#207 Up +19/-19 Down
Drifty1: That sentance about TImTam I babelfished
Hatkirby: brb
Drifty1: one of the Translated back to English translated "He is rather tall" to "It is rather large"
Hatkirby: OMG EWWW
Drifty1: What?
Tamasys: :O
Tamasys: lol
Drifty1: I thought it was saying he was rathe- ARGH OMG IMG OMGO G
Tamasys: *thinks*
Tamasys: WHY AM I LOLING AT THAT?!?!??!?!?!
Hatkirby: back
Tamasys: AHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tamasys: /dies
Drifty1: D:
Drifty1: I feel so embarressed now
Drifty1: I didn't get that at first
Tamasys: so...
* Drifty1 runs away
Tamasys: you like custard?
Tamasys: apple pie
Hatkirby: awwww that means I have a sick mind
#209 Up +18/-18 Down
Hatkirby: And Hipy Pap Brhuthdth Thuthda Brhudhthy to Timbo94!!!!!!
Drifty1: Actually, it's on Monday
Drifty1: but we celebrated his BDAY TODAY
Hatkirby: O_O OH DEAR I"m INsane I Just quoted Winnie the Pooh
Drifty1: ANd I got like a chocolate pancake and a chocolate milksahe
Drifty1: LOLOLOL
#210 Up +21/-21 Down
* Hatkirby is listening to Don't Forget
* Hatkirby by Demi Lovato
Hatkirby: ....oops?
Pyro: oh yay that tis a good song
Hatkirby: :)
Drifty1: Hatkirby by Demi Lovato!
Hatkirby: OMG That happened again!!!!!!!!
Hatkirby: I didn't eve notice!
Hatkirby: Rihanna and Demi Lovato are fighting for trademark rights
Drifty1: :)
Drifty1: :D
Hatkirby: I mean, I noticed I Hatkirby by Rihanna'd again, but I didn't noticee that it was an artist's name again
Hatkirby: :)
#219 Up +34/-34 Down
*Ozzyfrog is eating a TimTam
Tamasys: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#222 Up +27/-27 Down
BleuM937: i could talk about something excited
BleuM937: but
BleuM937: i dont think its appropriate for yaplet
BleuM937: OMG
BleuM937: u said splong
Drifty1: What?
Ozzyfrog: lol
Tamasys: lol *splong*
Drifty1: I didn't say anything else!
BleuM937: splong
Drifty1: A thong is a shoe!
BleuM937: surely that is memetic
BleuM937: memes!
Ozzyfrog: :O, I think I just got what bluemonkey said earlier
Drifty1: Memetic mutation
BleuM937: what did i say b4?
Ozzyfrog: nothing, dw
* BleuM937 can't remember
BleuM937: u said don't worry
Ozzyfrog: bugger
BleuM937: = instant interest
Ozzyfrog: no, no, no
Ozzyfrog: its fine
BleuM937: aww
BleuM937: meanie
Ozzyfrog: i cant really say
Ozzyfrog: dw
Ozzyfrog: its fine
BleuM937: yes
BleuM937: u could say
Ozzyfrog: no, i really cant
Drifty1: Lol!
Ozzyfrog: trust me
BleuM937: *scrolls up*
BleuM937: oops
BleuM937: i made a typo there anyway
Ozzyfrog: gah, dont worry!!!
BleuM937: that's probably what u got ideas from
Drifty1: You used my word!
Ozzyfrog: I thought you were serious for a moment
Ozzyfrog: enough
BleuM937: ...
BleuM937: which word?
Ozzyfrog: moving on
BleuM937: lol
Drifty1: Gah, lol
BleuM937: no
BleuM937: i meant
Ozzyfrog: look it doesnt matter
BleuM937: exciting
Tamasys: lol ozzy said GAH
BleuM937: not excited
Drifty1: LOL
* Drifty1 has to quote this
BleuM937: im excited, but not in an exciting way
Ozzyfrog: oh, please dont
Drifty1: Why not?
BleuM937: im just excited, because something exciting is happening
BleuM937: maybe
* Ozzyfrog thinks that what he said went over everybodys heads
Ozzyfrog: it doesnt matter anymore
Ozzyfrog: moment gone
Ozzyfrog: shall we move on???
* BleuM937 thinks ozzyfrog should explain
Ozzyfrog: no, really, I shouldn't
Ozzyfrog: please can we move on??
Ozzyfrog: pretty please??
Ozzyfrog: I messed up
#252 Up +29/-29 Down
Tamasys: HKKKKKK
Drifty: Hong Kong Kong Kong Kong Kong
#273 Up +23/-23 Down
Hatkirby: Sammi: What is it you are examining?
Hatkirby: Marshie: Your extremely normal female teenage face....
Hatkirby: Katie: Contains an object that we describe....
Hatkirby: Sibbie: As really weird and disproportionately odd....
Hatkirby: Marie: And kinda freaky in a way....
Hatkirby: All: So please notice it like now!
Hatkirby: Sammi then notices a die on her nose.
Hatkirby: Sammi: The location of this confuses me.
Hatkirby: Marie: IT'S A SIGN OF THE APOCALYPSE!!!!
Hatkirby: Sibbie: Close your sound exporting output pipe!
#280 Up +16/-16 Down
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: LIKE A BOSS.
Starla: OH GOD
Starla: Are you on a boat?
Stranger: i am on a boat!
Starla: I'm on a boat!
Stranger: everybody look at us cause we're sailin on a boat!
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
#284 Up +21/-21 Down
***I realize the below quote doesn't really make sense, but it was funny at the time.***

***The following is a parody we made up today of Candy Mountain from Charlie the Unicorn***

Timbo94 and Sammi9494: *like Blue and Pink unicorns from Charlie the Unicorn* Hug the Tree of Abstinence [Pyro]! Hug the Tree of Abstinence! It's filled with contraceptives and Morning After Pills!
#315 Up +18/-18 Down
Drifty: Are you writing the story of your dream?
Soojin Ying: Not this second
Drifty: Are you, soon?
Drifty: Okey - hw?
Drifty: What kind?
Soojin Ying: Social Studies, ew
Soojin Ying: It's a review for the test we're going to have on Thursday, so it's about the Scientific Revolution and The Enlightnement
Drifty: Ouch, well, good luck
Soojin Ying: lol okay :)
Soojin Ying: The wrost part is that the test is an essay
Soojin Ying: Essays = evil
Soojin Ying: lol, wrost! :P
Drifty: Wrost! A mutated German sausage!
Soojin Ying: :)
Drifty: Because it's normally a wurst, and now it's a wrost!
Soojin Ying: We've got hamwrost, beefwrost, lampshadewrost, waterwrost, wallwrost, and if you act now, pillowcasewrost!
Drifty: Pillowcasewrost?! CANNIBALISM!
Soojin Ying: Just make sure to call 1-800-I-CAFE-WROST.com
Soojin Ying: Pillowcasewrost eating is actually listed under "mulitation of metaphysical objects that may or may not be alive at any given moment"
Soojin Ying: not cannibalism :P
Drifty: :P
Soojin Ying: I AM HAPPY NOW
Soojin Ying: lol :P
Drifty: :P
Soojin Ying: OH MY GOD I SHOULD :D