(07:24:11 PM) Hatkirby: suggest a band name (07:24:11 PM) Fourie: "I should go" (07:24:16 PM) Hatkirby: YES, YOU SHOULD (07:24:19 PM) DriftyBeyond: Yuuup (07:24:20 PM) Fourie left the room (Kicked by Hatkirby (Hatkirby)). (07:24:23 PM) Hatkirby: :O (07:24:26 PM) DriftyBeyond: O_O (07:24:28 PM) Hatkirby: THAT ACTUALLY WORKED O_O (07:24:31 PM) DriftyBeyond: Bring him back? (07:24:41 PM) Tamasys: bahaha (07:24:45 PM) DriftyBeyond: Pfft
(07:56:03 PM) Hatkirby: You know what? I love StalkerBot :P (07:56:08 PM) Hatkirby: StalkerBot: botsnack (07:56:08 PM) Fourie: :D (07:56:25 PM) Tamasys: Fourie, that wasn't for you (07:56:25 PM) Fourie: Whatcha tawkin about Willis? (07:56:33 PM) Hatkirby: He's confused! (07:56:36 PM) Hatkirby: :P (07:56:38 PM) Tamasys: lol (07:56:40 PM) Hatkirby: Fourie: botsnack (07:56:40 PM) Fourie: OM NOM NOM NOM (07:56:43 PM) Hatkirby: I love you too! (07:56:43 PM) Fourie: OMG THIS IS SO CUTE *takes a picture and uploads it to Facebook* (07:56:50 PM) Hatkirby: lolwhut
(08:27:56 AM) Tamasys: yes, IDAHO (08:28:00 AM) Hatkirby: ILLINOIS! (08:28:02 AM) Hatkirby: :P (08:28:06 AM) Tamasys: CALIFORNIA (08:28:13 AM) Hatkirby: MISSISSIPPI (08:28:17 AM) Tamasys: NEW YORK (08:28:18 AM) Smiley: wisconsin (08:28:22 AM) Hatkirby: ...quite! (08:28:25 AM) Tamasys: WYOMING (08:28:31 AM) Tamasys: (is that spelled right?) (08:28:37 AM) Hatkirby: It looks a bit weird, but I think so (08:28:37 AM) Smiley: ALABAMA (08:28:46 AM) Hatkirby: ARKANSAS (08:28:48 AM) Tamasys: TEXAS (08:28:52 AM) Smiley: NEW JERSEY (08:29:00 AM) Hatkirby: RHODE ISLAND (08:29:04 AM) Tamasys: ARKENSAW!!! :P I can't stand seeing it spelled correctly (08:29:06 AM) Smiley: HAWAII (08:29:10 AM) Hatkirby: lolwhut TimTam (08:29:27 AM) Hatkirby: MISSPELLER!!!! (08:29:33 AM) Smiley: ATLANTA (08:29:44 AM) Hatkirby: Atlanta is a city (08:29:47 AM) Smiley: oh (08:29:50 AM) Hatkirby: :P (08:29:50 AM) Smiley: soz (08:29:51 AM) Hatkirby: GEORGIA (08:29:58 AM) Smiley: ALASKA (08:29:59 AM) Tamasys: Arkansas looks like it should be pronounced "Ar-kans-as", not "Ar-ken-saw" (08:30:34 AM) Smiley: KANSAS (08:30:47 AM) Tamasys: FLORIDA (08:30:48 AM) Hatkirby: MARYLAND (08:30:48 AM) DriftyBeyond: NEW ZEALAND, NEW ZEALAND (08:30:54 AM) DriftyBeyond: just to mess up your american thing (08:30:54 AM) DriftyBeyond: :P (08:30:58 AM) Hatkirby: Quite :P (08:31:01 AM) Smiley: NEWFOUNDLAND (08:31:02 AM) ***Hatkirby has to stop saying quite (08:31:04 AM) Smiley: in canada (08:31:07 AM) Hatkirby: MAINE (08:31:15 AM) DriftyBeyond: TORONTO (08:31:19 AM) Hatkirby: OHIO (08:31:22 AM) Smiley: is a city (08:31:23 AM) DriftyBeyond: JACK LYONS (08:31:27 AM) Smiley: onoz (08:31:29 AM) DriftyBeyond: I dunno (08:31:30 AM) Hatkirby: KELLY USA (08:31:44 AM) Smiley: CHICAGO (08:31:52 AM) Tamasys: KENTUCKY (08:31:54 AM) Smiley: VERMONT (08:31:56 AM) DriftyBeyond: FRIED CHICKEN (08:32:03 AM) Hatkirby: lololol one time, my brother was like "LOOK!!!! A BOSTON LICENSE PLATE!!!!" (08:32:08 AM) Tamasys: WASHINGTON (08:32:14 AM) Hatkirby: NORTH CAROLINA (08:32:19 AM) Tamasys: DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA (not really a state...) (08:32:35 AM) Smiley: SEATTLE (08:32:36 AM) DriftyBeyond: on the metaphysical plane... FOUR ISLAND (08:32:37 AM) Hatkirby: lololol also he was like "I know it was North Carolina because I saw C-O-R..." (08:32:40 AM) Hatkirby: Seattle is also a city (08:32:42 AM) DriftyBeyond: pfft (08:32:42 AM) Fourie: ROFLCOPTERLMAOBBQ (08:32:48 AM) Hatkirby: FOUR ISLAND IS QUITE A TERRAFORMED ISLAND (08:32:53 AM) Hatkirby: North Coralina! (08:33:00 AM) Smiley: WASHINGTON (08:33:00 AM) Hatkirby: TAMASYS (08:33:00 AM) Fourie: TAMASYS is a meteor (08:33:03 AM) Hatkirby: LOL (08:33:03 AM) Fourie: ROFLCOPTERLMAOBBQ (08:33:09 AM) Hatkirby: ALASKA (08:33:14 AM) Smiley: already said (08:33:17 AM) Hatkirby: orly (08:33:17 AM) Fourie: YA RLY YA BOB (08:33:19 AM) Tamasys: TENESEE (08:33:19 AM) DriftyBeyond: You lose the game (08:33:23 AM) ***Tamasys can't spell (08:33:27 AM) Hatkirby: MASSACHUSETTS (08:33:27 AM) DriftyBeyond: And Tamasys loses the game as wekk (08:33:28 AM) DriftyBeyond: *well (08:33:36 AM) Hatkirby: PENNSYLVANIA (08:33:42 AM) Smiley: good one (08:33:50 AM) Hatkirby: And New Jersey doesn't exist (08:33:53 AM) Tamasys: :P (08:34:04 AM) Smiley: although youre supposed to know all these anyway (08:34:12 AM) Tamasys: indeed (08:34:16 AM) Tamasys: can you name them all? (08:34:17 AM) Smiley: and we re not (08:34:17 AM) Hatkirby: Also, why did we start this? (08:34:23 AM) DriftyBeyond: I dunno (08:34:25 AM) Hatkirby: :P (08:34:28 AM) Smiley: because (08:34:31 AM) Tamasys: IDAHO (08:34:32 AM) Tamasys: :P (08:34:32 AM) DriftyBeyond: The sky is blue (08:34:33 AM) Hatkirby: ohrite (08:34:35 AM) DriftyBeyond: Indeed (08:34:35 AM) Hatkirby: ILLINOIS (08:34:42 AM) Tamasys: ogod (08:34:47 AM) Tamasys: MICHIGAN (08:34:50 AM) Hatkirby: NEVADA (08:34:53 AM) DriftyBeyond: LET'S STOP THIS CRAZINESS (08:34:55 AM) DriftyBeyond: SPAAAAARTA
Drifty: No, that's your cup. Starla and I have the same cup. Well, not the same cup. Smiley: Hey Drifty. Two girls one cup. Drifty: I am going to drop this on your head.
(08:43:58 AM) DriftyBeyond: The cat is looking at me weird (08:44:09 AM) ***Hatkirby hugs Drifty's cat (08:44:12 AM) ***Hatkirby gets allergic reactions (08:44:16 AM) ***Hatkirby takes an antihistamine (08:44:18 AM) ***Hatkirby falls asleep (08:44:24 AM) ***Hatkirby wakes up in Wonderland (08:44:30 AM) ***Hatkirby meeds the Cheshire Cat (08:44:33 AM) ***Hatkirby hugs the Cheshire Cat (08:44:38 AM) ***Hatkirby gets allergic reactions (08:44:42 AM) ***Hatkirby takes an antihistamine (08:44:47 AM) ***Hatkirby falls asleep (08:44:51 AM) ***Hatkirby wakes up in the real world (08:44:55 AM) Hatkirby: and no one is online anymore
(09:24:10 PM) Hatkirby: I just wrote an abstract-ish waking up sequence (09:24:16 PM) DriftyBeyond: Yay! (09:24:16 PM) Fourie: Wait, what happened? Did I miss it? (09:24:25 PM) Hatkirby: YES FOURIE YOU MISSED IT (09:24:31 PM) Hatkirby: YOU WILL NOW BUY ME A DONUT (09:24:36 PM) Hatkirby: AND A DOUGHNUT (09:24:38 PM) Hatkirby: SO I CAN COMPARE THEM (09:24:52 PM) Hatkirby: AND SELL THEM TO [PYRO] AT AN INCREASED RATE (09:26:14 PM) DriftyBeyond: lololol
Hatkirby: I'm in a very dark mood right now and I'm not sure why Hatkirby: Do you have any lightness cookies? Drifty: Why don't you direct that darkness into something else Drifty: like Sabrina or Four Island creepypasta Hatkirby: Like how I was trying to channel my anger yesterday into a productive sink such as writing my homework? Drifty: Sure, why not Hatkirby: It doesn't workâchanneling involves ghosts and ghosts are dark. The darkness hides various slender people who need to work out some more even though they're very anorexic. I tell them to just get a job but instead they want to climb trees. This makes them even thinner. Drifty: Wait what * Hatkirby is quite possibly insane Drifty: wot
[Sarah got on my computer and started talking to people using my account. I was there, though, and this was hilarious.]
Hatkirby: omg candy corn Hatkirby: my name is sarah and i like elephants Hatkirby: i have a one question quiz for you Drifty: What is it Hatkirby: what is hippophobia Drifty: Fear of horses Hatkirby: you werent supposed to know the answer Drifty: There's always a trick in these kinds of questions Hatkirby: lop Hatkirby: ok i have a riddle for you Drifty: What is it Hatkirby: whats green, has four legs and would kill you if it fell out of a tree and landed on you? Drifty: You? Drifty: A pool table? Hatkirby: WHAT Hatkirby: we're all screaming here---YOU KNOW EVERYTHIGN Drifty: Not particularly Hatkirby: we also would've accepted a dropbear on acid Drifty: Really Drifty: And the question's from Two and a Half Men, although I don't watch that show Hatkirby: lol were sitll amazed Drifty: ... Drifty: It's easy to ask someone over the INTERNET random questions that they'll answer correctly Hatkirby: lololol
Tamasys: Autumn > Winter > Spring > Summer Hatkirby: TimTam, Emilie Autumn is not a season. Hatkirby: She's a depressing metal singer. Tamasys: Fall isn't a season either Tamasys: Fall is something you do from a high place Hatkirby: Why yes, it's a parody of a bad Miley Cyrus song Hatkirby: that got drunk and forced itsway into the Capitol Hatkirby: and demanded that it become a season Hatkirby: after holding the congressmen up at gunpoint Hatkirby: they agreed, but only because it was a really silly thing that no one actually cared about Tamasys: o_o Hatkirby: Yes, It's America.