#190 Up +14/-18 Down
Hatkirby: Gay means happy!
Student: No it doesn't!
Student 2: Yes it does!
Student: No it doesn't!
Hatkirby: Yes it does!
Student: No it doesn't!
Student 2: Gay means happy!
Student: No it doesn't!
Hatkirby: Yes it does!
Student 3: I'm very gay today!
Everyone: LOL!
#189 Up +25/-17 Down
Student: Class participation counts as a homework grade?
Hatkirby: What?
Teacher: Yes, obviously.
Hatkirby: What?
Student: Why?
Teacher: Because it's part of your homework?
Hatkirby: What?
Teacher: Are you OK?
Student: Me or him?
Teacher: Him.
Hatkirby: But homework isn't class participation! *fizzle*
Student: Oh, if it was me I'd say no because I'm loopy!
#188 Up +26/-32 Down
Student: Who named it a wine vane anyway?
Teacher: People on drugs. :)
#187 Up +36/-30 Down
Smiley: does cat /vmlinuz > /dev/audio
Smiley: actually do anything
Hatkirby: That echos the contents of the Linux kernel to the speakers
Smiley: yay for cat
Hatkirby: Basicaly, it makes your computer sound like it's giving birth
Smiley: i want to try that
Hatkirby: But ther have always been jokes on the interwebs tu tttttttttttttttttrun that c listen to the Linuree the hatever lul
Hatkirby: WOW
Hatkirby: Thatwas messed up!
#186 Up +23/-20 Down
Smiley: hi
Hatkirby: hI sLIMEY!
Hatkirby: Oops
Hatkirby: I meant Smiley
Timbo94: LOL
#185 Up +21/-17 Down
Teacher: What river did Caesar cross?
Student 3: The Tigris!
Student 2: The Euphrates!
Hatkirby: The Rub-i-con!
Student: What?
Hatkirby: Don't know, it was random.
Teacher: It was the Rubicon.
Student & Hatkirby: WHAT?
Student & Hatkirby: LOL
#184 Up +20/-22 Down
Teacher: [Student]! I nominate you
Teacher: to answer this question!
Student: I can't see it!
Teacher: Well, that's going to be
Teacher: an issue.
#183 Up +30/-23 Down
* Student 2 is sitting behind Student
* Student stretches
Student: Ohhhhh.... I'm so tired....
Student 2: Please get your hands off my face!
#182 Up +18/-26 Down
Teacher: Who wants to be a weatherperson
Teacher: when they grow up?
Student: Not me!
Teacher: I am baffled!
Teacher: I mean, what other job can you
Teacher: get where you can be wrong 50%
Teacher: of the time and still get paid?
Student 2: Doctor?
Teacher: Oh goodness, I hope not!
#181 Up +15/-11 Down
* Please note that Lass, a Grand Chase character, is male. I've also edited this chat to uninclude real names.

[10:39:58 PM] Drifty says: I also want Lass's 3rd (nout out) and 4th
[10:40:06 PM] sAmii says: Whats the 4th
[10:40:41 PM] Drifty says: 3rd is Dark Assasin, 4th is Evan Striper and they're only released in the Korean (original) version
[10:41:05 PM] Drifty says: lol, listening to "I'm not wearing underwear today" GC parody
[10:41:37 PM] sAmii says: Wtf
[10:41:59 PM] Drifty says: Really lol, they took screenshots in the park
[10:42:07 PM] sAmii says: Ok
[10:42:08 PM] sAmii says: Evan Stripper
[10:42:13 PM] sAmii says: ?????????????????
[10:42:19 PM] Drifty says: LOL
[10:42:22 PM] Drifty says: STRIPPER
[10:42:26 PM] sAmii says: WTFFF
[10:42:34 PM] sAmii says: i thought this game wasd about FIGHTING
[10:42:38 PM] Drifty says: All the 4ths kinda have names like that in Korean
[10:42:48 PM] sAmii says: *sighs* Weird
[10:42:50 PM] Drifty says: And it's not STRIPPER, it's STRIPER
[10:42:57 PM] sAmii says: Oh okay
[10:42:58 PM] sAmii says: Phew
[10:43:13 PM] Drifty says: O_O Now I have images of Lass doing a strip dance in my mind
[10:43:20 PM] Drifty says: Thank you
[10:43:21 PM] sAmii says: Hehehehehe
[10:43:23 PM] sAmii says: Soorrryyy
[10:43:28 PM] sAmii says: just think of puppies
[10:43:47 PM] Drifty says: Oh god, I actually wasn't when I said that but NOW I AM
[10:43:50 PM] Drifty says: OGOD
[10:43:55 PM] Drifty says: BRAIN BLEACH