#101 Up +26/-26 Down May 09 2008 at 09:21:25 am EDT
Tamasys: LOL!!!!!
Tamasys: I just wrote 'Fatkirby' instead of 'Hatkirby!
Tamasys: I am literally loling!
Tamasys: Imagine a fat kirby!
* Tamasys laughs uproariously
#113 Up +30/-30 Down May 28 2008 at 07:48:49 am EDT
Starla: Yes, he just vanished!
Starla: It was scary....
Starla: Wait a moment....
Starla: how can I trust you?
Starla: You're just a random shapeshifter,
Starla: you could be a pervert in disguise!
#128 Up +20/-20 Down August 24 2008 at 01:07:39 pm EDT
Smiley: There is no good side to this war.
Smiley: You're just arguing which type of
Smiley: English is better.
Smiley: American or Australian.
Smiley: I'm not on any side because I think
Smiley: it's stupid to argue about which
Smiley: language is better.
Hatkirby: Oh, we've just been owned. 8(
#133 Up +22/-22 Down November 11 2008 at 02:05:43 pm EST
Gryphic: [parahrased] Okay, you're the guy who likes money.
Gryphic: Who's money is it?
#134 Up +19/-19 Down November 11 2008 at 02:05:56 pm EST
Gryphic: [Pyro]?
Pyro: Nooo! Nooo!
Timbo94: Are you a girl?
Pyro: No-yeeees!
#137 Up +23/-23 Down January 01 1970 at 12:00:00 am EST
Pyro: RealityCheck whos the blone thats poking Timtam?
Pyro: blond*
TaMACsys: you silly
RealityCheck: YOU!
(Private) TaMACsys: hm...
Pyro: i'm not blond
RealityCheck: ...
RealityCheck: That's a dark blond
RealityCheck: That's your hair colour
RealityCheck: brb, clothes
Pyro: wait i is confused if i'm a dark blond i could be called a dumb blond
Pyro: *is anoyed*


Pyro: O NO RealityCheck is right i am blond
BlueM937: harr harr harr
BlueM937: um
BlueM937: lol?
Pyro: *spins in circles*
#148 Up +24/-24 Down November 21 2008 at 11:11:38 pm EST
Drifty: Four Island went down an up
Hatkirby: when?
Drifty: Just now!
Hatkirby: Really?
Hatkirby: It shouldn't have
Hatkirby: All I've been doing is messing with my computer's configuration files!
#149 Up +15/-15 Down December 07 2008 at 01:59:17 pm EST
Penny: Why do you drink your
Penny: drink out of a cup instead
Penny: of the bottle?
Hatkirby: ....because it's easier.
Penny: Well I like the bottle better.
Penny: Because I'm a MAN!
Penny: And men eat other men!
#151 Up +21/-21 Down December 13 2008 at 12:18:55 am EST
TaMACsys: Greetings
Hatkirby: TIMTAM!
BlueM937: hello
BlueM937: just in time
TaMACsys: :)
TaMACsys: for what?
BlueM937: now i must eat u
TaMACsys: ...
Hatkirby: lol
#157 Up +17/-17 Down December 18 2008 at 11:28:39 pm EST
Teacher: Now I want you to draw a
Teacher: picture of a pot.
Student 1: My pot looks so stupid!
Student 2: I know!
Student 2: Mine looks like a lollipop!
Hatkirby: LOL