#67 Up +24/-24 Down April 26 2008 at 08:31:59 pm EDT
Hatkirby: Oh
Hatkirby: POOOOOOOOOOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hatkirby: OMG!
Hatkirby: AND THEY'RE DUE TOMORROW@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* Hatkirby explodes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hatkirby: Wait a minute...........
Hatkirby: Did yaplet just turn some of my ramblings into an email address link?
Hatkirby: ?!?!?!?!??!?!?!!??!!?!?!
Hatkirby: ..............
#66 Up +33/-25 Down April 26 2008 at 11:23:43 am EDT
tamasys: ill do it this afternooon!
Hatkirby: ....this is evening
tamasys: [/simsons quote]
Hatkirby: And now it's a Four Island quote
#65 Up +22/-20 Down April 26 2008 at 11:17:26 am EDT
Hatkirby: So, I was at this dinner party
tamasys: you mean his description of actuall location
tamasys: i will
Hatkirby: Yes
tamasys: wot was?
Hatkirby: Wait, I'm telling a story
Hatkirby: I will enumerate the weird things that happened.
tamasys: go on
Hatkirby: So someone turned up with red shoes
tamasys: ...
Hatkirby: I told him to click his heels and say "There's no place like home"
Hatkirby: Wait a second
Hatkirby: My brother is being an idiot
tamasys: lolz
Hatkirby: GO AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hatkirby: It's not working!
Hatkirby: NVM!
tamasys: brb soz
Hatkirby: So my other brother was telling a story about a story his friend was telling
Hatkirby: I'll quote him
Hatkirby: Mario333: So he starts telling the story
Hatkirby: Mario333: Badly
Hatkirby: Mario333: And half way through
Hatkirby: Mario333: He says
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: Oh, wait, can I start over?
Hatkirby: Mario333: So he starts over.
Hatkirby: Oh BTW, they were at camp when this story takes place
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: So there were these people at camp
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: And....
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: They....
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: HAD A BABY
Hatkirby: Mario333: *laughs*
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: At 12:00 the phone rang
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: It said
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: "Red eyed baby"
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: "I am in cabin 1"
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: .....
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: "You are not there"
Hatkirby: Mario333: *laughs*
Hatkirby: Mario333: And it goes on like that
Hatkirby: Mario333: Until cabin 21
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: The phone rang
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: "Red Eye baby:
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: "I am at your door"
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: They heard the door open
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: A small figure raced around
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: Phone rang
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: "Red eyed baby"
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: "I am in your toilet"
Hatkirby: Mario333: *laughs*
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: They hear the toilet flush
Hatkirby: Mario333: *laughs harder*
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: The baby comes in the room
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: The phone rings
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: "Red eyed baby"
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: "I am behind you"
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: The wife turns around
Hatkirby: Yes, he did say wife!
Hatkirby: Hatkirby: WOE are married people doing on camp
Hatkirby: Hatkirby: At 11 years old????!
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: And the baby says
Hatkirby: Mario333: Friend: "Boo"
Hatkirby: Mario333: Story's over.
Hatkirby: *cracks up laughing*
#64 Up +38/-30 Down April 26 2008 at 07:06:18 am EDT
* Gryphic is cool.
* Hatkirby agrees
* Gryphic is being strangled by headphones
* Hatkirby runs for help
* Gryphic is saved
* Hatkirby is relieved
* Gryphic is bursting
* Hatkirby thinks Gryphic has to go to the bathroom
#63 Up +27/-27 Down April 26 2008 at 06:43:32 am EDT
Hatkirby: Ok
Hatkirby: I done a lot
Hatkirby: But I will probably want to expand on it later
Gryphic: Still doing it
Gryphic: O_O
Hatkirby: THis is so Pyro-sick
Gryphic: Yeah
Gryphic: Mee too
#62 Up +24/-24 Down April 26 2008 at 06:18:54 am EDT
* Hatkirby tries to shake hands with Gryphic but misses
Hatkirby: PROFANITY!!!!!!!!!!
Gryphic: YES
Hatkirby: SHAKE HANDS!!!!!!!
* Gryphic picks up the little pink thing that is Hatkirby and shakes hands
* Hatkirby frowns
Gryphic: ...
* Gryphic laughs
* Gryphic picks up Hatkirby and tosses her into the air and catches her.
Gryphic: I can kirbyhandle you as much as I want to!
Hatkirby: Help! She's playing with my limp body!
* Hatkirby dies
* Hatkirby gets reborn into an idiot
SteveJobsNPC: Hello!
* Gryphic plays HATBALL.
Gryphic: HAHAHAH
#61 Up +22/-32 Down April 26 2008 at 06:12:44 am EDT
* Hatkirby > ls
* Gryphic cleans up the mess
Gryphic: ?
* Hatkirby > cd /home
Gryphic: ?
* Hatkirby > rm -rdfv Gryphic
Gryphic: ?
Gryphic: ...
* Hatkirby has just deleted all of Gryphic files!!!!!!!!!!
Gryphic: WTF?
Gryphic: What are you doing?
Gryphic: Trying to program ON A CHAT ROOM?!?!
* Hatkirby > sudo rm -rdfv /home/gryphic
Gryphic: ...
Hatkirby: It's a joke!
Hatkirby: LOG IN!
Gryphic: ...
#60 Up +27/-22 Down April 26 2008 at 06:06:39 am EDT
* Hatkirby wants Gryphic to post!
Gryphic: OKAY
Gryphic: é
Gryphic: COOL
* Hatkirby is satisfied
* Hatkirby is wondering at Gryphic
* Gryphic is eating grapes
* Hatkirby would like to ask Gryphic "WHAT ON EARTH?"
* Gryphic is listening to One of Us
* Hatkirby wonders if Gryphic gets the point
* Gryphic is confuzzled
* Hatkirby thinks Gryphic is on drugs
* Hatkirby wants confirmation that Gryphic is not on said drugs
* Gryphic thinks Hatkirby is on drugs
* Hatkirby wants Gryphic to log on
* Gryphic is not on drugs
* Gryphic will.
* Hatkirby says that that's what they all say
* Hatkirby changes her mind
Hatkirby: WE'RE ALL ON DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!
#59 Up +21/-17 Down April 26 2008 at 06:00:11 am EDT
** Hatkirby rolled a 444444-sided die for a 51000
Hatkirby: Or better yet.
** Hatkirby rolled a 4-sided die for a 3
Hatkirby: NOO!!!!!!!!!!
** Gryphic rolled a 6-sided die for a 4
Hatkirby: WHAT ON EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gryphic: THREE
Gryphic: HAHA
Hatkirby: I GOT 3?????
* Hatkirby screams
* Hatkirby dies
#58 Up +28/-34 Down April 26 2008 at 05:48:46 am EDT
<Hatkirby> Gryphic?
* Hatkirby nudged Gryphic!
<Hatkirby> HA!
<Hatkirby> I've been waiting FOREVER to do that!