) Starla: LOL
Pyro: I took your pen to an excursion to my bag! Drifty: It's that significant? Pyro: *picks up pen and her iPod* [as Pen] Hi, iPod! Pyro: [as Pen, to Drifty] God, that iPod is so fat.
(10:59:32 AM) Pyro: ok we were @ task works it this place thats like educational but fun i know very hard 2 belive and there were these blocks right and kate was sitting on them and i moved 1 and they fell over so she went ova 2 the bench and she was like (11:00:37 AM) Pyro: Kate: my as* hurt cause somebody put the blo*dy thing from my but (11:00:49 AM) Pyro: ME: laughing (11:01:07 AM) Hatkirby: From her but? (11:01:11 AM) Hatkirby: But isn't a noun (11:01:48 AM) Pyro: Kate: i don't see how my mysery is funny your recording and i don't blo*dy like it pi*s off (11:02:07 AM) Pyro: she is soooooooooooooooo funny when shes mad (11:02:17 AM) Hatkirby: Profanity withdrawal? (11:02:33 AM) Pyro: it was soooooooooooo funny (11:02:38 AM) Hatkirby: I get that (11:02:46 AM) Pyro: and i got in on film (11:02:47 AM) Hatkirby: The long string of os show that (11:02:49 AM) Hatkirby: WHAT? (11:02:53 AM) Hatkirby: HA! (11:02:59 AM) Hatkirby: Okay, now that IS funny! (11:03:12 AM) Pyro: i know