Hatkirby: BTW, Tamasys Hatkirby: You're now the second most top commentor Tamasys: YAY 4 ME! i is teh 2nd fattest commenter! Hatkirby: FATTEST? Hatkirby: HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA Tamasys: largest, fattest, its all the same Hatkirby: Who's the fattest commentor then? Tamasys: YOU! Hatkirby: 8'(
Sammi: post on plotless Hatkirby: fine Hatkirby: posted on Plotless Sammi: Yay! Hatkirby: BTW, why's it called Plotless? Hatkirby: It has a bpolot Hatkirby: I meant [;ot Hatkirby: I meant plot
Pyro: Oh my god, it's in Chinese! Timbo94: Well, of course it is! It's Chinese Class! Pyro: But English would be easier! Timbo94: But the whole point of Chinese Class is to learn Chinese! Pyro: But it's in Chinese! (everyone sighs)
Drifty: There's a mysterious ticking noise from my mum's computer Hatkirby: tekajymtl Hatkirby: lol Drifty: Um whut? Hatkirby: it's a pipe bomb harry! Drifty: :) Drifty: I get it
Teacher: Possible answers for #2 Teacher: are 10 the the -2nd, 10 Teacher: to the -3rd or 10 to the Teacher: -4th. Student: ....I got violet. Hatkirby: lol Teacher: Um.... okay. Teacher: Everyone makes mistakes! Teacher: And on good days, they Teacher: make 12.