#178 Up +19/-18 Down January 07 2009 at 02:18:51 pm EST
*in Art class*

Student: Give me your random guy!
Student: Rihanna: Hi!
Student: Random Guy: Hi
Student: Rihanna: Let's go on a walk
Student: Rihanna's pregnant now
Student: Rihanna: I'm pregnant!
Student: Random Guy: You're pregnant?
Student: Rihanna: I'm pregnant!
Student: Random Guy: You're pregnant!
Student: Rihanna: Ahm having a baby!
Student: Random Guy: Aw isn't he cute
Hatkirby: ....lol
#212 Up +35/-34 Down March 18 2009 at 05:55:35 am EDT
Drifty: LOL
Pyro: yeah twas random
Drifty: Were you scared?
Pyro: yes
Ozzyfrog: id be jumping for joy
Pyro: i thought Australia was safe from earth randoms
Ozzyfrog: that i actually felt one
Drifty: Earth randoms?!
Drifty: That is the new term for earthquakes
Drifty: earthrandoms!
Pyro: yeah earth randoms
Pyro: tis yay
#220 Up +25/-24 Down March 24 2009 at 03:00:24 pm EDT
Tamasys: so she can go... climb a tree
Tamasys: *imagines Ms OldMathsTeacher climbing a tree*
Tamasys: LOL
#225 Up +27/-26 Down March 28 2009 at 05:42:19 am EDT
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: Ms Bennet wasn't too bad...
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: she only said community 5 times
Hatkirby: Ms Bennet!
Hatkirby: Community alumnis are very celebratory!
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: lots of "future", "science" (duh), "environment
Hatkirby: We are celebrating out new Scinence building which we, as a community, will use
Hatkirby: But mostly the alumnis
Hatkirby: Not you
Hatkirby: We are such a community that we have an overflowing amount of alumnis who just love to celebrate out togetherness as a community
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: lol
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: it wasnt that bad
Drifty1: I think Mrs. Bennet posessed Hat
Hatkirby: The alunmis are very speecial in that they continue to celebrate our new Science building even though they don't really care about it
Drifty: lol!
Hatkirby: But, as a community, we should all celebrate the Science building, even though no one will use it
Hatkirby: Thank you
Hatkirby: :D
Drifty: lololol
Tamasys & Ozzyfrog: your very good at that Hat :D
Hatkirby: :D
Drifty: :D
#236 Up +30/-29 Down April 27 2009 at 11:58:00 pm EDT
Ozzyfrog: I finally decided to get a Twitter
Tamasys: i saw
Ozzyfrog: and I can't find a pic for it, because the file size has to be so small..
Tamasys: hmm yes
Ozzyfrog: O_O
Ozzyfrog: why do I have 2 inspire calculators?
Ozzyfrog: :O
Ozzyfrog: its R*b**'s!
* Ozzyfrog smacks head
Drifty: I feel like a stalker, just watching you talk and not saying anything
Tamasys: AHH STALKER!!!
Tamasys: :P
Ozzyfrog: AHHHHH
Drifty: :D
Drifty: I've been here for... ten minutes? Twenty?
Tamasys: :O
Drifty: I wasn't just watching you speak, so I'm not a stalker!
Ozzyfrog: you wern't just watching us speak?
Ozzyfrog: :P
Drifty: No :)
Drifty: Carry on with your talkage, I'll be petting the cat
Ozzyfrog: lol, ok
#237 Up +28/-27 Down April 27 2009 at 11:58:26 pm EDT
iDrifty: For a sec, I thought Ozzi was your cookie
BleuM937: ozzyfrog, my cookie
BleuM937: come back!
#239 Up +31/-30 Down April 27 2009 at 11:58:43 pm EDT
Hatkirby: Dun worry
* Hatkirby hides from Drifty again
Timbo94: lol, why?
Drifty: ?
Drifty: Whyy?
Hatkirby: Because I don't want her to sue me for stealing her catchphrase!
#242 Up +38/-37 Down April 28 2009 at 07:39:42 am EDT
Ozzyfrog: I was so tired yesterday, I was in a book shop for a long time
Ozzyfrog: and I saw a big book on PHP
Ozzyfrog: in the computer section, and I seriously considered buying it
Tamasys: lol
Tamasys: :D
Ozzyfrog: and I woke up today, and thought ????!?!?!?!?!
Ozzyfrog: but I'm better now
#243 Up +28/-27 Down April 28 2009 at 07:41:07 am EDT
me: doesn't really matter
if I'm busy people won't disturb be, if I'm invisible they can't
Adrian: true that
me: so it doesn't make too much difference :P
Adrian: OMG
me: AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
me: /me slays Adrian
me: /me dances around with croses and holy water
Adrian: I can't believe I said that!!!!!!!!
me: :O
Adrian: Tom is getting to me...
me: lol
Adrian: O_O
I will never do it again
me: lol
#250 Up +26/-25 Down May 02 2009 at 02:45:38 am EDT
Tamasys: HK
Tamasys: you should check my user agent string
Girl Without Slipper: O_o
Girl Without Slipper: I'm scared now
Girl Without Slipper: Go on Four Island so I can see it
* Girl Without Slipper is logging in
Tamasys: i am on the fourm
Girl Without Slipper: iknow
Girl Without Slipper: getting thereitslikesuperslow
Girl Without Slipper: OHMIGOSH
* Girl Without Slipper dies
Tamasys: lol
Tamasys: lololol
* Girl Without Slipper runs screaming into a desert even farther away than the lollipop desert
Tamasys: Safari 4
Tamasys: my new favourite browser
* Girl Without Slipper then trips on a rock, faints, and starts having delusional nightmares about TimTam using Safai
YOHF: But then she wakes up and realizes that they were true!