#281 Up +18/-22 Down August 13 2009 at 04:48:24 am EDT
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hello
You have disconnected.
#280 Up +16/-16 Down August 13 2009 at 04:18:42 am EDT
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: LIKE A BOSS.
Starla: OH GOD
Starla: Are you on a boat?
Stranger: i am on a boat!
Starla: I'm on a boat!
Stranger: everybody look at us cause we're sailin on a boat!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
#278 Up +23/-18 Down August 10 2009 at 06:42:23 am EDT
Chinese Teacher: They're not coming to our class. *referring to Chinese Exchange Students*
Pyro: *sounding as if to buy* Let's go get some!
#277 Up +17/-22 Down August 10 2009 at 06:40:07 am EDT
A group of Chinese exchange students came to visit our school.

Pyro: *to Drifty* Go talk to them! They look like you!
#276 Up +25/-16 Down August 08 2009 at 12:56:04 pm EDT
[10:17:50 PM] Tay & Sparks fangirl 4evver <3 says: It died??!?!?!
[10:18:03 PM] Tay & Sparks fangirl 4evver <3 says: MOUTH TO MOTH RECESSITATION!
[10:18:09 PM] Tay & Sparks fangirl 4evver <3 says: LOLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[10:18:12 PM] Tay & Sparks fangirl 4evver <3 says: I MEANT MOUTH!
#275 Up +24/-25 Down July 30 2009 at 06:49:48 am EDT
[02:43:19] * Tay & Sparks fangirl 4evver <3 thinks The Lonely Island is weird
[02:44:03] Samii: yehh tht song I'm On a Boat is WEIRRDD
[02:44:13] Tay & Sparks fangirl 4evver <3: TOTALLY
[02:44:27] Tay & Sparks fangirl 4evver <3 And some of their other music is like.... O_O ..... what? .... O_O .... O_O
[02:44:37] Samii: OMG IM ON A BOAT! NO ONE CAREESS
[02:44:45] Tay & Sparks fangirl 4evver <3: YAY TOTALLY IM SO WEIRD~~!
[02:44:50] Drifty: I haven't head I'm on a Boat
[02:44:51] Drifty: *heard
[02:44:56] Drifty: I will go listen
[02:45:06] Tay & Sparks fangirl 4evver <3: Listen to the clean version
[02:45:08] Tay & Sparks fangirl 4evver <3 TRUST ME
[02:45:11] Samii: Yehhh
[02:45:16] Samii: NOT EXPLICIT
[02:45:22] Drifty: I don't mind about swear words
[02:45:35] Tay & Sparks fangirl 4evver <3: Yeahh but this song is >> overboard
[02:45:42] Tay & Sparks fangirl 4evver <3 LOL HAHAHHA see what I did there?
[02:45:49] Tay & Sparks fangirl 4evver <3: It's a song about a boat and I said "overboard"!
[02:45:50] Tay & Sparks fangirl 4evver <3 HAHAHHAHA
[02:45:53] Samii: hahaha
[02:45:57] Tay & Sparks fangirl 4evver <3: lol
#274 Up +22/-15 Down July 27 2009 at 01:20:32 pm EDT
Mario333: There are too many movie where
Mario333: a family dies and THEY'RE STILL HERE
Hatkirby: lol
TV: Now, there's another.
Everyone: LOL!!!!!!!!
#273 Up +23/-23 Down July 18 2009 at 05:46:46 am EDT
Hatkirby: Sammi: What is it you are examining?
Hatkirby: Marshie: Your extremely normal female teenage face....
Hatkirby: Katie: Contains an object that we describe....
Hatkirby: Sibbie: As really weird and disproportionately odd....
Hatkirby: Marie: And kinda freaky in a way....
Hatkirby: All: So please notice it like now!
Hatkirby: Sammi then notices a die on her nose.
Hatkirby: Sammi: The location of this confuses me.
Hatkirby: Marie: IT'S A SIGN OF THE APOCALYPSE!!!!
Hatkirby: Sibbie: Close your sound exporting output pipe!
#272 Up +29/-27 Down July 05 2009 at 03:03:28 pm EDT
(10:56:32 AM) Bluemonkey: LFS?
(10:56:57 AM) Starla: LFS IS WIN
(10:57:02 AM) Starla: http://linuxfromscratch.org
(10:58:52 AM) Bluemonkey: oooh
(10:58:55 AM) Bluemonkey: HLFS
(10:59:09 AM) Starla: YAY LFS
(10:59:28 AM) Bluemonkey: HLFS can't be anywhere near as hard as my OS design though
(10:59:43 AM) Bluemonkey: at the end of the day
(10:59:47 AM) Bluemonkey: it's still unix
(11:00:02 AM) Starla: Maybe at the end of the day, but how about tomorrow?
(11:00:18 AM) Bluemonkey: still unix
(11:00:21 AM) Starla: Next week?
(11:00:23 AM) Bluemonkey: always will be
(11:00:28 AM) Starla: Well UNIX PWNS
(11:00:32 AM) Starla: lol
(11:00:41 AM) Starla: I think I went a little insane there
(11:00:44 AM) Bluemonkey: it's not hardened though
(11:00:45 AM) Bluemonkey: compared to my OS
(11:01:04 AM) Starla: It's so hardened that it won't even turn on!
(11:01:14 AM) Bluemonkey: YEAH!!!!!
(11:01:16 AM) Bluemonkey: nah
(11:01:18 AM) Starla: LOL
#270 Up +28/-32 Down July 03 2009 at 01:20:16 pm EDT
(09:12:17 AM) Starla: I didn't even realize you were talking to me because I was eating b-fast :)
(09:12:20 AM) Starla: BREAKfast
(09:12:29 AM) Gus: haha
(09:12:33 AM) Gus: how are you?
(09:12:36 AM) Starla: Ohno I can't be speaking all yo-yo tight dawg
(09:12:37 AM) Starla: O_O
(09:12:38 AM) Starla: That was scary