#740 Up +0/-0 Down September 10 2024 at 10:36:42 pm EDT
hatkirby: Oh, is this my new work computer? Yeah they emailed me telling me I had to get a new one within two weeks.
bwoka: Is the old one Intel? [company] probably wants us to get the new Macs because they are better at handling a second monitor with Meet on it.
toothpastecanyon: ??? Meat??
hatkirby: MEET, like, video calling for work.
toothpastecanyon: [laughing] Oh, I thought-
hatkirby: [also laughing] Yeah I perfectly envisioned what you heard and it is funny
toothpastecanyon: I was like obviously you had to get a new computer for that.
hatkirby: Yeah, I mean, they knew I had a second monitor. And they knew it had meat on it.
toothpastecanyon: ...
toothpastecanyon: [starts cracking up even harder]
#735 Up +1/-0 Down August 14 2024 at 08:40:38 am EDT
hatkirby: panus
newsoupvi: Is this like a combination of penis and anus
hatkirby: do you want it to be
#729 Up +1/-0 Down July 19 2024 at 10:45:05 am EDT
toothpastecanyon: Bees save me
toothpastecanyon: Save me bees
toothpastecanyon: Fix Microsoft please :owo:
azhdrake: Uhhhhhh have you tried turning the CrowdStrike off and on again?
toothpastecanyon: Hmmm
pallasvoid: :thinkscramble:
pallasvoid: instructions unclear, :penis: got caught in ceiling fan
hatkirby: That's rough buddy
pallasvoid: :blobamused: ideally, yes
hatkirby: :penis:
pallasvoid: anyway, I'm sorry Tooth hahaha
hatkirby: Void looking for that Samsung spin cycle fan death orgasm
pallasvoid: weujhgfdjkhegsdwrk;ijhegr
hatkirby: Hi
#724 Up +1/-0 Down July 11 2024 at 11:49:34 pm EDT
hatkirby: [screenshot of multiple notifications from Google Play that say "You're THIS 🤏 close to finishing"]
cymrin: why is google play edging you….
hatkirby: if only
hatkirby: i got this from a friend
hatkirby: google play was edging them
cymrin: if only????????????
cymrin: boy you know you can just do that yourself
#722 Up +0/-0 Down July 09 2024 at 09:15:09 am EDT
seiya234: wait did someone say baltimore
azhdrake: Hey Seiya!
seiya234: hewwo
gasmasque: How to summon Seiya 101: mention Baltimore
hatkirby: or monsterfucking
seiya234: sir.
hatkirby: 👉 👈
hatkirby: hewwo seiya
seiya234: don’t give me the emojis i just found out yesterday were associated with bottoming
gasmasque: :wheeze:
seiya234: also apparently this one 🥹
gasmasque: Well it is Star’s native language
hatkirby: well it's only fair you assassinate me after i came for you like that XD
pallasvoid: asjghaksdgh
seiya234: pew pew
#719 Up +0/-0 Down July 08 2024 at 08:09:22 pm EDT
hatkirby: useful function
hatkirby: public bool IsHole(int x, int y)
hatkirby: for finding holes
exempt_medic: return True
scipiowright: IsHole(hatkirby.xpos, hatkirby.ypos)
hatkirby: jksdfhsdjkhfksjh
hatkirby: if you two had posted those in reverse order it would've been even better
exempt_medic: I know 😭
#707 Up +1/-0 Down April 25 2024 at 07:10:11 pm EDT
hatkirby: yalls i'm doing some game modding and i'm looking at some of the code files in link's awakening and um.
hatkirby: > ObjCockParticle.cs
hatkirby: it is PROBABLY referring to the rooster in the game? but... i am not sure how
hatkirby: ok yeah it is the rooster
toothpastecanyon: link's awakening nsfw???
hatkirby: link's SEXUAL awakening??????????????
toothpastecanyon: HDSFCXHGFHGF
toothpastecanyon: star you're not allowed to make me laugh out loud in class gdfgfd
hatkirby: i mean he was drowning in water, i'm not sure how much more of a *wet* dream you can have, i'm so sorry i take that back i'm sorry
toothpastecanyon: omg
swbookworm: don't take it back!! commit to your puns, no matter how cursed!!
tinylittlegremlin: cursed? didbsomebidy say cursed??
#699 Up +0/-0 Down April 05 2024 at 10:38:04 pm EDT
hatkirby: so imagine you start going down on someone, and sburban jungle from homestuck starts playing. what would that mean?
cymrin: I don't think about that and neither should you.
#697 Up +4/-0 Down March 29 2024 at 10:37:34 pm EDT
hatkirby: The most unappealing gay sex thing to me is eating ass. Everything else the gays do is hot though
cymrin: even war?
#688 Up +0/-0 Down March 12 2024 at 11:35:07 pm EDT
kf01: Looking For Game Short > LFG Short > Let's Fucking Go Shortenstein
hatkirby: ohhhh i always thought LFG really did stand for let's fucking go
kf01: shortenstein reminds me of my cousin throckmorton
exempt_medic: I thought FTW meant Fuck The World for SO long
kf01: (physics problem meme name)
kf01: I refuse to believe
kf01: oh no
hatkirby: ok so the name sounded familiar so i googled throckmorton and this is one of the first things i found https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Thomas_sign
kf01: ah yes, TTT, Throckmorton Throckmorton Throckmorton.
hatkirby: was not expecting the embed jksdhfksjf
kf01: lmfao
exempt_medic: I was reading the embed!
kf01: didn't want an X-ray of some poor sap's dick
rever: :Ban_Hammer:
hatkirby: you have been cursed to read the actual page
hatkirby: :owo:
rever: :rever_flushed:
kf01: kinkshame.png
kf01: /s
hatkirby: kink unlocked: guys with broken hips
rever: :isabelleBanHammer:
kf01: LOL
rever pinned a message to this channel. See all pinned messages.
exempt_medic: I AM WHEEZING
kf01: side effect: broken bed
hatkirby: hdfjkhskgdsf
exempt_medic: Primary side effect: Broken Hip
kf01: destroyed pelvis
kf01: this is getting really fucking raunchy holy shit
rever: imagine if it was phrased
rever: Nerf: Broken Hip
kf01: ashfkjasfgjhfgkwajkhfjhJGJHASDGHJGG
hatkirby: when god nerfs you for having too much fun
rever: @hatkirby join vc
hatkirby: > Studies have shown that the "sign" is no better than chance at identifying the location of a hip fracture.
hatkirby: i just think this is really funny because the implication is that some radiologists were trying to use ppls dicks as injury divining rods
exempt_medic: That was NOT how I thought that sentence was gonna end