Smiley: Gryphic, you'll really like compiz. Just go to Gryphic: What tis it? Hatkirby: Ignore him Hatkirby: If he says anyhthing About compiz Hatkirby: Ignore it Hatkirby: You don't even have Linux Gryphic: why? * Gryphic is confused Hatkirby: I fixed PMs! Smiley: Go there and find out Hatkirby: JUST IGNORE THE XOMPIZ Gryphic: Okay... Hatkirby: IF YOU GO TO THAT SITE I WILL EAT YOU Hatkirby: Thanks! * Gryphic is very confused Smiley: It's great Gryphic: and I'm confused Gryphic: I did Hatkirby: Gryphic, log in Hatkirby: You did what? Gryphic: What is it? Smiley: So why aren't pngs allowed Hatkirby: They are Hatkirby: I just fixed it Gryphic: is confuzzling Hatkirby: What did Gryphic just do? Gryphic: I dun get it Hatkirby: YOU WENT THERE? * Hatkirby eats Gryphic
BleuM937: i have some plannination Hatkirby: And yesterday at 7 am you loggded onto yaplet and said "I'm sulking" while I was packing some boxes Hatkirby: I dun know if that's a word Tamasys: sulking is a word Tamasys: to sulk Hatkirby: I k now taht, i' meant planninatinn fjfleifomglsclickysmackopium gardens Hatkirby: O_O BleuM937: :/ Hatkirby: Did I just say "opium gardens"?????? Tamasys: lol BleuM937: slicky smack opium gardens Hatkirby: i think that's clickty smack Hatkirby: but LOL :)
Hatkirby (thinking while walking): Okay, I'm just going to ignore them. I mean, seriously? It's a quiz, not a test! Oh look, it's Mrs. Kearney. Anyway, it's a quiz, not a te-O_O MRS. KEARNEY?!?!?!?!
(06:55:49 PM) Tamasys: DO YOU LIKE THE LION KING????????? (06:55:54 PM) Starla: I DUNNO MAYBE (06:56:04 PM) Tamasys: O_O (06:56:08 PM) Tamasys: WHAT????? (06:56:17 PM) Tamasys: HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW????? (06:56:24 PM) Starla: I DUNNO (06:56:29 PM) Starla: I HAVEN'T SEEN IT IN YEARS (06:56:36 PM) Tamasys: O_O (06:56:54 PM) Tamasys: **pushes Starla out the window** (06:57:04 PM) Starla: OH MY GOD (06:57:08 PM) ***Starla screams of pain (06:57:29 PM) Starla: THE DEATHING HAS PAIN LIKE MANY LIONS OF CANTELOPE (06:57:46 PM) Starla: (06:57:52 PM) ***Jonathan Sala fixes everything by singing Circle of Life (06:57:57 PM) Jonathan Sala: And Hakuna Matata (06:58:11 PM) Jonathan Sala: Lololololololol
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You and the stranger both like homestuck. You: :33 < meow meow meow! Stranger: Awww You: :33 < i come with great piles of cabbage if anyone wants some Stranger: Hi Nepeta~ You: :33 < whats going on You: :33 < i heard some loud noises outside Stranger: o.o You: :33 < and possibly karkat yelling at people but i tune that out now!!! You: :33 < h33h33 it happens so much You: :33 < *nepeta eats some of the cabbage* Stranger: *sits next to her* You: :33 < *nepeta tries to irradiate and fails* You: :33 < *nepeta starts flying and gains magical powers* You: :33 < *nepeta turns into LORD ENGLISH OH SHIT* You: KILLING EVERYONE TIME You: AFSDUGHUWEHVGYFUSHBINFOASFHBDYFTDSUOBFIODNSNFBVDSFTDSUOYFIDS You have disconnected.
[1/24/14, 4:01:48 PM] Feffernoose: Lan it might be too late but i found the perfect way to sign your emails: [1/24/14, 4:03:41 PM] Lan: wtf [1/24/14, 4:03:45 PM] Lan: yes [1/24/14, 4:11:27 PM] Feffernoose: i hope by "yes" you mean "i'm going to tape this picture to my forehead" [1/24/14, 4:18:31 PM] Edward Garbade: and by "wtf" you mean "why isnt this already on my face"
Actias: If we manage to front Actias: you may not be very happy hatkirby: I'll be happy for you Actias: ... hatkirby: But very very jealous Actias: Gryphic envies you. hatkirby: She does? Actias: Yes. hatkirby: That's news. hatkirby: I envy her. hatkirby: LIKE A TRUCK!!!!!!!! hatkirby: ...... hatkirby: I meant..... hatkirby: Actually... hatkirby: I don't know what I meant.... Actias: ... Actias: Yes? Actias: CONFESS