#49 Up +37/-39 Down April 26 2008 at 01:42:59 am EDT
(11:28:48 AM) Pyro: so when u move whats the time difference
(11:28:50 AM) Pyro: ?
(11:29:05 AM) Hatkirby: 14 hours
(11:29:08 AM) Hatkirby: i think
(11:29:18 AM) Pyro: SH*T
(11:29:27 AM) Pyro: thats a lot
(11:29:35 AM) Hatkirby: mmmm
(11:30:00 AM) Pyro: so will u b 14hour ahead or behind here?
(11:30:06 AM) Hatkirby: behind
(11:32:45 AM) Hatkirby: http://quotes.fourisland.com/?48
(11:33:36 AM) Pyro: haha
(11:35:19 AM) Pyro: so if u get up @ the imposible time of 4.00 ur time what time would it b here?
(11:35:33 AM) Hatkirby: 6 PM
(11:35:56 AM) Pyro: k
(11:36:34 AM) Pyro: so if u talked 2 us @ 6 it would b 8 here it depnds how early u want 2 get up
(11:37:11 AM) Hatkirby: If I talked to you at 8 PM it would be 10 AM here
(11:37:25 AM) Pyro: it would?
(11:37:29 AM) Hatkirby: Yes
(11:37:41 AM) Pyro: thats way 2 early 2 talk
(11:37:47 AM) Pyro: 4 u
(11:37:51 AM) Hatkirby: 10 AM IS TOO EARLY?
(11:37:54 AM) Hatkirby: ??????
(11:37:58 AM) Hatkirby: 8 PM is early?
(11:39:59 AM) Pyro: no 11 is wake up time 10 is early 9 is very early 8 is extremly early 7 is imposible 2 get up 6 barly eggsists 5 is imposible and 4 well who would want 2 get up @ 4?
(11:40:27 AM) Hatkirby: ME
(11:41:25 AM) Hatkirby: ....much obliged
(11:41:36 AM) Pyro: ha?
(11:41:55 AM) Hatkirby: MUST.... RESIST....
(11:41:58 AM) Hatkirby: NO I CAN'T DO IT!
(11:42:00 AM) Hatkirby: *quotes*
(11:42:42 AM) Pyro: u can't do it? haha hehe
#48 Up +42/-38 Down April 26 2008 at 01:32:38 am EDT
(11:25:48 AM) Pyro: so what time did u get up?
(11:25:54 AM) Hatkirby: 3:30 AM
(11:26:04 AM) Pyro: theres a 3.30 AM?
(11:26:11 AM) Hatkirby: YES
(11:26:19 AM) Pyro: SH*T
#47 Up +37/-30 Down April 26 2008 at 01:04:01 am EDT
(10:59:32 AM) Pyro: ok we were @ task works it this place thats like educational but fun i know very hard 2 belive and there were these blocks right and kate was sitting on them and i moved 1 and they fell over so she went ova 2 the bench and she was like
(11:00:37 AM) Pyro: Kate: my as* hurt cause somebody put the blo*dy thing from my but
(11:00:49 AM) Pyro: ME: laughing
(11:01:07 AM) Hatkirby: From her but?
(11:01:11 AM) Hatkirby: But isn't a noun
(11:01:48 AM) Pyro: Kate: i don't see how my mysery is funny your recording and i don't blo*dy like it pi*s off
(11:02:07 AM) Pyro: she is soooooooooooooooo funny when shes mad
(11:02:17 AM) Hatkirby: Profanity withdrawal?
(11:02:33 AM) Pyro: it was soooooooooooo funny
(11:02:38 AM) Hatkirby: I get that
(11:02:46 AM) Pyro: and i got in on film
(11:02:47 AM) Hatkirby: The long string of os show that
(11:02:49 AM) Hatkirby: WHAT?
(11:02:53 AM) Hatkirby: HA!
(11:02:59 AM) Hatkirby: Okay, now that IS funny!
(11:03:12 AM) Pyro: i know
#46 Up +29/-29 Down April 25 2008 at 11:14:45 pm EDT
(09:10:18 AM) Pyro: so what eles can u do on 4 island
(09:10:28 AM) Hatkirby: You mean the Fourm or Four Island?
(09:10:43 AM) Pyro: yep
(09:10:50 AM) Hatkirby: Which one?
(09:10:55 AM) Pyro: ?
(09:11:02 AM) Hatkirby: Fourm or Four Island?
(09:11:08 AM) Pyro: fourm
(09:11:19 AM) Hatkirby: Wait a second
(09:11:33 AM) Pyro: secounds up
(09:11:42 AM) Hatkirby: Four Island Blog - This is about the Four Island Blog posts - Ignore this
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(09:11:46 AM) Hatkirby: HAHHA!!!!!!!!!!!
(09:11:59 AM) Pyro: wow u type fast
(09:12:05 AM) Hatkirby: I copy pasted that
(09:12:08 AM) Hatkirby: ...wait...
(09:12:13 AM) Hatkirby: Let's pretend I didn't just say that
(09:12:19 AM) Hatkirby: I CAN TYPE AT 100 WPM!!!!!!
#45 Up +30/-33 Down April 25 2008 at 11:01:09 pm EDT
Gryphic: Just do it, uh huh, uhuh, just do it... BUT hold on the words but let your mind drift.
hatkirby: Are you on drugs?
#44 Up +31/-30 Down April 25 2008 at 10:58:28 pm EDT
hatkirby: For breakfast
hatkirby: I had two donuts
hatkirby: A cookie
hatkirby: And A muffin bar
hatkirby: That was SOME breakfast!
hatkirby: *gasps*
Gryphic: WOW
hatkirby: I KNOW
hatkirby: I'M GONNA BE HYPER!!!!!!!!!!
hatkirby: I WONDER WHEN IT':LL START~!!!
Gryphic: YAY
Gryphic: HAY
hatkirby: *explodes*
hatkirby: Ok, that answers my question.
#43 Up +32/-32 Down April 25 2008 at 10:22:50 pm EDT
hatkirby: I posted on Dragon RP
Gryphic: ?????????
Gryphic: OKAYS
hatkirby: Posted in Daemon
Gryphic: YAY
hatkirby: Posted in Dragon RP
Gryphic: posted in your mom
hatkirby: HOW????
hatkirby: Is she hurt?
hatkirby: *cries*
hatkirby: I'll go see her in the hospital!!!!!!
hatkirby: *runs off screaming*
Gryphic: I cam to your house
hatkirby: ?
Gryphic: and posted her
Gryphic: to ZIMBABWE
hatkirby: *cries*
Gryphic: Yo momma migrated to ZIMBABWE
hatkirby: .....
#42 Up +26/-40 Down April 25 2008 at 11:29:07 am EDT
hatkirby: "I'm going to do a human."
hatkirby: I bet Pyro would laugh at that.
hatkirby: Can we have someone act as a temporary Pyro?
hatkirby: Pyro stand in?
hatkirby: Anyone?
#41 Up +42/-34 Down April 25 2008 at 11:23:48 am EDT
hatkirby: HELP ME
#40 Up +34/-31 Down April 25 2008 at 11:04:19 am EDT
Gryphic: Tell your mom
hatkirby: What?
hatkirby: ......
Gryphic: and she'll leave you alone
Gryphic: Tis a proven fact
Gryphic: My mum let me stay up to 12 talking to you
hatkirby: Really? That's nice
Salaboy123: wow. thats good.
hatkirby: I don't know if it'll work with my mom
Salaboy123: nor mine
Gryphic: I didn't actallu tell her that
Gryphic: but she let me stay up
hatkirby: THEN WHY TELL US TO?...
hatkirby: *explodes*