#103 Up +24/-30 Down
Gryphic: I'm going to sleep when TimTam goes
Tamasys: thats impressive
#114 Up +27/-33 Down
I Izzy my BFF!: daruch do u liek epaches
Starla: I think so
Starla: Yes
I Izzy my BFF!: Ok big or small if u ahd to choose
Starla: Um.... can I get medium?
I Izzy my BFF!: big or small
I Izzy my BFF!: no big or small
Starla: Small, then
I Izzy my BFF!: U no im not talkign about the fruit
Starla: .....
Starla: What are you talking about then?
I Izzy my BFF!: Ummmm..Breasts
I Izzy my BFF!: thats a peach
I Izzy my BFF!: LOL
Gryphic: GAH
Gryphic: ...
Gryphic: Double Ds?
I Izzy my BFF!: Lolz
Starla: Ok, I take back what I said about liking them
Gryphic: Hatstar, you've just been owned
#160 Up +16/-22 Down
MyName: Greetings
Hatkirby: ....
Hatkirby: Who is MyName?
TaMACsys: ME!!!!
Hatkirby: YAY TIMTAM!
TaMACsys: lol
Hatkirby: Now he can write his chapter!
Hatkirby: And read my latest Four Island blog post!
Hatkirby: And comment!
Timbo94: ....
Hatkirby: Because no one else will comment!
TaMACsys: has anyone posted in TGS?
Hatkirby: Which makes me sad!
Hatkirby: And I love TGS!
Hatkirby: I have truly posted there!
TaMACsys: reading ur post now
Hatkirby: And am waiting for a reply!
Hatkirby: :)
Timbo94: ..........................................................
#188 Up +26/-32 Down
Student: Who named it a wine vane anyway?
Teacher: People on drugs. :)
#215 Up +27/-33 Down
Hatkirby: "Love me, hate me, say what you want about me!"
Hatkirby: ....I have to stop quoting songs
Hatkirby: At least, I have to stop quoting songs that aren't Taylor Swift
Hatkirby: I will hypnotize you!
Ozzyfrog: no
* Hatkirby freqbegusashes
Ozzyfrog: wrong way round
Ozzyfrog: no i wont
Ozzyfrog: never
* Hatkirby gaspes
Drifty: I'm interested in betterer songs
* Hatkirby dies
Ozzyfrog: mmm, so am I
Drifty: Like from The Fray and stufff
Hatkirby: O_O
Hatkirby: Demi Lovato?
Hatkirby: O.A.R?
Hatkirby: I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
Ozzyfrog: I wont comment on Avril, because you were just nice to me by adding me
Drifty: lol
Hatkirby: You, you dun like Avril?
* Hatkirby dies
Hatkirby: Well!
Ozzyfrog: no comment
Hatkirby: I will see to that!
Ozzyfrog: hey, I said no comment
* Hatkirby is listening to The Best Song Ever
* Drifty watches from the sidelines
Hatkirby: a.k.a. Complicated by Avril Lavigne
Hatkirby: You just insulted Avril Lavigne! NOW YOU DIE
* Hatkirby eats Ozzyfrog twenty-frog times
Drifty: Twenty-frog is a number?
Ozzyfrog: I didnt say anything!!
Hatkirby: Yep, it comes after 50947598436938526534
Hatkirby: You're silence was taken as an insult
Ozzyfrog: lol
#217 Up +26/-32 Down
Bluemonkey: /nudge
Bluemonkey: /nudge
Bluemonkey: /cattle prod
#231 Up +24/-30 Down
BleuM937: I'm on a boat
Ozzyfrog: back
Ozzyfrog: you're on a boat?
BleuM937: no
BleuM937: I'm on a boat
BleuM937: by
BleuM937: The Lonely Island
Ozzyfrog: oh
Ozzyfrog: thats a bit sad
BleuM937: lol
BleuM937: its funny
BleuM937: i love the lonely island
Ozzyfrog: thats good then
BleuM937: rofl
#418 Up +11/-17 Down
(09:36:05 PM) DriftyBeyond: 'Hihihihihi
(09:36:07 PM) Hatkirby: :D
(09:36:14 PM) Hatkirby: DriftyDriftyDriftyDrifty!
(09:36:16 PM) Hatkirby: I DID IT!
(09:36:29 PM) Hatkirby: I wrote a program and got all of my Skype chatlogs back!
(09:36:32 PM) Tamasys [irc.fourisl@] entered the room.
(09:36:33 PM) Hatkirby: I AM A HAPPY PORCUPINE!
(09:36:47 PM) Tamasys: O_o
(09:36:52 PM) Hatkirby: lololol :P
(09:37:06 PM) Hatkirby: I love entry-wtfs
#425 Up +14/-20 Down
(08:05:06 AM) Drifty: Updated :)
(08:05:12 AM) Starla: YAY
(08:05:14 AM) ***Starla looks
(08:06:09 AM) Starla: Spanner?
(08:06:14 AM) Starla: What's that?
(08:06:22 AM) Drifty: ?
(08:06:29 AM) Starla: "Timbo, do you have the spanner?"
(08:06:32 AM) Drifty: Uh, you dun know what a spanner is?
(08:06:35 AM) Starla: Nooo
(08:06:40 AM) Starla: Is that bad?
(08:06:47 AM) Drifty: Um... wait a sec
(08:07:53 AM) Drifty: Have you never heard of the term "Thrown a spanner into the works"?
(08:07:55 AM) Drifty: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adjustable_spanner
(08:08:14 AM) Starla: OHHHH YOu mean wrench
(08:08:16 AM) Starla: Lol
(08:08:26 AM) Drifty: ... whut
(08:08:40 AM) Starla: That's a wrench
(08:08:56 AM) Drifty: No, it's a spanner
(08:09:01 AM) Starla: Wrench
(08:09:08 AM) Drifty: Spanner
(08:09:10 AM) Starla: Wrench
(08:09:13 AM) Drifty: Spanner
(08:09:18 AM) Starla: Wrench
(08:09:22 AM) Drifty: Spanner
(08:09:25 AM) Starla: Wrench
(08:09:29 AM) Drifty: Spanner
(08:09:30 AM) Starla: Wrench
(08:09:35 AM) Drifty: Spanner\
(08:09:37 AM) Starla: Lol