Hatkirby: kayz :) * Hatkirby but feels sorta guilty Drifty: Cows Drifty: Uh whut? Drifty: Hatkirby by Rihanna again? Hatkirby: nvm YAY Hatkirby: Hatkirby by Rihanna! Hatkirby: That's a phenomenom now, not just an instance! :) Hatkirby: Oops I did it again! * Hatkirby turns into Britney Spears Drifty: :) * Drifty runz Hatkirby: I/me does song and dance Hatkirby: LIKE YAY FOR CHEESE DOODLES AND MY HUSBAND BRUCE SPRINGSTEAN * Hatkirby turns back into Starla Insigna Hatkirby: ....that was weird :)
Drifty: Soooo.... I scared Sammi, Pyro and TimTam away? Hatkirby: No, Sammi had to walk Pyro home Hatkirby: and TimTam ate a radioactive sandwich Drifty: And became a pillowcase? Hatkirby: :)
Drifty: Did you get my Pillowcase? Hatkirby: Ooooh yes! Hatkirby: It's been added to the pending queue! Drifty: When :) Hatkirby: Haven't a clue Hatkirby: though I can check Hatkirby: It's set as comic 41 Hatkirby: and as today's was comic 21 Hatkirby: it should be out in tenty days Drifty: :) Cooolz Hatkirby: i meant twenty days Drifty: 2 moar days! Drifty: I mena 20 Drifty: I mean mean Hatkirby: il! :) Hatkirby: lol i meant lol!
Timbo94: don't forget Drifty that we have to write up our Science prac reports, finish the english question, finish the maths analysis task and make algebra summary notes for the test tomorrow Drifty1: Yay! :)
Timbo94: i found a recipe for flan! Hatkirby: YAY Timbo94: i will print it out and my mumz will makez itz! Timbo94: WOOOOOOOO Timbo94: I HAVE NEVER HAD FLAN BEFORE! Hatkirby: ME NEIGHTHER Timbo94: BUT I WILL GET TO TRY IT SOON I HOPEZ! Hatkirby: I WANTS TIT Hatkirby: OMG EWWWWWWWWWW Hatkirby: TYPO Timbo94: HEHEHEHEHEHE Timbo94: YOU WANTS "TIT"? Hatkirby: LOL Timbo94: LOL
Teacher: ....poco un peridoco quiero viajar. Teacher: What do you think "viajar" means? Student: Old! Teacher: That's "viejo", what about the verb "viajar"? Student: Old people! Hatkirby: That's not a verb, Hatkirby: You can't "do" old people. Hatkirby: OMG!
Drifty1: I leep saying qupte! Drifty1: I mean, I keep saying quopte Hatkirby1: Qupte! Hatkirby1: Quopte! Drifty1: lol Hatkirby1: I qutped your quopte and I leep doning it! Hatkirby1: ...O Hatkirby1: I meant .... Drifty1: LOLOLOL