#216 Up +30/-37 Down March 21 2009 at 12:45:21 am EDT
Timbo94: are you on a high HK?
Hatkirby: I dun know what's wrong with me today!
Hatkirby: I've been LOOOOOOOOOOPY all day but I haven't had any suGAR
Timbo94: ..it's called "a high"
Hatkirby: Yes, but I'm calling it KOOOPY today
Hatkirby: I meant Loopy!
#215 Up +27/-33 Down March 21 2009 at 12:09:30 am EDT
Hatkirby: "Love me, hate me, say what you want about me!"
Hatkirby: ....I have to stop quoting songs
Hatkirby: At least, I have to stop quoting songs that aren't Taylor Swift
Hatkirby: I will hypnotize you!
Ozzyfrog: no
* Hatkirby freqbegusashes
Ozzyfrog: wrong way round
Ozzyfrog: no i wont
Ozzyfrog: never
* Hatkirby gaspes
Drifty: I'm interested in betterer songs
* Hatkirby dies
Ozzyfrog: mmm, so am I
Drifty: Like from The Fray and stufff
Hatkirby: O_O
Hatkirby: Demi Lovato?
Hatkirby: O.A.R?
Hatkirby: I knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
Ozzyfrog: I wont comment on Avril, because you were just nice to me by adding me
Drifty: lol
Hatkirby: You, you dun like Avril?
* Hatkirby dies
Hatkirby: Well!
Ozzyfrog: no comment
Hatkirby: I will see to that!
Ozzyfrog: hey, I said no comment
* Hatkirby is listening to The Best Song Ever
* Drifty watches from the sidelines
Hatkirby: a.k.a. Complicated by Avril Lavigne
Hatkirby: You just insulted Avril Lavigne! NOW YOU DIE
* Hatkirby eats Ozzyfrog twenty-frog times
Drifty: Twenty-frog is a number?
Ozzyfrog: I didnt say anything!!
Hatkirby: Yep, it comes after 50947598436938526534
Hatkirby: You're silence was taken as an insult
Ozzyfrog: lol
#214 Up +47/-42 Down March 20 2009 at 11:58:51 pm EDT
Hatkirby: It's a love story, baby just say yes!
Hatkirby: OMG Drifty, you dun like Taylor Swift?
* Hatkirby eats Drifty
Drifty: O_O
Ozzyfrog: neither do I
Drifty: I like Love Story, but it's not really my cup of tea nowadays
* Hatkirby eats ozzyfrog too
Drifty: What do we taste like?
Ozzyfrog: you need to listen to some real music :P
* Hatkirby is listening to Fearless by Taylor Swift
Hatkirby: You taste sweet
Hatkirby: OMG You did NOT just say that
Hatkirby: Did he just say that?
Hatkirby: He did NOT just say that
Ozzyfrog: yes I did :P
Hatkirby: Oh no you didn't!
Hatkirby: You did NOT!
Drifty: What does Oz taste like, then? :D
Hatkirby: This is unbelievable!
Ozzyfrog: and Im safe, because you're on the other side of the world :D
Hatkirby: Like, omigogosh, you totally didn't just, like, say that!
Hatkirby: "I don't know how it gets better than this!"
Ozzyfrog: well, omigogosh, i did totally like, say that!
Hatkirby: Gah, I need Pyro, who appreciates Taylor Swift!
#213 Up +20/-22 Down March 19 2009 at 07:15:54 pm EDT
Teacher: I'm going to be the perverted teenager!
Teacher: When Juliet asks what Romeo means by satisfaction, what is she thinking?
Students: ....
Teacher: Sex!
Teacher: Then what does Romeo say?
Student: Let's do it?
Everyone: LOL
#212 Up +35/-34 Down March 18 2009 at 05:55:35 am EDT
Drifty: LOL
Pyro: yeah twas random
Drifty: Were you scared?
Pyro: yes
Ozzyfrog: id be jumping for joy
Pyro: i thought Australia was safe from earth randoms
Ozzyfrog: that i actually felt one
Drifty: Earth randoms?!
Drifty: That is the new term for earthquakes
Drifty: earthrandoms!
Pyro: yeah earth randoms
Pyro: tis yay
#211 Up +32/-19 Down March 16 2009 at 06:53:12 am EDT
* Tamasys eats chocolate frog
* Tamasys the giant one
Tamasys: ...
Tamasys: oops
Tamasys: Tamasys the Giant One!!!!!!
Ozzyfrog: :O
Ozzyfrog: yum
Ozzyfrog: ...
Ozzyfrog: lol
#210 Up +21/-21 Down March 15 2009 at 12:11:10 am EDT
* Hatkirby is listening to Don't Forget
* Hatkirby by Demi Lovato
Hatkirby: ....oops?
Pyro: oh yay that tis a good song
Hatkirby: :)
Drifty1: Hatkirby by Demi Lovato!
Hatkirby: OMG That happened again!!!!!!!!
Hatkirby: I didn't eve notice!
Hatkirby: Rihanna and Demi Lovato are fighting for trademark rights
Drifty1: :)
Drifty1: :D
Hatkirby: I mean, I noticed I Hatkirby by Rihanna'd again, but I didn't noticee that it was an artist's name again
Hatkirby: :)
#209 Up +18/-18 Down March 14 2009 at 11:48:52 am EDT
Hatkirby: And Hipy Pap Brhuthdth Thuthda Brhudhthy to Timbo94!!!!!!
Drifty1: Actually, it's on Monday
Drifty1: but we celebrated his BDAY TODAY
Hatkirby: O_O OH DEAR I"m INsane I Just quoted Winnie the Pooh
Drifty1: ANd I got like a chocolate pancake and a chocolate milksahe
Drifty1: LOLOLOL
#208 Up +24/-22 Down March 14 2009 at 12:26:07 am EDT
Tamasys: ooh... loud thunder
Tamasys: going for a long
Tamasys: time
Hatkirby: and is also
Hatkirby: very
Hatkirby: sexgemented
Hatkirby: O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_O_
Hatkirby: That was SEGmented!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tamasys: lih
Tamasys: o
* Hatkirby blushes
Tamasys: oops
Tamasys: what?
Tamasys: lol
Ozzyfrog: slight difference :P
Tamasys: lol i didn't notice
Tamasys: lol i can't belive i didn't :P
Tamasys: lol
#207 Up +19/-19 Down March 07 2009 at 12:47:57 am EST
Drifty1: That sentance about TImTam I babelfished
Hatkirby: brb
Drifty1: one of the Translated back to English translated "He is rather tall" to "It is rather large"
Hatkirby: OMG EWWW
Drifty1: What?
Tamasys: :O
Tamasys: lol
Drifty1: I thought it was saying he was rathe- ARGH OMG IMG OMGO G
Tamasys: *thinks*
Tamasys: WHY AM I LOLING AT THAT?!?!??!?!?!
Hatkirby: back
Tamasys: AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tamasys: /dies
Drifty1: D:
Drifty1: I feel so embarressed now
Drifty1: I didn't get that at first
Tamasys: so...
* Drifty1 runs away
Tamasys: you like custard?
Tamasys: apple pie
Hatkirby: awwww that means I have a sick mind