Tamasys: Greetings :) BleuM937: huzzah Tamasys: indeed... Tamasys: Now Tamasys: Time to post! * Tamasys posts * FourmMonsterNPC eats Tamasys BleuM937: onoz! * BleuM937 battles FourmMonster * Tamasys tries to escape from FourmMonster * Tamasys hits the inside of ForumMonster with a wrench * BleuM937 cuts FourmMonster into baloney * FourmMonsterNPC is somehow transmogrified into baloney * Tamasys is saved
<transkatie> OMG SOMEBODY SENT ME AN SMS THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE DID I FORGET TO MENTION THAT EVERYBODY HATES ME?!?!?! * billygoat sets ban on *!transkatie@*.nycmny.fios.verizon.net * You have been kicked from #xkcd by billygoat (5-minute autokill)
* Now talking on #xkcd <transkatie> I'm back! <Bucket> Crap. transkatie's back... <transkatie> Lol, that was so on everyone's mind
(08:43:17 AM) Tamasys: um... why do my jeans smell like incense? (08:43:20 AM) Hatkirby: lolwhut? (08:43:24 AM) DriftyBeyond: Pfft (08:43:34 AM) DriftyBeyond: I actually have incense at my house (08:43:34 AM) Timbo94: :P (08:43:34 AM) Hatkirby: Because you keep removing them and Fourie steals them and does stuff to them! (08:43:47 AM) DriftyBeyond: Lulz! (08:43:47 AM) Fourie: GORGLESNERT (08:43:52 AM) Hatkirby: There was a lot of incest at school the other day (08:43:58 AM) Hatkirby: for some Grim Reaper Day (08:44:06 AM) Hatkirby: O_O I MEAN INSENCE (08:44:11 AM) Tamasys: O_O (08:44:11 AM) Tamasys: ROFL (08:44:16 AM) Hatkirby: OR HOWEVER YOU SPELL IT (08:44:16 AM) Fourie: LOL RIGHT BACK AT CHA (08:44:18 AM) DriftyBeyond: Grim Reaper day? (08:44:28 AM) Hatkirby: Something about people dying in car crashes (08:44:37 AM) Hatkirby: They rang a gong every hour and there was incense everywhere (08:44:44 AM) DriftyBeyond: O_O (08:44:45 AM) Hatkirby: Not incest (08:44:48 AM) Hatkirby: No incest at school
(10:11:47 PM) Smiley: Transformers, utensils in disguise (10:11:58 PM) DriftyBeyond: Smiley, lol (10:12:09 PM) DriftyBeyond: Transformers, time to eat some pie (10:12:19 PM) Hatkirby: Transformers, why can't we just die? (10:12:20 PM) Smiley: i agree (10:12:24 PM) Hatkirby: LOL (10:12:31 PM) Hatkirby: Bad timing! :P
(09:21:51 PM) ***Starla regenerates stats so she can see how everything turned out (09:22:08 PM) ***Starla remembers that she is on the wrong network and can't access anything over port 80 (09:24:20 PM) Tamasys: >.< (09:24:34 PM) Starla: Stupid parental controls (09:29:42 PM) Starla: "fourisland.com is blocked because: Weblog" (09:30:06 PM) Starla: Some day, quickfire will be spreading through the house and we will all be huddled in the basement with only my laptop (09:30:30 PM) Starla: And Mom'll Yahoo! search "how to put out quickfire" (because Google is blocked) and the only good result will be on a blog (09:30:33 PM) Starla: THEN we'll be doomed (09:30:42 PM) Starla: all because of parental controls (09:31:13 PM) Starla: This is, then, proof (09:31:19 PM) Starla: Parental controls kills children! (09:31:20 PM) Starla: :O (09:45:09 PM) Tamasys: LOL (09:45:12 PM) Tamasys: that is quite amusing
(08:15:31 AM) TheAmericanOne: Skype is EVRILLL (08:15:33 AM) Smiley: you know there are other open source voip clients out there (08:15:54 AM) TheAmericanOne: Yes, GTalk has VOIP (08:16:20 AM) Smiley: google talk (08:16:26 AM) Smiley: like google chat (08:16:27 AM) TheAmericanOne: Why yes (08:16:30 AM) TheAmericanOne: Why certainly yes (08:16:34 AM) TheAmericanOne: Why bedside table (08:16:39 AM) TheAmericanOne: TimTam uses a computer of tableness (08:16:45 AM) TheAmericanOne: His desktop knows no bounds (08:16:49 AM) TheAmericanOne: It has no mouse or keyboard (08:16:54 AM) TheAmericanOne: It's simply a flat tabletop (08:16:59 AM) TheAmericanOne: No icons or windows (08:17:06 AM) TheAmericanOne: Just a book and some dinner plates (08:17:15 AM) TheAmericanOne: He drops a fork on one and it makes a sound (08:17:19 AM) TheAmericanOne: "YOU'VE GOT MAIL" (08:17:43 AM) TheAmericanOne: He types out his emails with a combination of morse code and grape jelly (08:18:05 AM) Smiley: lawl (08:18:07 AM) TheAmericanOne: okay I'm lolling over here (08:18:13 AM) TheAmericanOne: can't continue that :P (08:18:19 AM) Smiley: :P
(09:27:52 PM) Starla: YAH (09:27:56 PM) Starla: =yay hi (09:28:07 PM) Tamasys: Lol (09:29:49 PM) Starla: So, did you notice? I finished my synopsis! (09:30:08 PM) Tamasys: Ooh ooh **looks** (09:30:10 PM) Tamasys: Linky? (09:30:18 PM) Tamasys: Owait (09:30:21 PM) Starla: http://fourisland.com/fourm/viewtopic.php?t=158&p=11716#p11716 (09:30:26 PM) Tamasys: You're on iPod too (09:30:31 PM) Tamasys: Oh ty (09:30:31 PM) Starla: Nope, compy (09:30:33 PM) Starla: :P (09:30:50 PM) Starla: And besides, with Backgrounder, it doesn't matter if I'm on iPod :P (09:31:02 PM) Tamasys: I know ^_^ (09:31:04 PM) Starla: While I was downstairs, I watched Futurama while talking to Drifty (09:31:11 PM) Starla: HOW'S THAT FOR MULTITASKING STEVE BRUNSWICK! (09:31:13 PM) Starla: UP YOURS! (09:31:46 PM) Starla: Um, I like lemons
Hatkirby: Sorry, I'm just trying to form coherent thoughts while listening to awesome depressing music and experiencing strong cramps IN THE HEART-AREA WHICH IS TOTALLY WHERE LOVE COMES FROM tamasys: haha tamasys: I see tamasys: except that love is mostly generated in the brain tamasys: although it does have effects on most of your body Hatkirby: I'm fully aware of the actual origination of love Hatkirby: I laugh at advertisements that say "LET'S UNLOCK THE SECRETS OF THE HEART" Hatkirby: and I'm like "IT PUMPS BLOOD FROM THE ATRIUM TO THE VENTRICLE AND THEN THROUGH EITHER THE PULMANARY ARTERY OR THE AORTA TO THE LUNGS OR THE REST OF THE BODY RESPECTIVELY AFTER WHICH IT RETURNS TO THE OPPOSITE SIDE OF THE HEART." tamasys: xD Hatkirby: tamasys: they'd be better of investigating the NERVOUS AND ENDOCRINE SYSTEMS tamasys: *off Hatkirby: Lol, yes, the brain is actually complicated Hatkirby: Like seriously, what tamasys: yeah o_O
Drifty: How does snakes relate to homestuwk? Drifty: EVERYTHING'S A SNAKE? Hatkirby: SNAKES ON A METEOR—Coming soon to VHS and DVD! Drifty: I;m just imagining Snakes on a Plane/House of Leaves now Hatkirby: :P :P Drifty: the plane is an eldritch abomination as are the snakes Drifty: THEY'RE ALL TENTACLES Drifty: TENTACLE RAPE Drifty: wait no Hatkirby: lolwhat Hatkirby: The plane is alive! Hatkirby: The plane is Cartesian! Hatkirby: THE SNAKES! THEY'RE.... SINE CURVES!!! Drifty: AHHHHH Drifty: THEY CAN ONLY BE DESCRIBED USING PARABOLIC FUNCTIONS Hatkirby: NOT THE PARABOLICS!!!! Hatkirby: TECHNICALLY, SINE CURVES AREN'T ACTUALLY FUNCTIONS! AAAH! Hatkirby: LenkaTeacher: You have to restrict the domain! Drifty: :P Hatkirby: lol, Snakes On A Cartesian Plane... coming this November Drifty: :P Drifty: OH NO THEY'RE LINEAR NOW Drifty: THEY JUST KEEP GOING Hatkirby: As long as they keep moving in that direction, we're oka—OH NO, THEY'VE BECOME PARABOLIC Drifty: I'VE HAD ENOUGH WITH THESE MOTHERLOVING SNAKES ON MY MOTHERLOVING GRAPHS Hatkirby: lolololol * Drifty SHOOTS A MOTHERLOVING INEQUALITY Drifty: I DIVDED BY ZERO OOPS Hatkirby: THAT INCREASED THE VELOCITY OF THE SNAKES WRIGGLING! Hatkirby: NOW THE GRAPH IS IN RADIANS Drifty: and then Samuel Jackson wass a zombie