#688 Up +0/-0 Down March 12 2024 at 11:35:07 pm EDT
kf01: Looking For Game Short > LFG Short > Let's Fucking Go Shortenstein
hatkirby: ohhhh i always thought LFG really did stand for let's fucking go
kf01: shortenstein reminds me of my cousin throckmorton
exempt_medic: I thought FTW meant Fuck The World for SO long
kf01: (physics problem meme name)
kf01: I refuse to believe
kf01: oh no
hatkirby: ok so the name sounded familiar so i googled throckmorton and this is one of the first things i found https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Thomas_sign
kf01: ah yes, TTT, Throckmorton Throckmorton Throckmorton.
hatkirby: was not expecting the embed jksdhfksjf
kf01: lmfao
exempt_medic: I was reading the embed!
kf01: didn't want an X-ray of some poor sap's dick
rever: :Ban_Hammer:
hatkirby: you have been cursed to read the actual page
hatkirby: :owo:
rever: :rever_flushed:
kf01: kinkshame.png
kf01: /s
hatkirby: kink unlocked: guys with broken hips
rever: :isabelleBanHammer:
kf01: LOL
rever pinned a message to this channel. See all pinned messages.
exempt_medic: I AM WHEEZING
kf01: side effect: broken bed
hatkirby: hdfjkhskgdsf
exempt_medic: Primary side effect: Broken Hip
kf01: destroyed pelvis
kf01: this is getting really fucking raunchy holy shit
rever: imagine if it was phrased
rever: Nerf: Broken Hip
kf01: ashfkjasfgjhfgkwajkhfjhJGJHASDGHJGG
hatkirby: when god nerfs you for having too much fun
rever: @hatkirby join vc
hatkirby: > Studies have shown that the "sign" is no better than chance at identifying the location of a hip fracture.
hatkirby: i just think this is really funny because the implication is that some radiologists were trying to use ppls dicks as injury divining rods
exempt_medic: That was NOT how I thought that sentence was gonna end
#698 Up +0/-0 Down April 02 2024 at 10:25:46 am EDT
toothpastecanyon: also off topic but thinkin about how I wanna cut my hair... maybe I just want to look like hbomberguy gdgkhfh
hatkirby: oh dear the misogyny has begun
hatkirby: This isn't in response to you tooth i'm just at that part of the video
#699 Up +0/-0 Down April 05 2024 at 10:38:04 pm EDT
hatkirby: so imagine you start going down on someone, and sburban jungle from homestuck starts playing. what would that mean?
cymrin: I don't think about that and neither should you.
#700 Up +0/-0 Down April 05 2024 at 11:41:06 pm EDT
mr_park3r2: this is not a yahoo medium businesses moment
#705 Up +0/-0 Down April 23 2024 at 08:55:43 am EDT
hatkirby: [hears barking in the background] is that a dog
kf01: no, it's my little brother
#708 Up +0/-0 Down May 01 2024 at 10:24:18 pm EDT
rever: man hatkirby got contacts now
rever: one mod and one core maintainer
hatkirby: ๐Ÿ’ช
hatkirby: surrounding myself with high people in place
hatkirby: people in high palces
hatkirby: places
rever: *palace
#714 Up +0/-0 Down June 16 2024 at 10:34:33 pm EDT
newsoupvi: I've "reviewed" my own PRs by looking at the diff like I would for a peer review for someone else
newsoupvi: and legit found things
newsoupvi: Idk it puts me in the reviewer mindset
hatkirby: real
newsoupvi: :KEKW:
exempt_medic: I did that for DS3 and it was not a pleasant experience XD
scipiowright: ah you see it is impossible to do that for me because my eyes will glaze over and fall out of my skull after 3 minutes and 22 seconds
exempt_medic: Scipio can't even appreciate 4'33"
exempt_medic: This is truly saddening
hatkirby: that's the saddest thing I haven't heard
exempt_medic: That was SO good
#718 Up +0/-0 Down July 08 2024 at 08:06:20 pm EDT
esoteric_merit: I would like to curse every academic who uses "โˆ—" instead of "*" in their code for "readability" purposes.
esoteric_merit: Does anyone have anything sufficiently powerful for this purpose?
hatkirby: here, take this enchanted orb that was recovered from beneath the volcanic ash resting on the earth's surface for over 1000 years
esoteric_merit: I was thinking more along the lines of "may every right sock go missing", or "may it always start raining 5 minutes after you decide to brave it", or perhaps "may you papercut yourself at least once a day", but yeah, sure, that'll work too.
hatkirby: oh yeah the orb's real good at the sock thing
#719 Up +0/-0 Down July 08 2024 at 08:09:22 pm EDT
hatkirby: useful function
hatkirby: public bool IsHole(int x, int y)
hatkirby: for finding holes
exempt_medic: return True
scipiowright: IsHole(hatkirby.xpos, hatkirby.ypos)
hatkirby: jksdfhsdjkhfksjh
hatkirby: if you two had posted those in reverse order it would've been even better
exempt_medic: I know ๐Ÿ˜ญ
#722 Up +0/-0 Down July 09 2024 at 09:15:09 am EDT
seiya234: wait did someone say baltimore
azhdrake: Hey Seiya!
seiya234: hewwo
gasmasque: How to summon Seiya 101: mention Baltimore
hatkirby: or monsterfucking
seiya234: sir.
hatkirby: ๐Ÿ‘‰ ๐Ÿ‘ˆ
hatkirby: hewwo seiya
seiya234: donโ€™t give me the emojis i just found out yesterday were associated with bottoming
gasmasque: :wheeze:
seiya234: also apparently this one ๐Ÿฅน
gasmasque: Well it is Starโ€™s native language
hatkirby: well it's only fair you assassinate me after i came for you like that XD
pallasvoid: asjghaksdgh
seiya234: pew pew