#16 Up +36/-42 Down April 25 2008 at 02:56:06 am EDT
Actias: If we manage to front
Actias: you may not be very happy
hatkirby: I'll be happy for you
Actias: ...
hatkirby: But very very jealous
Actias: Gryphic envies you.
hatkirby: She does?
Actias: Yes.
hatkirby: That's news.
hatkirby: I envy her.
hatkirby: LIKE A TRUCK!!!!!!!!
hatkirby: ......
hatkirby: I meant.....
hatkirby: Actually...
hatkirby: I don't know what I meant....
Actias: ...
Actias: Yes?
#15 Up +39/-36 Down April 25 2008 at 02:54:19 am EDT
hatkirby: WE LIKE TO PARTY!
hatkirby: FAST!
hatkirby: DUH DUH !
hatkirby: Or not.
hatkirby: It's up to you.
Actias: O RLY?
hatkirby: Will you put drugs in my water or not?
hatkirby: YA RLY YA BOB!
Actias: No
hatkirby: I'm happy I spelled that incorrectly.
#14 Up +23/-24 Down April 25 2008 at 02:54:19 am EDT
hatkirby: I bet you are on [quotes.fourisland.com] right now
Actias: Way of Killing: Being eatenby a Troodon, namely me.
hatkirby: Laughing your eat off
hatkirby: WHAT?
hatkirby: Did I say eat?
hatkirby: HAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!
hatkirby: I meant head!
hatkirby: What is WRONG with me today?
hatkirby: Am I on drugs?
Actias: Good.
hatkirby: Gryphic, am I on drugs?
Actias: You are wrong
Actias: This is Act
hatkirby: .......?
Actias: you *censored*
Gryphic: AHHHH!
#13 Up +24/-25 Down April 25 2008 at 02:50:09 am EDT
Actias: Because you are wrong
hatkirby: You do know that I am quoting a lot of the things that we are saying!
Actias: and you must be terminated
hatkirby: WHAT?
hatkirby: HELP!
hatkirby: MOMMY!
hatkirby: Wait, what?
Actias: Good.
hatkirby: db db db db
hatkirby: Everybody's gonna love today!
Actias: Termination: started.
Actias: Target: Hatkirby
hatkirby: HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Actias: Way of killing: Eaten by a Kirby
hatkirby: You are cruel.
hatkirby: Wait, I AM A KIRBY!
Actias: Killer: .... Act
hatkirby: Please help.
hatkirby: This isn't good for my colon!
Actias: Reason: Because target believes he is a Kirby
hatkirby: Right
hatkirby: Help
hatkirby: You have forced me to do something I didn't want to do
hatkirby: I am now going to quote this
Actias: And so he must be Terminated
Actias: Good.
#12 Up +31/-35 Down April 25 2008 at 02:47:10 am EDT
Actias: *listening to Pictures of You*
Actias: ...
Actias: Pictures of you
hatkirby: is listening to: Don't Stop the Music
hatkirby: At 1.5 times the speed!
hatkirby: You have 900 posts!
Actias: Yay.
hatkirby: I have 1111 posts!
Actias: Oh my god.
hatkirby: You are getting close to 1000!
Actias: Hmmm...
hatkirby: is listening to: Happy Ending
hatkirby: At 1.4 times the speed!
hatkirby: Oops@ POOP!
hatkirby: I meant 1.5!
hatkirby: Why am I typing everything wrong today?
Actias: Ritgh
hatkirby: Funny
#11 Up +26/-29 Down April 25 2008 at 02:40:43 am EDT
hatkirby: You're banned because your signature is so funny! "I'M A GIRL!"
Gryphic: Banned because "You are? I never realized that!"
#10 Up +35/-35 Down April 25 2008 at 02:21:12 am EDT
hatkirby: Let's talk about the horror of 1 person falling fate to internet curses.
Gryphic: What are you talking about?
hatkirby: Click here:
hatkirby: It's a good article about it
hatkirby: [other.fourisland.com]
Gryphic: I looked there
hatkirby: OK, now let's talk about the horror of 2 people falling fate to internet curses.
Gryphic: I don't get it
Gryphic: I don't get it?
hatkirby: HA
hatkirby: It's a joke!
Actias: Those things suck
#9 Up +36/-41 Down April 25 2008 at 02:17:18 am EDT
hatkirby: OK. I've set up the quoting system.
hatkirby: SAY SOMETHING FUNNY!!!!!!!
Gryphic: Um, hi, my name is Gryphic and I like to do it
Gryphic: What, exactly is do it?
hatkirby: That's wasn't funny
Gryphic: It is when you eat apples
hatkirby: I SAID FUNNY!
hatkirby: *cries*
hatkirby: WAAH!!!!
Gryphic: I know
Gryphic: My brain is on strike
hatkirby: OK, that was.
#8 Up +40/-35 Down April 25 2008 at 02:17:18 am EDT
salaboy123: you have one and a monster eats you and it is so real that you die.
salaboy123: i wish for a tv
hatkirby: The TV has a VCR connected to it that has The Cursed Videotape in it and you play it without knowing what it is....
hatkirby: I wish for my nightmares to go away.
hatkirby: The funny part about this is that it doesn't appear salaboy123 has had any activity since that post...
#7 Up +38/-41 Down April 25 2008 at 02:17:18 am EDT
hatkirby: That's because your incorporeal. *is still EXTENSIVELY jealous of Gryphic*