#387 Up +14/-18 Down May 13 2010 at 11:21:38 pm EDT
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Omg
You: I accidentally a cheese block!
Stranger: oyg?
Stranger: the whole cheese block/
Stranger: ?
Stranger: the fuck?
Stranger: how the shit did you manage that?
You: I don't know! I can't explain it!
Stranger: you're bullshitting me right?
You: No, I really wish I were
You: I really do
Stranger: O_o
You: What do I do‽‽‽‽
Stranger: That's messed up
Stranger: I have no idea
You: Oh god
You: I always knew I should take those pills to prevent sleep walking
Stranger: maybe you should see some philosophist?
You: Yes, yes, of course
Stranger: know any?
Stranger: make sure the bastard's trained
You: I'm friends with Freud, is that right?
Stranger: oh yeah, he should be able to help
Stranger: or just rape you
Stranger: 50/50 chance
You: But of course
Stranger: up to you
You: It's a chance I will have to take
You: Actually, Freud upped his scales--it's about 49/51 now, but whatever
Stranger: better get there quick
You: yes, i will do that now
Stranger: Could cause some serious damage if you leave it too long
Stranger: You're welcome
You: I must go, now
Stranger: HUrry
You have disconnected.
#386 Up +15/-15 Down May 13 2010 at 01:59:14 am EDT
(09:21:51 PM) ***Starla regenerates stats so she can see how everything turned out
(09:22:08 PM) ***Starla remembers that she is on the wrong network and can't access anything over port 80
(09:24:20 PM) Tamasys: >.<
(09:24:34 PM) Starla: Stupid parental controls
(09:29:42 PM) Starla: "fourisland.com is blocked because: Weblog"
(09:30:06 PM) Starla: Some day, quickfire will be spreading through the house and we will all be huddled in the basement with only my laptop
(09:30:30 PM) Starla: And Mom'll Yahoo! search "how to put out quickfire" (because Google is blocked) and the only good result will be on a blog
(09:30:33 PM) Starla: THEN we'll be doomed
(09:30:42 PM) Starla: all because of parental controls
(09:31:13 PM) Starla: This is, then, proof
(09:31:19 PM) Starla: Parental controls kills children!
(09:31:20 PM) Starla: :O
(09:45:09 PM) Tamasys: LOL
(09:45:12 PM) Tamasys: that is quite amusing
#384 Up +28/-19 Down May 05 2010 at 07:31:54 am EDT
Pyro: I took your pen to an excursion to my bag!
Drifty: It's that significant?
Pyro: *picks up pen and her iPod* [as Pen] Hi, iPod!
Pyro: [as Pen, to Drifty] God, that iPod is so fat.
#383 Up +23/-16 Down May 02 2010 at 02:46:52 am EDT
(10:18:28 PM) Hatkirby: YOU'RE ALL INVITED
(10:18:32 PM) Hatkirby: THE WEDDING'S ON THURSDAY
(10:18:37 PM) Hatkirby: COME, WE HAVE COOKIES
(10:18:42 PM) DriftyBeyond: CAN I BE THe BRIDESMAID
(10:19:00 PM) DriftyBeyond: Moh?
(10:19:05 PM) Hatkirby: Maid Of Honorness
(10:19:22 PM) DriftyBeyond: Indeedyness
(10:19:25 PM) Hatkirby: TIS MORE IMPORTANT
(10:19:28 PM) Hatkirby: I will choose.... SMILEY
(10:19:34 PM) Hatkirby: YOU CAN BE THE MAID OF HONOR
(10:19:41 PM) Hatkirby: And StalkerBot is the best man
(10:19:44 PM) Hatkirby: YAY :P
(10:19:56 PM) DriftyBeyond: And what about Timbo94 ?
(10:20:05 PM) Hatkirby: Timbo94 can be the ring bearer
(10:20:11 PM) Hatkirby: He will hold a videotape
(10:20:22 PM) Hatkirby: It may be difficult to fit around our fingers, but the symbolism is worth it
(10:20:26 PM) ***ozzyfrog would like to be the piano player
(10:20:28 PM) DriftyBeyond: pffft
(10:20:34 PM) ***Timbo94 is SO confused
(10:20:51 PM) DriftyBeyond: I will be the party-crasher
(10:21:13 PM) Hatkirby: :P
(10:21:18 PM) Hatkirby: I will throw people at yuo
(10:21:29 PM) DriftyBeyond: lol
(10:21:36 PM) DriftyBeyond: I'm a sad sack
(10:21:39 PM) Hatkirby: This is, what, my fourth husband?
(10:21:44 PM) DriftyBeyond: AhhhHH!
(10:22:18 PM) Hatkirby: POLYGAMY!
(10:22:31 PM) DriftyBeyond: Polygamy wants a cracker
(10:22:34 PM) Hatkirby: lolol
#380 Up +38/-28 Down May 02 2010 at 02:33:16 am EDT
(12:26:23 PM) DriftyBeyond: Fourie: I want a present!
(12:26:23 PM) ***Fourie gives DriftyBeyond THE JACKPOT PRIZEEEE
(12:26:28 PM) Hatkirby: :O
(12:26:30 PM) DriftyBeyond: Fourie: I want a present!
(12:26:30 PM) Fourie: TOO BAD! *steals the Creature*
(12:26:31 PM) Hatkirby: YOU WONNNNNN
(12:26:34 PM) Hatkirby: DRIFTY, YOU WONNNNNN
(12:26:37 PM) DriftyBeyond: I did!
(12:26:47 PM) Hatkirby: YOU WON THE JACKPOTTTT
(12:26:55 PM) Hatkirby: AND IT ISS...... fifty cents!
(12:26:58 PM) Hatkirby: And a bus token!
(12:27:01 PM) Hatkirby: An expired bus token!
(12:27:02 PM) ozzyfrog: wow
(12:27:06 PM) DriftyBeyond: Amazing.
(12:27:13 PM) ozzyfrog: Lucky.
(12:27:13 PM) Hatkirby: An expired bus token for bus 22 in New York!
(12:27:24 PM) DriftyBeyond: I know
(12:27:35 PM) ***DriftyBeyond gives THE JACKPOT PRIZEEEE to Ozzyfrog
(12:27:40 PM) Hatkirby: :O
(12:27:42 PM) ozzyfrog: :O
(12:27:43 PM) ozzyfrog: No
(12:27:44 PM) Hatkirby: BUTBUTBUT
(12:27:45 PM) DriftyBeyond: :D
(12:27:47 PM) ozzyfrog: I can't accept that
(12:27:49 PM) Hatkirby: He cannot accept that
(12:27:49 PM) ozzyfrog: it's too much
(12:27:53 PM) Hatkirby: It's too much
(12:27:58 PM) DriftyBeyond: Rlly
(12:28:01 PM) ozzyfrog: well
(12:28:03 PM) ozzyfrog: ok :D
(12:28:47 PM) ***DriftyBeyond gives the consolation prize to Hatkirby
(12:28:53 PM) ***DriftyBeyond is lulzing in real life
(12:28:56 PM) Hatkirby: GASPYAY
(12:28:59 PM) Hatkirby: A NEW CAR!
(12:29:10 PM) ***Hatkirby drives into the sunset with her fiancé
(12:29:20 PM) ozzyfrog: don't do that
(12:29:24 PM) ozzyfrog: you'll get burnt
(12:29:28 PM) DriftyBeyond: Ohyeah
(12:29:30 PM) Hatkirby: LOL
(12:29:33 PM) DriftyBeyond: you'll get burnt to buts
(12:29:37 PM) DriftyBeyond: I mean butts
(12:29:40 PM) DriftyBeyond: I mean bits
(12:30:02 PM) DriftyBeyond: Just imagine
(12:30:13 PM) DriftyBeyond: Hatkirby and fiancee getting burnt
(12:30:18 PM) DriftyBeyond: and all that are left are the butts
(12:30:19 PM) Hatkirby: :O
(12:30:29 PM) ozzyfrog: It happens you know
(12:31:29 PM) DriftyBeyond: Of course
(12:31:38 PM) DriftyBeyond: haven't you heard of "I got burnt to butts" itis?
(12:31:43 PM) ***Hatkirby is a butt
(12:31:47 PM) ozzyfrog: odear
(12:31:52 PM) ozzyfrog: we're too late
(12:31:54 PM) DriftyBeyond: Oh dearie me
(12:32:06 PM) DriftyBeyond: Well, there's only one thing we can do
(12:32:16 PM) DriftyBeyond: go through the ashes for any spare change
(12:32:21 PM) Hatkirby: :O
(12:32:22 PM) ozzyfrog: :D
(12:32:26 PM) ***ozzyfrog looks
(12:32:28 PM) ***Hatkirby suddenly rematerializes
(12:32:31 PM) ozzyfrog: oops
(12:32:37 PM) Hatkirby: YOUR ARM IS IN MY STOMACH
(12:33:26 PM) ***ozzyfrog runs while Hat is distracted
(12:33:33 PM) DriftyBeyond: Hatkirby: you have Ozzyfrog's hand in your stomach, what conclusions can we draw from that?
(12:33:49 PM) Hatkirby: DriftyBeyond: I think that he thought I was a swimming pool
(12:33:50 PM) ***ozzyfrog forgets he is still attached to hat
(12:34:00 PM) ***Hatkirby chases ozzyfrog because she is attached
(12:34:13 PM) ***DriftyBeyond takes photoes and puts them up on Facebook
(12:34:19 PM) Hatkirby: OWOWOW
(12:34:27 PM) Hatkirby: Get your hand out!
(12:34:29 PM) ***ozzyfrog tries to shake Hat off
(12:35:05 PM) ***Hatkirby eats antacids for fun
(12:35:06 PM) Hatkirby: OOF!
(12:35:14 PM) Hatkirby: Ozzyfrog's hand dissolved!
(12:35:15 PM) DriftyBeyond: Waiiiit
(12:35:19 PM) ozzyfrog: :O
(12:35:23 PM) DriftyBeyond: if Ozzy's hand is in Hatkirby's stomach
(12:35:24 PM) ozzyfrog: MAH HAND
(12:35:29 PM) DriftyBeyond: what about the stomach acids?
(12:35:44 PM) Hatkirby: Ozzyfrog: You are in much pain now
(12:35:50 PM) Hatkirby: HCL has been eating away at your hand
(12:36:04 PM) DriftyBeyond: Would Hatkirby technically be a cannibal, as she has digested Ozzyfrog's hand?
(12:36:16 PM) ozzyfrog: I think so
(12:36:19 PM) Hatkirby: and my antacids reacted with it and destroyed your hand and much of the surrounding area
(12:36:33 PM) Hatkirby: Well it's not my fault his hand was in my stomach ashes when I rematerialized!
(12:36:43 PM) DriftyBeyond: It's probably my fault
(12:36:44 PM) DriftyBeyond: AHHHHHHHH
(12:36:47 PM) ***DriftyBeyond runs away
(12:36:52 PM) ***Hatkirby chases DriftyBeyond
(12:36:55 PM) ***ozzyfrog regrows hand
(12:37:01 PM) ***DriftyBeyond jumps in Ozzyfrog's plane and promptly crashes it
(12:37:06 PM) ozzyfrog: :'O
(12:37:10 PM) ozzyfrog: MAH PLANE
(12:37:10 PM) ***Hatkirby gnaws Ozzyfrog's hand off
(12:37:16 PM) ***DriftyBeyond has the ability to crumple anything by touching it
(12:37:18 PM) ozzyfrog: no you don't
(12:37:23 PM) ***DriftyBeyond has crumpled Ozzyfrog's plane
(12:37:23 PM) ***ozzyfrog throws Hat to the moon
(12:37:31 PM) ***Hatkirby flies
(12:37:39 PM) Hatkirby: WHEEEE
(12:37:48 PM) ***ozzyfrog gets a spanner
(12:37:51 PM) ***Hatkirby lands on the moon and makes friends with the alien intelligence there
(12:38:01 PM) Hatkirby: They zap Ozzyfrog with their superior technology
(12:38:17 PM) ozzyfrog: This means war
(12:38:25 PM) ***ozzyfrog flees to LA PA~
(12:38:26 PM) DriftyBeyond: Oh dearie me
(12:38:31 PM) Hatkirby: Btw, did my fiancée ever get restored?
(12:38:36 PM) DriftyBeyond: Probably not
(12:38:40 PM) Hatkirby: :O
(12:38:42 PM) Hatkirby: BUT I LOVE!
(12:38:47 PM) DriftyBeyond: as I took the ashhes with me
(12:38:52 PM) DriftyBeyond: and put it in a jar
(12:38:54 PM) ***Hatkirby chases DriftyBeyond
(12:39:01 PM) DriftyBeyond: and crumpled it with the plane
(12:39:04 PM) ***DriftyBeyond runs away
(12:39:05 PM) ***Hatkirby thinks better of it, and has DriftyBeyond zapped with alien technology
(12:39:13 PM) ***DriftyBeyond is zapped
(12:39:16 PM) ***Hatkirby searches through the wreckage
(12:39:17 PM) ***DriftyBeyond continues running
(12:39:21 PM) Hatkirby: BABY I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE
(12:39:23 PM) Hatkirby: DUN WORRY
(12:39:27 PM) ***Hatkirby sifts
(12:39:28 PM) ozzyfrog: quick Drifty!
(12:39:31 PM) ozzyfrog: LA PA~
(12:39:42 PM) ***DriftyBeyond runs to LA PA
(12:39:43 PM) ***ozzyfrog locksdown LA PA~
(12:39:45 PM) ***Hatkirby whips out a gun and long-distance shoots Drifty
(12:39:54 PM) ***DriftyBeyond remembers that she crumpled Ozzyfrog's plane
(12:39:59 PM) ***DriftyBeyond hides under a table
(12:40:05 PM) ***ozzyfrog has a better plane in LA PA~
(12:40:10 PM) ***Hatkirby found a jar in perfect condition
#379 Up +29/-19 Down May 02 2010 at 02:21:48 am EDT
(10:16:02 PM) DriftyBeyond: Fourie: who's here?
(10:16:02 PM) Fourie: Well, there's Smiley and Smiley and maybe even DriftyBeyond!
(10:16:11 PM) Hatkirby: TWO SMILIES
(10:16:12 PM) Hatkirby: AAAAHHHHH
(10:16:15 PM) DriftyBeyond: AHHHHH
(10:16:21 PM) Hatkirby: AAAAAAAHHHHHHH
(10:16:26 PM) DriftyBeyond: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
(10:16:33 PM) ***ozzyfrog remains calm
#378 Up +20/-20 Down May 02 2010 at 02:15:11 am EDT
(10:11:47 PM) Smiley: Transformers, utensils in disguise
(10:11:58 PM) DriftyBeyond: Smiley, lol
(10:12:09 PM) DriftyBeyond: Transformers, time to eat some pie
(10:12:19 PM) Hatkirby: Transformers, why can't we just die?
(10:12:20 PM) Smiley: i agree
(10:12:24 PM) Hatkirby: LOL
(10:12:31 PM) Hatkirby: Bad timing! :P
#377 Up +22/-17 Down May 02 2010 at 01:50:04 am EDT
(09:47:30 PM) DriftyBeyond: Fourie: I want a present!
(09:47:30 PM) ***Fourie gives DriftyBeyond a sandwich
(09:47:34 PM) Hatkirby: I want a present!
(09:47:34 PM) ***Fourie gives Hatkirby a life
(09:47:37 PM) Hatkirby: LOL
#376 Up +38/-23 Down May 02 2010 at 01:00:09 am EDT
Fourie: Okay, Hatkirby, deleted that 'Hatkirby' is 'wrong'.
#375 Up +19/-20 Down May 01 2010 at 02:14:41 pm EDT
(10:11:59 AM) BleuM937: - i think you'll find that the universe pretty much covers everything =
(10:12:08 AM) Hatkirby: ...
(10:12:09 AM) Fourie: [tamasys silently removes his pants]
(10:12:09 AM) Tamasys: :D :D :D
(10:12:15 AM) Tamasys: BOTSMACK
(10:12:15 AM) Fourie: It's not my fault, blame my programmers!
(10:12:18 AM) Hatkirby: LOL
(10:12:18 AM) BleuM937: WHAT
(10:12:18 AM) Fourie: I know, it's so wonderful!
(10:12:19 AM) Timbo94: :P