Teacher: Possible answers for #2 Teacher: are 10 the the -2nd, 10 Teacher: to the -3rd or 10 to the Teacher: -4th. Student: ....I got violet. Hatkirby: lol Teacher: Um.... okay. Teacher: Everyone makes mistakes! Teacher: And on good days, they Teacher: make 12.
Student: Give me your random guy! Student: Rihanna: Hi! Student: Random Guy: Hi Student: Rihanna: Let's go on a walk Student: Rihanna's pregnant now Student: Rihanna: I'm pregnant! Student: Random Guy: You're pregnant? Student: Rihanna: I'm pregnant! Student: Random Guy: You're pregnant! Student: Rihanna: Ahm having a baby! Student: Random Guy: Aw isn't he cute Hatkirby: ....lol
Hatkirby: Mah brother's listening to a Barbie commercial Hatkirby: So funny Hatkirby: "Barbie is a chef! In the kichen!" Hatkirby: "This cake's so good, Ken STEALING it!"
Later.... MUCH later....
Hatkirby: [fourisland.com] Hatkirby: This quote's so good, Ken's STEALING it! Drifty: LOOL Hatkirby: :) Timbo94: lol Timbo94: LOLLOL! * Hatkirby is still lolling Timbo94: LOL!
Hatkirby: LOL: Santa Claus is revealed to Hatkirby: LOL: be a Spellman in Season 3 Hatkirby: LOL: (in episode 61, Christmas Amnesia). Hatkirby: LOL: In an episode in one of the earlier Hatkirby: LOL: seasons, however, it is said that Hatkirby: LOL: Santa Claus's name is Bob. Hatkirby: Bob Claus! Timbo94: lol Drifty: BOB Drifty: Santa Bob, Satan Bob, Santa Bob the way! Drifty: oops Hatkirby: log Hatkirby: Oops! Timbo94: lol Drifty: lol Hatkirby: LOL I meant Lol! Drifty: Did not mean to type that Hatkirby: I didn't mean to type log!
Hatkirby: Suddenly I See is on Hatkirby: It sounded like mom cursed! Hatkirby: She was singing along to the lyrics Hatkirby: and there's a cursey in the chorus Drifty: It's the opposite of Heaven Drifty: Hey, if heaven isn't a swear word, why is the opposite a swear word? Hatkirby: Because heaven is good and down there isn't Timbo94: I just told Pyro what u said about he** and she thinks it is funny Drifty: DOesn't Pyro want to go to ****? Timbo94: no, it's not that Timbo94: u said "because heaven is good and DOWN THERE isn't" Hatkirby: EWWW Hatkirby: LIH Drifty: LIHH
* Hatkirby is listening to Take a Bow by Rihanna * Drifty is listening to There She Goes Drifty: Which is awesome * Drifty is listening to a song that may be about drugs * Hatkirby is listening to a good song * Hatkirby by Rihanna Hatkirby: LOL Hatkirby: um Hatkirby: .... Drifty: Hatkirby by Ruhanna? Hatkirby: LOL Drifty: That must be an AWESOME song! Drifty: literally lol * Hatkirby is literally lolling here