#123 Up +29/-25 Down January 01 1970 at 12:00:00 am EST
Hatkirby: OH I see it
Hatkirby: It shouldn't be appearing on The Fourm
Tamasys: yes...
Tamasys: no...
Tamasys: odd...
Hatkirby: I'll go shoot it
* Hatkirby walks off with a gun
#122 Up +23/-24 Down June 18 2008 at 11:27:25 am EDT
Sammi: post on plotless
Hatkirby: fine
Hatkirby: posted on Plotless
Sammi: Yay!
Hatkirby: BTW, why's it called Plotless?
Hatkirby: It has a bpolot
Hatkirby: I meant [;ot
Hatkirby: I meant plot
#121 Up +55/-36 Down June 15 2008 at 10:53:01 am EDT
Tamasys: grr. the laptop is vibrating while it burns that dick
Hatkirby: HAHAHAH
Tamasys: i did not mean to say that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tamasys: ZOMG!!!!
Tamasys: ONOZ!!!!
Tamasys: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!
Hatkirby: HAHAHH
* Tamasys runs in circles
#120 Up +31/-32 Down June 15 2008 at 08:11:56 am EDT
Hatkirby: BTW, Tamasys
Hatkirby: You're now the second most top commentor
Tamasys: YAY 4 ME! i is teh 2nd fattest commenter!
Hatkirby: FATTEST?
Tamasys: largest, fattest, its all the same
Hatkirby: Who's the fattest commentor then?
Tamasys: YOU!
Hatkirby: 8'(
#119 Up +48/-37 Down June 08 2008 at 11:52:30 pm EDT
Hatkirby: where the POOP are my boobs?
Hatkirby: ....um....
Hatkirby: I meant keys
Hatkirby: ....
Hatkirby: oh poop
Hatkirby: found them
#118 Up +30/-22 Down June 08 2008 at 11:23:41 pm EDT
Gryphic: I think you two may be soul-siblings.
Pyro: We're siblings?
Pyro: Ok, in that case
Pyro: I hate you.
Starla: ....
Starla: Thanks. [/sarcastic]
#116 Up +30/-23 Down June 02 2008 at 11:16:15 am EDT
Tamasys: i like
StarlaXY: big YAYS and I cannot lie
StarlaXY: And noobody can deny
Pyro: random
#115 Up +27/-25 Down May 28 2008 at 10:11:38 am EDT
Starla: it's too quiet
Bluemonkey: BANG
Gryphic: BOOM!
Starla: ....
Starla: funny
Timbo94: ...
Bluemonkey: <splack>
Bluemonkey: hm i wonder what the most disturbing sound effect is..
Starla: *sound of mushrooms growing*
Gryphic: Splong! "I just lost my thong!"
Starla: When you say thong
Starla: I hope you are talking about the sandal
Bluemonkey: I WIN!!!
Gryphic: I am
Gryphic: What esle would I be talking about?
Starla: Um....
Starla: A thong can also be lady's underwear
Starla: So....
Starla: If you lost your thong.....
#114 Up +27/-33 Down May 28 2008 at 09:35:22 am EDT
I Izzy my BFF!: daruch do u liek epaches
Starla: I think so
Starla: Yes
I Izzy my BFF!: Ok big or small if u ahd to choose
Starla: Um.... can I get medium?
I Izzy my BFF!: big or small
I Izzy my BFF!: no big or small
Starla: Small, then
I Izzy my BFF!: U no im not talkign about the fruit
Starla: .....
Starla: What are you talking about then?
I Izzy my BFF!: Ummmm..Breasts
I Izzy my BFF!: thats a peach
I Izzy my BFF!: LOL
Gryphic: GAH
Gryphic: ...
Gryphic: Double Ds?
I Izzy my BFF!: Lolz
Starla: Ok, I take back what I said about liking them
Gryphic: Hatstar, you've just been owned
#113 Up +30/-30 Down May 28 2008 at 07:48:49 am EDT
Starla: Yes, he just vanished!
Starla: It was scary....
Starla: Wait a moment....
Starla: how can I trust you?
Starla: You're just a random shapeshifter,
Starla: you could be a pervert in disguise!