* SAI whispers "TimTam's coming" Tamasys: Greetings Drifty: He is? SAI: LOL Drifty: Yay! Drifty: You must be psychic SAI: I am! Drifty: pfft-cakes SAI: I'm a witch!
*much, much later*
SAI: Drifty's online! Drifty: back Drifty: Hi SAI: lol
[Tamasys asked Ozzyfrog where BleuM937 was] Tamasys: Gallivanting off with his friends, probably... Tamasys: shameful Ozzyfrog: mmm Ozzyfrog: so selfish Tamasys: disgraceful Ozzyfrog: dishonorable Tamasys: ignominious Ozzyfrog: opprobrious Tamasys: contemptible Ozzyfrog: detestable **Ozzyfrog thinks we are on the same [web] page :P Tamasys: :P Tamasys: I think we are :P
(09:47:30 PM) DriftyBeyond: Fourie: I want a present! (09:47:30 PM) ***Fourie gives DriftyBeyond a sandwich (09:47:34 PM) Hatkirby: I want a present! (09:47:34 PM) ***Fourie gives Hatkirby a life (09:47:37 PM) Hatkirby: LOL
(07:08:40 AM) ***TheAmericanOne gives Fourie Imogen Heap (07:08:40 AM) ***Fourie hands TheAmericanOne The Sun in exchange for Imogen Heap (07:08:43 AM) TheAmericanOne: OW (07:08:44 AM) TheAmericanOne: HOT (07:08:50 AM) DriftyBeyond: AHHHHH (07:08:51 AM) ***TheAmericanOne throws The Sun at DriftyBeyond (07:09:00 AM) ***DriftyBeyond throws The Sun to Smiley (07:09:19 AM) Smiley: thanks
(9:02:43 PM) Tamasys: lolol (9:26:40 PM) Ozzyfrog: *tumbleweed* (9:26:55 PM) DriftyBeyond: [a tumbleweed does a dance routine] (9:27:28 PM) Ozzyfrog: [a tumbleweed does some smooth moves] (9:27:52 PM) DriftyBeyond: [a tumbleweed gives it up for the girls] (9:29:41 PM) Ozzyfrog: [a tumbleweed winks suavely] (9:30:08 PM) DriftyBeyond: [a tumbleweed takes some girls home for the night] (9:30:32 PM) Ozzyfrog: [another tumbleweed gets quite jealous] (9:31:03 PM) DriftyBeyond: [a tumbleweed makes fun of the other tumbleweed] (9:31:44 PM) Ozzyfrog: [a tumbleweed becomes quite angry] (9:32:07 PM) DriftyBeyond: [two tumbleweed begin to fight] (9:32:15 PM) Ozzyfrog: DANCE OFF! (9:32:45 PM) DriftyBeyond: And the crowd goes absolutely wiiiild! (9:33:28 PM) Ozzyfrog: [both tumbleweeds put up a good dance-off] (9:33:54 PM) DriftyBeyond: [the crowd tries to pick between the tumbleweeds] (9:34:10 PM) Ozzyfrog: [one tumbleweed comes out a clear winner] (9:34:36 PM) DriftyBeyond: [the other tumbleweed rolls off in disgust] (9:35:06 PM) Ozzyfrog: [other tumbleweed gets to take the girls home for the night instead] (9:35:18 PM) DriftyBeyond: [the girls have a very good time] (9:35:59 PM) Ozzyfrog: [dancing of course] (9:36:11 PM) DriftyBeyond: [of course, of course] (9:37:20 PM) Ozzyfrog: [all are tired after the night is through] (9:37:40 PM) DriftyBeyond: [tumbleweed snoozing sounds very strange]
(11:24:18 PM) Starla: And I am learning that StalkerBot has a hole in it (11:24:50 PM) Tamasys: Oh? (11:25:17 PM) Starla: He seems to be logging IDENTIFY messages intended for NickServ (11:25:24 PM) Starla: Basically, I stealing your passwords (11:25:40 PM) Tamasys: O_o (11:25:55 PM) Tamasys: Mine isn't very secure xP (11:25:55 PM) Starla: The disturbing part is that he also displays them on the stats page (11:26:04 PM) Tamasys: O_o (11:26:07 PM) Starla: Yeah (11:26:26 PM) Starla: I just had to regenerate stats six times to get my password to go away (11:26:37 PM) Starla: This must be marked CRITICAL in the bug tracker (11:26:44 PM) Starla: ....but I don't have a bug tracker for StalkerBot (11:26:56 PM) Starla: I guess I'll eat a ricecake or something (11:27:01 PM) ***Starla noms (11:27:05 PM) Tamasys: Lol
(06:16:00 AM) Pyro: hey (06:16:05 AM) Starla Alice Insigna: HIII (06:16:18 AM) Starla Alice Insigna: I READ A SCARY STORY AND NOW I'M SCARED (06:16:39 AM) Pyro: what did you read? (06:16:53 AM) Starla Alice Insigna: You know Animal Crossing, the game? (06:17:01 AM) Pyro: yeah (06:17:14 AM) Starla Alice Insigna: This insane story about THE TRUTH BEHIND ANIMAL CROSSING (06:18:37 AM) Pyro: well (06:18:44 AM) Pyro: i'm facing something bad too (06:18:46 AM) Pyro: !!! (06:18:55 AM) Starla Alice Insigna: Awww, what is it? And it's worse than my story, right? (06:19:08 AM) Pyro: I have a BABY SITTER!!! (06:19:12 AM) Starla Alice Insigna: :O (06:19:17 AM) Starla Alice Insigna: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO- *shot*
Drifty: Learning about Electricity a few years back never really sparked my interest, but I guess they needed to amp up the lessons a bit. I did find it a bit reVolting, but now I'm just shocked. Maybe we needed a better conductor, maybe we just needed to go with the current. Or the flow...
Hey, The reason I must be making all these puns must be beclaws of my purrfect cat shirt. I'm a worldwide punomenon!
Hatkirby: Ftairs! We found ftairs! Drifty: I warned you, bro, I warned you about ftaiiiiirs- OH GOD THE MINOTAUR Drifty: I firmly believe that House of Leaves can be crossed over with anything Hatkirby: Johnny, Imma let you finish, BUT BEYONCÉ HAD THE WORST DRUG-RELATED BOOK-INDUCED FREAK OUT OF THE YEAR! Drifty: Is this is a thing that happen Hatkirby: lololololol
Drifty: my god lady gaga videos are so weird Starla Insigna: :P Drifty: Watchinh Bloody Mary Starla Insigna: There's a video for Bloody Mary? Starla Insigna: It's not even a single Drifty: Oh it Drifty: s not official Drifty: but wtf Starla Insigna: oh Drifty: I thought it was official! Drifty: I mean who else would have freaky black clowns and long fingernails and heavy handed religious imagery Drifty: And people fondling chairs Starla Insigna: JESUS Drifty: oh Drifty: dear Starla Insigna: I mean lol Drifty: Jesus, what have you been up to?