salaboy123: you have one and a monster eats you and it is so real that you die. salaboy123: i wish for a tv hatkirby: The TV has a VCR connected to it that has The Cursed Videotape in it and you play it without knowing what it is.... hatkirby: I wish for my nightmares to go away. ---------------------------------------- hatkirby: The funny part about this is that it doesn't appear salaboy123 has had any activity since that post...
* Hatkirby wants Gryphic to post! Gryphic: OKAY Gryphic: é Gryphic: COOL * Hatkirby is satisfied Gryphic: * Hatkirby is wondering at Gryphic * Gryphic is eating grapes * Hatkirby would like to ask Gryphic "WHAT ON EARTH?" * Gryphic is listening to One of Us * Hatkirby wonders if Gryphic gets the point * Gryphic is confuzzled * Hatkirby thinks Gryphic is on drugs * Hatkirby wants confirmation that Gryphic is not on said drugs * Gryphic thinks Hatkirby is on drugs * Hatkirby wants Gryphic to log on * Gryphic is not on drugs * Gryphic will. * Hatkirby says that that's what they all say * Hatkirby changes her mind Hatkirby: WE'RE ALL ON DRUGS!!!!!!!!!!
* Hatkirby kills DOUGLAS Hatkirby: Douglas just asked the funniest question! Act: PICTURES OF YOU Hatkirby: He pointed at a lock Hatkirby: The hole of a lock, to be presice Hatkirby: And asked Gryphic: What? Hatkirby: "SO, is this where the key goes?" Smiley: OK it works now Hatkirby: YAY Gryphic: ROFL Gryphic: is he watching you type! Gryphic: ? Hatkirby: He's left now Hatkirby: GOOD RIDDANCE!!!!
Smiley: I only just relised that the forum is called the fourm Gryphic: Gryphic: HAHAHAHHHAH Gryphic: SMILEY Hatkirby: WHAT???? Hatkirby: You didn't know that????? * Hatkirby explodes Gryphic: HE THOUGHT Gryphic: THE FORUM Gryphic: WAS NOT THE FOURM * Gryphic is laffink her head off * Hatkirby quite agrees with Gryphic
Teacher: The Assyrians imprisoned the men Teacher: And took the women as their wives Teacher: So they had multiple wives Teacher: .... Teacher: YAY Hatkirby: But that's really sexist! Teacher: .... Teacher: YAY