(11:29:08 PM) Ж-Đřỉƒŧʏ-Ж: /clearly going too fat with an metaphor (11:29:11 PM) Starla Alice Insigna: fat (11:29:12 PM) Starla Alice Insigna: LOL (11:29:14 PM) Ж-Đřỉƒŧʏ-Ж: fat?! (11:29:30 PM) Starla Alice Insigna: NO DRIFTY! DON'T FEED IT TOO MUCH!!!! (11:29:44 PM) Ж-Đřỉƒŧʏ-Ж: IT'S EATING THE CHEESE! (11:29:48 PM) Starla Alice Insigna: OMG!@!!! (11:30:08 PM) Ж-Đřỉƒŧʏ-Ж: OH MAH FRICKEN GOD (11:30:41 PM) Starla Alice Insigna: lol
Starla: Ohallo Drifty: :) Starla: O_O Starla: Palringo was like "did you mean 'phallus'?" Drifty: lolwhut Starla: Yes, apparently my iPhone has a dick mind Starla: WHUT Starla: Yes, apparently Starla: *sick Drifty: lololol * Starla is actually lolling
Hatkirby: Gah, I'm cold, hungry, tired, sad and melodramatic Hatkirby: "wow, these hamburgers were overcooked. let's not do anything about it." Hatkirby: "i think someone rang the doorbell earlier. it's nice to know that it works." Hatkirby: "i can't for the life of me remember how all of this oxygen got here." Pyro: every time i talk to you you get more insane
Drifty: I'm still here, but I am accompanied by prawn pasta Starla Insigna: Heyyyy prawn pasta, whatcha up to? Drifty: Prawn pasta is sour Drifty: because of lemons Drifty: But zhe is also sour because life ahsn't treated zhir well Starla Insigna: Ah Drifty: Zhe keeps feeling like life's eating zhir Drifty: which it is Drifty: muahahahhaha Starla Insigna: It's not life, it's Drifty Starla Insigna: DRIFTY IS LIFEEEE Drifty: I AM LIFE Drifty: I AM ALSO JESUS /no Starla Insigna: AAAAAHH Starla Insigna: I KNEW IT Starla Insigna: THAT TIME YOU WALKED ON WATER, I WAS SUSPICIOUS Starla Insigna: BUT I THOUGHT "SHE HAS A CAT, SHE'S USED TO THAT BIZNATCH" Drifty: AND HOW ABOUT THE SWIMMING POOL INCIDENT Starla Insigna: OH GOD DON'T MAKE ME REMEMBER Drifty: I DIDN'T MEAN TO MAKE THAt ALL INTO WINE Starla Insigna: ELLIE WAS SO DRUNK Starla Insigna: SHE THOUGHT YOU WERE APOLLO Drifty: NO Drifty: I'M ZEUS Starla Insigna: AND THAT TIME YOU KISSED JUDAS AND HE TOOK IT THE WRONG WAY Drifty: as evidenced by my powers of rain Starla Insigna: BY JUDAS I OBVIOUSLY MEAN TIM Drifty: Oh god lololol
hatkirby: WE LIKE TO PARTY! hatkirby: FAST! hatkirby: WE LIKE WE LIKE WE LIKE TO PARTY! hatkirby: DUH DUH ! hatkirby: HYPERACTIVITY TIME! hatkirby: Or not. hatkirby: It's up to you. Actias: O RLY? hatkirby: Will you put drugs in my water or not? hatkirby: YA RLY YA BOB! Actias: No hatkirby: I'm happy I spelled that incorrectly.
Gryphic: You eat my pie, I kill your heroes (namely that Linux guy). salaboy123: You talk about that linux guy again, I kill your heroes (namely that Linux guy). Gryphic: You fall in love with that Linux guy, I kill your heroes (namely that Linux guy) hatkirby: WHY DOES EVERYONE HATE HIM?????
Gryphic: Tell your mom hatkirby: What? Gryphic: I AM GOOD FOR YOUR SOUL hatkirby: ...... Gryphic: and she'll leave you alone Gryphic: Tis a proven fact Gryphic: My mum let me stay up to 12 talking to you hatkirby: Really? That's nice Gryphic: Salaboy123: wow. thats good. hatkirby: I don't know if it'll work with my mom Gryphic: Salaboy123: nor mine Gryphic: I didn't actallu tell her that Gryphic: but she let me stay up hatkirby: THEN WHY TELL US TO?... hatkirby: *explodes*
Hatkirby: That would be scary Hatkirby: Good compromise, though Gryphic: MUAHAHAHA Gryphic: BEWARE MISS ************* Gryphic: Hatkirby: !!!! Gryphic: Yup * Hatkirby shrieks like the girl he is Hatkirby: Wait, that didn't sound right Gryphic: That... sounds wrong. Gryphic: WRONG Gryphic: Yes. Gryphic: EBIL