#165 Up +28/-30 Down December 31 2008 at 12:51:17 am EST
Tamasys: my connection keeps dropping...
Ozzyfrog: I see, any reason why?
Ozzyfrog: are you in the middle of the desert or something?
Tamasys: HOW DID YOU KNOW!?!??
#177 Up +21/-23 Down January 07 2009 at 01:44:56 am EST
Drifty1: O_O On GC, someone just said "I r*pe kitty"
Hatkirby: EWWWWWWW
Timbo94: don't tell me!
Timbo94: I want to watch it........
Timbo94: I meant the episode! Not the kitty!
Timbo94: lol
Hatkirby: I MEant EWWWWWWWW
#184 Up +20/-22 Down January 15 2009 at 07:36:17 pm EST
Teacher: [Student]! I nominate you
Teacher: to answer this question!
Student: I can't see it!
Teacher: Well, that's going to be
Teacher: an issue.
#195 Up +14/-16 Down February 22 2009 at 12:52:55 am EST
Timbo94: don't forget Drifty that we have to write up our Science prac reports, finish the english question, finish the maths analysis task and make algebra summary notes for the test tomorrow
Drifty1: Yay! :)
#213 Up +20/-22 Down March 19 2009 at 07:15:54 pm EDT
Teacher: I'm going to be the perverted teenager!
Teacher: When Juliet asks what Romeo means by satisfaction, what is she thinking?
Students: ....
Teacher: Sex!
Teacher: Then what does Romeo say?
Student: Let's do it?
Everyone: LOL
#224 Up +27/-29 Down March 28 2009 at 04:13:43 am EDT
Hatkirby: Driiiiiiifty?
Hatkirby: I miss you
Drifty: Ni hao
Hatkirby: YAY
Hatkirby: So.......
Hatkirby: what should we walk about?
Drifty: Walk about?
Drifty: lol
Drifty: :D
Hatkirby: LOL WALK
Hatkirby: LOOL
#238 Up +29/-31 Down April 27 2009 at 11:58:35 pm EDT
Timbo94: I went out again and the magpies had gone!
Hatkirby: Probably because I force-reloaded ALSA
Timbo94: lol
Hatkirby: :D
Drifty: :)
Hatkirby: But at least music works now! :)
Timbo94: read those l;ines again; it looks like the magpies went away because you reloaded ALSA!
Timbo94: lol
Drifty: it does!
Hatkirby: Loffle! :)
#240 Up +23/-25 Down April 27 2009 at 11:58:56 pm EDT
* BleuM937 eats egg
* Drifty takes Blu's egg
* Tamasys takes Drifty's Blu's egg
Drifty: Is it Easter today or tomorrow?
* Ozzyfrog takes Tamasys's Drifty's Blue's egg
Tamasys: ???
Tamasys: sunday
* Drifty takes TimTam's Drifty's Blu's egg
Drifty: Sorry, my brain is bleeeh
Tamasys: try that again
* Drifty takes Oz's Tamasys's Drifty's Blu's egg
* Ozzyfrog takes Drify's Oz's Tamays's Drifty's Blu's egg
Drifty: brb
Ozzyfrog: k
* BleuM937 takes Ozzyfrog's Drifty's Oz/s Tamasys' Blu's... hang on, it was mine all along
* BleuM937 eats it before anyone else can steal it
* Tamasys steals Blu
Ozzyfrog: Damn you blue
* BleuM937 is stolen
* Ozzyfrog steals Tamasys so he has blue
* BleuM937 steals himself
Drifty: Back from chopsticking
* BleuM937 causes a paradox
* BleuM937 gets sucked into a black hole
* BleuM937 has the egg though
* Ozzyfrog has the RWMT thing now though
* BleuM937 fights the black hole to try and reclaim RWMT
* Ozzyfrog knows he can't escape the black hole
* Ozzyfrog is willing to trade the RWMT for the egg though
* BleuM937 just realised it is friday night
* BleuM937 wants to go out
* BleuM937 just realised that it's good friday
* BleuM937 just realised that shops aren't open on good friday
Ozzyfrog: lol
* BleuM937 shakes fist in anger
* BleuM937 departs
Ozzyfrog: awww
Ozzyfrog: ok then, cya
Tamasys: NOOO!!!
Tamasys: COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!
Ozzyfrog: It's too late...
Ozzyfrog: the Blue Monkey has left us
Ozzyfrog: wow, that sounded like a corny kids film
Tamasys: lololol
#241 Up +26/-28 Down April 27 2009 at 11:59:07 pm EDT
Drifty: Superpoke says, for Ozzyfrog, "snap the bra of [Ozzyfrog]"
BleuM937: choo choo!
Ozzyfrog: O_O
Ozzyfrog: ok then
Ozzyfrog: I guess it doesn't take into account the gender of the person :P
BleuM937: ooh!
BleuM937: I totally can't be bothered doing that!
Drifty: Ooh?
Hatkirby: Greetings
Hatkirby: baaack!
Ozzyfrog: :D
Drifty: :D
Hatkirby: O_O Ozzyfrog has a bra???????
Ozzyfrog: NO!
BleuM937: yep
Drifty: Noo, it's just Superpoke
BleuM937: it's his manbra
BleuM937: to support his mountainous flab
BleuM937: :P
Ozzyfrog: [Blu], what is with your crude jokes tonight? :P
Ozzyfrog: CLEAR
Ozzyfrog: .
Ozzyfrog: .
*Many '.'s later*
Drifty: Can I quote it?
Ozzyfrog: Blue, what is with your crude jokes tonight? :P
Ozzyfrog: if you quote that part, then alright, you can :P
#247 Up +30/-32 Down May 02 2009 at 02:21:37 am EDT
Girl Without Slipper: Yes, it is the CHEESE BLOCK EQUATION