Drifty: Hello! Drifty: I have exercised the mouse Старла Эппрет: Hi! Drifty: I mean exorcised Старла Эппрет: Exorcized Drifty: s Старла Эппрет: Yes Старла Эппрет: That Drifty: Yes Старла Эппрет: Yes Старла Эппрет: More Drifty: Yes Старла Эппрет: Of course Старла Эппрет: Even more yes
Hatkirby: The Drifty looks like she thinks her dress has pockets and is desperately trying to hide her hands Drifty: lolololol Hatkirby: ARE YOU TRYING TO HIDE A GUN?!?!? Drifty: YES Hatkirby: DON'T KILL SAM Drifty: I HAD A GUN Drifty: i just wonder sometimes if there are creepy people who go on these websites and are like "MAN LOOK AT ALL THESE YOUNG PEOPLE DRESSED UP LIKE OLD PEOPLE" Drifty: I didn't intend on ending my sentence like that Drifty: but it ended Hatkirby: "MAN THAT'S SOME SEXY POCKET ACTION GOING ON THERE" Hatkirby: "I WONDER IF THAT GIRL IS CONCEALING A GUN" Hatkirby: "I AM A PEDOPHILE" Hatkirby: "BBY" Drifty: "I LIKE CONCEALED GUNS" Drifty: wait why are the guys all into pocket action Drifty: It looks awkwardly cute Hatkirby: It is awkwardly cute Drifty: Does the photographer have a fetish for pockets Drifty: Is that even a thing? Hatkirby: "Man that is a sexy pocket, I bet you could fit an entire hand in there!" Drifty: or a gun Hatkirby: "perhaps a penis" /NO Drifty: HEY GUYS I HAVE AN EXTRA PENIS IN MY POCKET Hatkirby: DOES ANYONE WANT IT Drifty: ANYBODY WANT ONE Hatkirby: ANY LESBIANS IN THE HOUSE NEED A TWO WAY DILDO
swbookworm: foreshadowing/wraparound jokes becoming plot points my beloved azhdrake: Hell yes azhdrake: occom's brick swbookworm: lcjlzdfjkldjfdg swbookworm: e x a c t l y azhdrake: fUCK *Chekhov's* Brick swbookworm: i mean occams brick too. i WILL make things go very wrong for them and it WILL NOT be subtle swbookworm: no wait swbookworm: thats fuckin. the other one azhdrake: Yeah but it won't be in reference to a joke told half the story ago. Or maybe it will be! swbookworm: MURPHYS BRICK swbookworm: FUCK azhdrake: *MURPHYS BRICK* azhdrake: If a joke can come back to haunt you, it will go wrong
Gryphic: You know, four would have been my favorite number if it didn't sound like 'Die' in Chinese. I'm not superstitious, but I just let go of four. hatkirby: You... you almost liked four? *cries* What lead you to think about liking this wonderful number? Gryphic: Because it's a perfect number. Even, low, and stuff. But I started liking six when the number six was assigned to me in school. And I found out it truly is a perfect number (add all the factors up and you get that number). hatkirby: Four is perfect. Anyone who tells you otherwise is trying to sell you something. Gryphic: No, four is not a perfect number. Add all the factors with the exeption of the number itself, if it adds up to the number it's perfect.
Gryphic: 4 Gryphic: Factors: 1, 2 Gryphic: Adds up to: 3 Gryphic: Perfect? no
Gryphic: 6 Gryphic: Factors: 1, 2, 3 Gryphic: Adds up to: 6 Gryphic: Perfect? YES! hatkirby: I know that, I mean that FOUR IS BEATIFAUL!!!!!!! BEAUTIFAUL!!!!!!!! BEUTIFAUL, IT'S TRUE!!!!!!! I SAW YOUR ...spaz.....
Gryphic: For a second Gryphic: I though Salaboy's name was Gryphic: Spazboy Gryphic: or Gryphic: Sparkleboy hatkirby: HAH! hatkirby: Should I quote it? Gryphic: YES hatkirby: OK!
(11:25:48 AM) Pyro: so what time did u get up? (11:25:54 AM) Hatkirby: 3:30 AM (11:26:04 AM) Pyro: theres a 3.30 AM? (11:26:11 AM) Hatkirby: YES (11:26:19 AM) Pyro: SH*T
** Hatkirby rolled a 444444-sided die for a 51000 Gryphic: Hatkirby: Or better yet. ** Hatkirby rolled a 4-sided die for a 3 Hatkirby: NOO!!!!!!!!!! ** Gryphic rolled a 6-sided die for a 4 Hatkirby: WHAT ON EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gryphic: THREE Gryphic: HAHA Hatkirby: I GOT 3????? Gryphic: HAHAHAHA * Hatkirby screams * Hatkirby dies
(06:23:00 PM) Hatkirby: I just re-rearranged my mom (06:23:03 PM) Hatkirby: I MEANT MY ROOM! (06:23:06 PM) Hatkirby: WHAT ON EARTH!?!??!? (06:23:19 PM) Pyro: u rearanged ur mom (06:23:25 PM) Pyro: hahahehe (06:23:25 PM) ***Hatkirby is literally LOLing (06:23:35 PM) Pyro: i know
YOUR_MOMNPC: .......... Hatkirby: .... * Gryphic YOUR_MOM DO NOT COPY ME YOUR_MOMNPC: DO NOT COPY ME Gryphic: Hello? YOUR_momNPC: Hatkirby: .... YOUR_MOMNPC: DO NOT COPY ME Gryphic: ... Gryphic: YOUR_MOMNPC: I AM THE REAL MOM Gryphic: Both me and Timbo are YOUR_MOM Hatkirby: does that mean your in the strip club? Gryphic: O RLY? Hatkirby: WAIT Hatkirby: you're BOTH in the strip club? Hatkirby: EWWWWWWWW YOUR_MOMNPC: EWWWWWWWW YOUR_MOMNPC: I HATE J00 * YOUR_MOMNPC kills Hatkirby
Hatkirby: OH I see it Hatkirby: It shouldn't be appearing on The Fourm Tamasys: yes... Tamasys: no... Tamasys: odd... Hatkirby: I'll go shoot it * Hatkirby walks off with a gun