Gryphic: so, Hatkirby Gryphic: any last thoughts about INSPIRE? Hatkirby: I HATE IT Gryphic: Have I described all the trapezes? Gryphic: The first one Gryphic: is three in one Gryphic: One large one Gryphic: with four ropes seperating the seat into three Gryphic: and two people go on Gryphic: AT THE SAME TIME Gryphic: and you stand there Gryphic: and jump Gryphic: and tuck your feet onto the seat Gryphic: and hang on Gryphic: and then you hang UPSIDE DOWN Gryphic: and you then sit up Gryphic: and it's terrifying Gryphic: and the teacher asks if you want t stand up Gryphic: if you do Gryphic: and then the teacher may spin the trapeze slowly Gryphic: Second one Gryphic: a normal trapeze Gryphic: then Gryphic: there must be more Gryphic: but I was away for two weeks Gryphic: and then Gryphic: it's a rope Hatkirby: k, I'm back Gryphic: THE CLOUDSWING Hatkirby: said anything interesting? Gryphic: attached to the ceiling on both sides Gryphic: and then Gryphic: You have to get up Gryphic: on it Hatkirby: POST Gryphic: LOOK UP THERE Gryphic: and tell me what you thiiink? Hatkirby: Just kidding Hatkirby: I actually saw all of that Hatkirby: I didn't leave Hatkirby: That's why I never said brb Gryphic: O RLY? Gryphic: :P Gryphic: I thought you were Hatkirby: YA RLY Gryphic: So Hatkirby: LOG IN Gryphic: what you think? Gryphic: It's all true Gryphic: You'll see Hatkirby: I want to puke on Mr Kennedy Hatkirby: Then I'll clone him Hatkirby: And kill all of the clones Hatkirby: And tear him to pieces Hatkirby: AND STOMP ONTHEM! Gryphic: :P Gryphic: But Mr. Kennedy Gryphic: ain't teaching Gryphic: there's a woman Gryphic: and a man Hatkirby: He's the PE teacher though Hatkirby: It's all his idea Hatkirby: ALL HIS IDEA Gryphic: :P
(05:53:22 PM) Pyro: cya (05:53:35 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:53:41 PM) Pyro: cya (05:53:48 PM) Hatkirby: byrr (05:53:52 PM) Hatkirby: i meant byee (05:53:56 PM) Pyro: cya (05:54:05 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:54:15 PM) Pyro: cya (05:54:20 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:54:26 PM) Pyro: cya (05:54:28 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:54:39 PM) Pyro: cya (05:54:39 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:54:43 PM) Pyro: cya (05:54:44 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:55:00 PM) Pyro: cya (05:55:02 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:55:06 PM) Hatkirby: AND it goes on forever! (05:55:12 PM) Pyro: yep (05:55:30 PM) Pyro: i like this going on 4ever its fun (05:55:33 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:55:51 PM) Pyro: cya (05:55:53 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:55:56 PM) Pyro: cya (05:55:57 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:56:12 PM) Pyro: this is going 2 take 4 ever (05:56:14 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:56:22 PM) Pyro: cya (05:56:27 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:56:30 PM) Pyro: cya (05:56:30 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:56:33 PM) Pyro: cya (05:56:34 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:56:36 PM) Pyro: cya (05:56:37 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:56:39 PM) Pyro: cya (05:56:40 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:56:44 PM) Pyro: cya (05:56:45 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:56:48 PM) Pyro: cya (05:56:49 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:56:51 PM) Pyro: cya (05:56:52 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:56:54 PM) Pyro: cya (05:56:54 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:56:55 PM) Pyro: cya (05:56:56 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:56:57 PM) Pyro: cya (05:56:58 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:56:59 PM) Pyro: cya (05:56:59 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:57:01 PM) Pyro: cya (05:57:01 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:57:06 PM) Pyro: cya (05:57:13 PM) Hatkirby: This is going to become a quote (05:57:16 PM) Hatkirby: IT IS INEVITABLE (05:57:22 PM) Pyro: hahahehe (05:57:23 PM) Pyro: cya (05:57:24 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:57:28 PM) Pyro: cya (05:57:29 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:57:33 PM) Pyro: cya (05:57:34 PM) Hatkirby: byee (05:57:36 PM) Pyro: cys (05:57:39 PM) Hatkirby: ONO! (05:57:42 PM) Hatkirby: YOU MESSED IT! (05:57:44 PM) ***Hatkirby explodes (05:57:49 PM) Pyro: soz (05:57:55 PM) ***Hatkirby tries to say byee but fails because is dead (05:58:06 PM) Pyro: k random (05:58:09 PM) ***Hatkirby tries to say byee but fails because is dead (05:58:20 PM) Pyro: k random (05:58:22 PM) ***Hatkirby tries to say byee but fails because is dead (05:58:29 PM) Pyro: k random (05:58:30 PM) ***Hatkirby tries to say byee but fails because is dead (05:58:33 PM) Pyro: k random (05:58:34 PM) ***Hatkirby tries to say byee but fails because is dead (05:58:41 PM) Pyro: k random (05:58:42 PM) ***Hatkirby tries to say byee but fails because is dead (05:58:44 PM) Pyro: k random (05:58:44 PM) ***Hatkirby tries to say byee but fails because is dead (05:58:46 PM) Pyro: k random (05:58:47 PM) ***Hatkirby tries to say byee but fails because is dead (05:58:48 PM) Pyro: k random (05:58:52 PM) ***Hatkirby gets reincarnated (05:58:55 PM) Hatkirby: Hello peoples! (05:58:55 PM) Pyro: k random (05:58:56 PM) Hatkirby: I'm back! (05:59:01 PM) Pyro: k random (05:59:06 PM) Hatkirby: .......... (05:59:08 PM) Pyro: k random (05:59:16 PM) Hatkirby: Are you a broken record? (05:59:20 PM) Pyro: k random (05:59:28 PM) Hatkirby: Yep, she's a broken record (05:59:31 PM) Pyro: k random (05:59:34 PM) Hatkirby: .................... (05:59:36 PM) Pyro: k random (05:59:46 PM) Hatkirby: Can you say anything other than "k random"? (05:59:50 PM) Pyro: k random (05:59:51 PM) Hatkirby: ......... (05:59:53 PM) Hatkirby: HHAHAHAHAHHA (05:59:56 PM) Pyro: k random
[June 8th] Smiley: Why do macs have to exist? [September 2nd] Hatkirby: I see no one's been able to find an answer to that question. (OH YES, YOU'VE BEEN PWNED APPLE! HAHAHAHH!H!HAHAH!HHAH@HQQ!HAH!H!HAAH)
Hatkirby: GAH Hatkirby: i have to leave in four stupid minutes BlueM937: what makes the minutes so stupid? BlueM937: you could do someting very clever and intelligent in that time Hatkirby: that there aren't that many of them BlueM937: ok, something very clever and intelligent, and QUICK BlueM937: or, you could just spend them debating whether they are clever o not Hatkirby:'re the one debating Hatkirby: DEBLATOG BlueM937: which would NOT be a clever usage of them, IMHO
Drifty: Wow, Grand Chase is going nuts Drifty: I think I'll stay here where tis is saner Hatkirby: lol Drifty: Anyway, LOLlPIPS - I mean LOLLYPOPS Hatkirby: LOL Hatkirby: Lollipips! Drifty: LOLLIPIPS Hatkirby: OM NOM NOM Hatkirby: As you used to say Drifty: OM NOM NOMN NOM NOM NOM NOM NOM Hatkirby: NOMN? LOLLIPOP NOMN! Hatkirby: Yes, we're really "saner"
Hatkirby: LOL: Santa Claus is revealed to Hatkirby: LOL: be a Spellman in Season 3 Hatkirby: LOL: (in episode 61, Christmas Amnesia). Hatkirby: LOL: In an episode in one of the earlier Hatkirby: LOL: seasons, however, it is said that Hatkirby: LOL: Santa Claus's name is Bob. Hatkirby: Bob Claus! Timbo94: lol Drifty: BOB Drifty: Santa Bob, Satan Bob, Santa Bob the way! Drifty: oops Hatkirby: log Hatkirby: Oops! Timbo94: lol Drifty: lol Hatkirby: LOL I meant Lol! Drifty: Did not mean to type that Hatkirby: I didn't mean to type log!
Hatkirby: Gay means happy! Student: No it doesn't! Student 2: Yes it does! Student: No it doesn't! Hatkirby: Yes it does! Student: No it doesn't! Student 2: Gay means happy! Student: No it doesn't! Hatkirby: Yes it does! Student 3: I'm very gay today! Everyone: LOL!
Drifty1: I leep saying qupte! Drifty1: I mean, I keep saying quopte Hatkirby1: Qupte! Hatkirby1: Quopte! Drifty1: lol Hatkirby1: I qutped your quopte and I leep doning it! Hatkirby1: ...O Hatkirby1: I meant .... Drifty1: LOLOLOL
Hatkirby: kayz :) * Hatkirby but feels sorta guilty Drifty: Cows Drifty: Uh whut? Drifty: Hatkirby by Rihanna again? Hatkirby: nvm YAY Hatkirby: Hatkirby by Rihanna! Hatkirby: That's a phenomenom now, not just an instance! :) Hatkirby: Oops I did it again! * Hatkirby turns into Britney Spears Drifty: :) * Drifty runz Hatkirby: I/me does song and dance Hatkirby: LIKE YAY FOR CHEESE DOODLES AND MY HUSBAND BRUCE SPRINGSTEAN * Hatkirby turns back into Starla Insigna Hatkirby: ....that was weird :)