#168 Up +24/-19 Down
Drifty: Okay, the thingy says there are two poeple online
Drifty: O_O
Drifty: Haaaaaat?
Drifty: Hattie Hattie Hattie Hattie
Drifty: Haaat Haaat
Drifty: Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?
Drifty: Stuff it, I'm going on Grand Chase!
#167 Up +18/-18 Down
Mario333: I want to play with my yo-yo
Mario333: from 2008 to 2009!
Aunt Terry: No
Mario333: Why not?
Mario333: It's better than sitting around
Mario333: being drunk!
* Aunt Terry is insulted
Hatkirby: Oh no he didn't!
#166 Up +20/-19 Down
Ozzyfrog: i'm not he will for too ling
Ozzyfrog: *long
Ozzyfrog: ill try again
Ozzyfrog: I'm not sure he will for too long
Tamasys: lol
#165 Up +28/-30 Down
Tamasys: my connection keeps dropping...
Ozzyfrog: I see, any reason why?
Ozzyfrog: are you in the middle of the desert or something?
Tamasys: HOW DID YOU KNOW!?!??
#164 Up +21/-19 Down
Hatkirby: Grabldieshmat
Tamasys: ???
Hatkirby: Sorry
Hatkirby: Random cupcake moment
Hatkirby: Cupcake = euphorism for drugs lol
#163 Up +47/-34 Down
Gryphic: A wonderful winter day!
Hatkirby: [Pyro], come sing with us!
Pyro: No.
#162 Up +21/-31 Down
TaMACsys: back
TaMACsys: samn
TaMACsys: *samn
TaMACsys: *samn
TaMACsys: *****
TaMACsys: lol
#161 Up +26/-23 Down
TaMACsys: i find php hard enough to remember...
TaMACsys: bie
Hatkirby: PHP teh roxx0rz!
Hatkirby: .....um
Hatkirby: I was insane
#160 Up +16/-22 Down
MyName: Greetings
Hatkirby: ....
Hatkirby: Who is MyName?
TaMACsys: ME!!!!
Hatkirby: YAY TIMTAM!
TaMACsys: lol
Hatkirby: Now he can write his chapter!
Hatkirby: And read my latest Four Island blog post!
Hatkirby: And comment!
Timbo94: ....
Hatkirby: Because no one else will comment!
TaMACsys: has anyone posted in TGS?
Hatkirby: Which makes me sad!
Hatkirby: And I love TGS!
Hatkirby: I have truly posted there!
TaMACsys: reading ur post now
Hatkirby: And am waiting for a reply!
Hatkirby: :)
Timbo94: ..........................................................
#159 Up +16/-17 Down
Hatkirby: At first I thought "compound words",
Hatkirby: but "pie" isn't compound and it worked for Pyro
Timbo94: there's another clue
Hatkirby: Then I thought the words had to have
Hatkirby: two different adjacent vowels, but that
Hatkirby: didn't seem to work wither
Hatkirby: I meant either
Timbo94: u just said it
Hatkirby: I did?
Timbo94: "pie for pyro"
Timbo94: "dumplings for drifty"
Hatkirby: :) :) :) :)
Timbo94: there we go