#48 Up +42/-38 Down April 26 2008 at 01:32:38 am EDT
(11:25:48 AM) Pyro: so what time did u get up?
(11:25:54 AM) Hatkirby: 3:30 AM
(11:26:04 AM) Pyro: theres a 3.30 AM?
(11:26:11 AM) Hatkirby: YES
(11:26:19 AM) Pyro: SH*T
#201 Up +26/-22 Down March 01 2009 at 03:26:37 am EST
Drifty: Anyone sane here?
Drifty: Yay
#429 Up +22/-18 Down September 02 2010 at 11:23:18 am EDT
Starla: Ohallo
Drifty: :)
Starla: O_O
Starla: Palringo was like "did you mean 'phallus'?"
Drifty: lolwhut
Starla: Yes, apparently my iPhone has a dick mind
Starla: WHUT
Starla: Yes, apparently
Starla: *sick
Drifty: lololol
* Starla is actually lolling
#59 Up +21/-17 Down April 26 2008 at 06:00:11 am EDT
** Hatkirby rolled a 444444-sided die for a 51000
Hatkirby: Or better yet.
** Hatkirby rolled a 4-sided die for a 3
Hatkirby: NOO!!!!!!!!!!
** Gryphic rolled a 6-sided die for a 4
Hatkirby: WHAT ON EARTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gryphic: THREE
Gryphic: HAHA
Hatkirby: I GOT 3?????
* Hatkirby screams
* Hatkirby dies
#173 Up +18/-15 Down January 04 2009 at 01:12:46 am EST
Hatkirby: Suddenly I See is on
Hatkirby: It sounded like mom cursed!
Hatkirby: She was singing along to the lyrics
Hatkirby: and there's a cursey in the chorus
Drifty: It's the opposite of Heaven
Drifty: Hey, if heaven isn't a swear word, why is the opposite a swear word?
Hatkirby: Because heaven is good and down there isn't
Timbo94: I just told Pyro what u said about he** and she thinks it is funny
Drifty: DOesn't Pyro want to go to ****?
Timbo94: no, it's not that
Timbo94: u said "because heaven is good and DOWN THERE isn't"
Hatkirby: EWWW
Hatkirby: LIH
Drifty: LIHH
#111 Up +29/-26 Down May 20 2008 at 06:13:42 am EDT
Hatkirby: You're in denial.
Pyro: No I'm not!
#180 Up +33/-30 Down January 10 2009 at 11:44:37 pm EST
Teacher: It gets very COLD in the mid-US
Teacher: in the winter. 10 degrees, 5....
Student: Negative zero?
#186 Up +23/-20 Down January 30 2009 at 12:07:21 am EST
Smiley: hi
Hatkirby: hI sLIMEY!
Hatkirby: Oops
Hatkirby: I meant Smiley
Timbo94: LOL
#84 Up +26/-23 Down April 29 2008 at 09:51:39 am EDT

Hatkirby: k smiley
Gryphic: What's that?
Hatkirby: I created your jabber account
Gryphic: This computer doesn't understand
Hatkirby: it's miley@fourisland.com">smiley@fourisland.com
Hatkirby: ??????
Gryphic: ???
Hatkirby: WHAT just HAPPENEDE?????
Gryphic: WO BU JI DAO
Hatkirby: DITTO
Smiley: should i click on lnk
Hatkirby: I'd be scared if I were you
#388 Up +15/-12 Down May 15 2010 at 02:16:44 am EDT
(09:16:20 PM) Hatkirby: It would be funny if Fourie could talk to himself :P
(09:16:36 PM) Ozzyfrog: lol, indeed it would be :P
(09:16:50 PM) Hatkirby: Except #fourisland would explode
(09:17:15 PM) DriftyBeyond: Or have two bots
(09:17:26 PM) DriftyBeyond: continuously talking to each other in one channel
(09:17:26 PM) Hatkirby: Two Imogen Heaps talking to each other!
(09:17:28 PM) Hatkirby: I mean Fourie
(09:17:34 PM) Hatkirby: not Imogen Heap
(09:17:39 PM) DriftyBeyond: and then people can pop into the channel and see what randomness has happened
(09:17:42 PM) Hatkirby: though that would be awesome
(09:17:47 PM) ***Hatkirby should make an Immibot
(09:17:48 PM) Hatkirby: :P
(09:17:54 PM) Hatkirby: She would sing Immi songs!
(09:17:59 PM) Hatkirby: <3 Imogen Heap
(09:18:27 PM) DriftyBeyond: That would be isnae
(09:18:35 PM) Hatkirby: It would be like
(09:18:38 PM) Hatkirby is now known as Immibot
(09:18:40 PM) DriftyBeyond: and not good for those people who dun like Imogene Heap :P
(09:18:41 PM) Immibot: MMMM WHATCHA SAY
(09:18:45 PM) Fourie: WELL OF COURSE YOU DID
(09:18:49 PM) Immibot: :D
(09:18:51 PM) DriftyBeyond: lulz
(09:19:06 PM) Immibot: That was quite awesome of Fourie