#237 Up +28/-27 Down April 27 2009 at 11:58:26 pm EDT
iDrifty: For a sec, I thought Ozzi was your cookie
BleuM937: ozzyfrog, my cookie
BleuM937: come back!
#236 Up +30/-29 Down April 27 2009 at 11:58:00 pm EDT
Ozzyfrog: I finally decided to get a Twitter
Tamasys: i saw
Ozzyfrog: and I can't find a pic for it, because the file size has to be so small..
Tamasys: hmm yes
Ozzyfrog: O_O
Ozzyfrog: why do I have 2 inspire calculators?
Ozzyfrog: :O
Ozzyfrog: its R*b**'s!
* Ozzyfrog smacks head
Drifty: I feel like a stalker, just watching you talk and not saying anything
Tamasys: AHH STALKER!!!
Tamasys: :P
Ozzyfrog: AHHHHH
Drifty: :D
Drifty: I've been here for... ten minutes? Twenty?
Tamasys: :O
Drifty: I wasn't just watching you speak, so I'm not a stalker!
Ozzyfrog: you wern't just watching us speak?
Ozzyfrog: :P
Drifty: No :)
Drifty: Carry on with your talkage, I'll be petting the cat
Ozzyfrog: lol, ok
#235 Up +27/-31 Down April 27 2009 at 11:57:48 pm EDT
Ozzyfrog: but no one else can see the slash
Ozzyfrog: so you never get slashed
BleuM937: lol
BleuM937: u just end up slashing urself
BleuM937: masochists!
* BleuM937 is surrounded by masochists!
* BleuM937 is a masochist
BleuM937: AARGH
* BleuM937 slashed himself again!!!!!
BleuM937: and again!!!!
Ozzyfrog: Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
BleuM937: this is horrible
BleuM937: /terrible
BleuM937: horrible or terrible
BleuM937: horrible and terrible
Drifty: bacjd
Drifty: *back
* Drifty reads the above conversation
* Drifty is slightly disturbed
#234 Up +34/-29 Down April 05 2009 at 12:32:59 am EDT
Hatkirby: so..................
Ozzyfrog: ...
Hatkirby: A giant chocolate octopus wearing a kilt
Ozzyfrog: O_O LOL
Hatkirby: It was a conversation starter
Ozzyfrog: and a interesting one at that
Hatkirby: :)
Hatkirby: did it work? :)
Ozzyfrog: well, I guess it did
Ozzyfrog: I'm talking now
Hatkirby: :)
Hatkirby: so..........
Hatkirby: Should I start another conversation?
Hatkirby: Three clones of Miley Cyrus dancing along to the hip-hop beat of an ocean wave eating a pair of shorts
Ozzyfrog: :D
Ozzyfrog: there we go
Ozzyfrog: Conversation started
#232 Up +37/-16 Down March 30 2009 at 11:37:11 am EDT
#231 Up +24/-30 Down March 30 2009 at 08:11:38 am EDT
BleuM937: I'm on a boat
Ozzyfrog: back
Ozzyfrog: you're on a boat?
BleuM937: no
BleuM937: I'm on a boat
BleuM937: by
BleuM937: The Lonely Island
Ozzyfrog: oh
Ozzyfrog: thats a bit sad
BleuM937: lol
BleuM937: its funny
BleuM937: i love the lonely island
Ozzyfrog: thats good then
BleuM937: rofl
#230 Up +21/-26 Down March 29 2009 at 11:52:26 am EDT
BleuM937: i have some plannination
Hatkirby: And yesterday at 7 am you loggded onto yaplet and said "I'm sulking" while I was packing some boxes
Hatkirby: I dun know if that's a word
Tamasys: sulking is a word
Tamasys: to sulk
Hatkirby: I k now taht, i' meant planninatinn fjfleifomglsclickysmackopium gardens
Hatkirby: O_O
BleuM937: :/
Hatkirby: Did I just say "opium gardens"??????
Tamasys: lol
BleuM937: slicky smack opium gardens
Hatkirby: i think that's clickty smack
Hatkirby: but LOL :)
#229 Up +42/-45 Down March 29 2009 at 11:01:09 am EDT
Ozzyfrog: watch?v :) enlU0KiILc
Ozzyfrog: stupid smilie
Ozzyfrog: ??
BleuM937: its goan silly
Hatkirby: Well :0
Hatkirby: :O
Hatkirby: We just have to figure out what the smiley is and substitute it into the CHEESE BLOCK EQUATION
BleuM937: :O
BleuM937: the cheese block equation!
BleuM937: of course!
Hatkirby: I KNOW!
#228 Up +37/-30 Down March 28 2009 at 06:38:33 am EDT
Hatkirby: you promize you'll be on?
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: we'll be on
Drifty: I'll be on
Hatkirby: When you're FIFTEEN smoebodyy tells you they love you
Hatkirby: You're gonna belivee them
Hatkirby: Yaaaay
Drifty: I'm not fifteen, so no
Hatkirby: i hop i can wake at 6 because i fall asleep so late
* Tamasys & Ozzyfrog takes Taylor Swift hostage
Hatkirby: ....?
Hatkirby: Is that smiley upsidedown?
(Private) Drifty: LOL
Hatkirby: NO
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: um...
Hatkirby: OMG TAY!@!!!!
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: GOTOBED
Drifty: You need to sleep now, Hat
Drifty: GO TO BED
Hatkirby: COM BACK
Hatkirby: I'm going
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: good
Drifty: Good!
Hatkirby: I dun want tay to be in hostage
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: ok, close yaplet in
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: 10
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: 9
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: 8
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: 7
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: 6
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: 5
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: 4
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: 3
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: 2
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: 1
Drifty: Now!
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: NOW!
Hatkirby: whhhhhhy?
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: NOOOOOOWWWWW!!!!!!
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: coz u need sleep
Drifty: And you won't be able tp talk to us tomorrow
(Private) Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: don't respond till he closes it
(Private) Drifty: Okay! lol
Hatkirby: caaaan't I keep yaplet open while I slep?
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: we go now
Hatkirby: sleep?
BleuM937: Greetings
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: o dear...
Drifty: O_O
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: bbbbaaaaaaaadddd timing
Hatkirby: whaaaat?
Hatkirby: don't go!
Hatkirby: I want to talk tomorrow!
#227 Up +34/-37 Down March 28 2009 at 06:36:56 am EDT
Drifty: You need to sleep
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: HK
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: !
Hatkirby: /die candycorn
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: change the colour of the main div at night
Hatkirby: /jackinthebox SLEEP
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: so that we can seeeee
** Tamasys & Ozzyfrog rolled a 6-sided die for a 1
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: aww
TaylorSwiftNPC: Go to sleep!
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: i can't roll a HK sided die
Hatkirby: You can't see?
Hatkirby: Aawwqpqtw
Drifty: What is a div?
Hatkirby: enuj
Hatkirby: YAY IT'S TAY
Hatkirby: Okaaaay
TaylorNPC: Swift You know you want to
Hatkirby: ????
TaylorSwiftNPC: Because I command you to!
Hatkirby: okaaay
Hatkirby: but i dun want to
Hatkirby: I want to talk with maaaah frynds
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: yes you do
TaylorSwiftNPC: I won't sing Love Story to you if you don't
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: you know you do
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: wow, harsh
* Hatkirby gapses
Hatkirby: I'm goning!
Hatkirby: going!