#247 Up +30/-32 Down May 02 2009 at 02:21:37 am EDT
Girl Without Slipper: Yes, it is the CHEESE BLOCK EQUATION
#246 Up +38/-35 Down May 02 2009 at 02:19:05 am EDT
Drifty: ...
Ozzyfrog: O_O
Ozzyfrog: it is?
Drifty: Whut?
Girl Without Slipper: Um... oops....
Girl Without Slipper: Wrong conversation....
Girl Without Slipper: Lol
Drifty: ...
#245 Up +28/-35 Down May 02 2009 at 12:52:18 am EDT
Student: It's just grilled chicken!
Student 2: I'm telling you, it's tainted!
Student 2: Whatever you do, DON'T EAT IT!
Hatkirby: What could be wrong with it?
Hatkirby: Is it like made out of birds or something?
Hatkirby: Oh, wait....
Everyone: LOL
#244 Up +29/-32 Down May 02 2009 at 12:52:07 am EDT
* Student takes a large piece of tape from the dispenser
Student: Guys! Look what I did!
* Student runs off
#243 Up +28/-27 Down April 28 2009 at 07:41:07 am EDT
me: doesn't really matter
if I'm busy people won't disturb be, if I'm invisible they can't
Adrian: true that
me: so it doesn't make too much difference :P
Adrian: OMG
me: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
me: /me slays Adrian
me: /me dances around with croses and holy water
Adrian: I can't believe I said that!!!!!!!!
me: :O
Adrian: Tom is getting to me...
me: lol
Adrian: O_O
I will never do it again
me: lol
#242 Up +38/-37 Down April 28 2009 at 07:39:42 am EDT
Ozzyfrog: I was so tired yesterday, I was in a book shop for a long time
Ozzyfrog: and I saw a big book on PHP
Ozzyfrog: in the computer section, and I seriously considered buying it
Tamasys: lol
Tamasys: :D
Ozzyfrog: and I woke up today, and thought ????!?!?!?!?!
Ozzyfrog: but I'm better now
#241 Up +26/-28 Down April 27 2009 at 11:59:07 pm EDT
Drifty: Superpoke says, for Ozzyfrog, "snap the bra of [Ozzyfrog]"
BleuM937: choo choo!
Ozzyfrog: O_O
Ozzyfrog: ok then
Ozzyfrog: I guess it doesn't take into account the gender of the person :P
BleuM937: ooh!
BleuM937: I totally can't be bothered doing that!
Drifty: Ooh?
Hatkirby: Greetings
Hatkirby: baaack!
Ozzyfrog: :D
Drifty: :D
Hatkirby: O_O Ozzyfrog has a bra???????
Ozzyfrog: NO!
BleuM937: yep
Drifty: Noo, it's just Superpoke
BleuM937: it's his manbra
BleuM937: to support his mountainous flab
BleuM937: :P
Ozzyfrog: [Blu], what is with your crude jokes tonight? :P
Ozzyfrog: CLEAR
Ozzyfrog: .
Ozzyfrog: .
*Many '.'s later*
Drifty: Can I quote it?
Ozzyfrog: Blue, what is with your crude jokes tonight? :P
Ozzyfrog: if you quote that part, then alright, you can :P
#240 Up +23/-25 Down April 27 2009 at 11:58:56 pm EDT
* BleuM937 eats egg
* Drifty takes Blu's egg
* Tamasys takes Drifty's Blu's egg
Drifty: Is it Easter today or tomorrow?
* Ozzyfrog takes Tamasys's Drifty's Blue's egg
Tamasys: ???
Tamasys: sunday
* Drifty takes TimTam's Drifty's Blu's egg
Drifty: Sorry, my brain is bleeeh
Tamasys: try that again
* Drifty takes Oz's Tamasys's Drifty's Blu's egg
* Ozzyfrog takes Drify's Oz's Tamays's Drifty's Blu's egg
Drifty: brb
Ozzyfrog: k
* BleuM937 takes Ozzyfrog's Drifty's Oz/s Tamasys' Blu's... hang on, it was mine all along
* BleuM937 eats it before anyone else can steal it
* Tamasys steals Blu
Ozzyfrog: Damn you blue
* BleuM937 is stolen
* Ozzyfrog steals Tamasys so he has blue
* BleuM937 steals himself
Drifty: Back from chopsticking
* BleuM937 causes a paradox
* BleuM937 gets sucked into a black hole
* BleuM937 has the egg though
* Ozzyfrog has the RWMT thing now though
* BleuM937 fights the black hole to try and reclaim RWMT
* Ozzyfrog knows he can't escape the black hole
* Ozzyfrog is willing to trade the RWMT for the egg though
* BleuM937 just realised it is friday night
* BleuM937 wants to go out
* BleuM937 just realised that it's good friday
* BleuM937 just realised that shops aren't open on good friday
Ozzyfrog: lol
* BleuM937 shakes fist in anger
* BleuM937 departs
Ozzyfrog: awww
Ozzyfrog: ok then, cya
Tamasys: NOOO!!!
Tamasys: COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!
Ozzyfrog: It's too late...
Ozzyfrog: the Blue Monkey has left us
Ozzyfrog: wow, that sounded like a corny kids film
Tamasys: lololol
#239 Up +31/-30 Down April 27 2009 at 11:58:43 pm EDT
Hatkirby: Dun worry
* Hatkirby hides from Drifty again
Timbo94: lol, why?
Drifty: ?
Drifty: Whyy?
Hatkirby: Because I don't want her to sue me for stealing her catchphrase!
#238 Up +29/-31 Down April 27 2009 at 11:58:35 pm EDT
Timbo94: I went out again and the magpies had gone!
Hatkirby: Probably because I force-reloaded ALSA
Timbo94: lol
Hatkirby: :D
Drifty: :)
Hatkirby: But at least music works now! :)
Timbo94: read those l;ines again; it looks like the magpies went away because you reloaded ALSA!
Timbo94: lol
Drifty: it does!
Hatkirby: Loffle! :)