#695 Up +1/-0 Down March 23 2024 at 10:59:51 am EDT
rixxiethegoblin: imo brenton's really nice
rixxiethegoblin: any time I talk to him he's like "ho ho ho I'm santa"
#694 Up +1/-0 Down March 22 2024 at 11:58:33 pm EDT
hatkirby: It was- it was about the primer post, remember?
toothpastecanyon: The what?
hatkirby: The fic rec list.
toothpastecanyon: Oh. The *pr-eye-mer*?
hatkirby: Yeah! It's pronounced primmer.
toothpastecanyon: Huh. I always thought it was pr-eye-mer. Because it primes you.
hatkirby: That makes sense! It's primmer though.
epstmlgy: primmer is correct.
epstmlgy: Actually, pr-eye-mer is the UK pronunciation.
toothpastecanyon: This is worse than if I was wrong.
#693 Up +1/-0 Down March 21 2024 at 09:26:48 pm EDT
j._a._m.: wait who's that one pope michelangelo hated
hatkirby: me
#692 Up +2/-0 Down March 21 2024 at 03:01:05 pm EDT
azhdrake: Do you know how hot the low setting of a heatplate is? Cause if it's around 20C that's safe
azhdrake: Wait no
azhdrake: Why would it be that low
azhdrake: My brain is tired
swbookworm: that's a warm plate not a hot plate
azhdrake: Yeah
swbookworm: actually no
swbookworm: that's a cold plate
azhdrake: That's a room temperature plate
toothpastecanyon: that's a plate!!
swbookworm: that's just a plate
azhdrake: That's just a
swbookworm: pfft
azhdrake: yep
toothpastecanyon: I got there first 🥰
azhdrake: You did!
#691 Up +1/-0 Down March 16 2024 at 08:48:43 am EDT
eka_caesium: I get what you're saying but also that's a very weird thing to even think to say
#690 Up +1/-0 Down March 15 2024 at 10:05:47 pm EDT
toothpastecanyon: I went dressed like I was going to a business meeting
pallasvoid: Yeah!!!!
gasmasque: Such a fancy wee lad
toothpastecanyon: Speaking of wee star took this photo and I’m laughing at how small I look fjfnfnf
gasmasque: Lol
azhdrake: A small and fancy man
hatkirby: I should've knelt down and taken one
toothpastecanyon: You really shouldn’t have
#689 Up +1/-0 Down March 13 2024 at 05:21:48 pm EDT
abgkiwi: just because everyone except icely sam brenton deus and kirbs equates to brendan chris me glitch and you doesn't mean it's half of the old testers even when it does
hatkirby: oh phew i thought you were calling me old
abgkiwi: aren't you younger than me idr
hatkirby: really? I wouldn't have thought that
brentonw: pretty sure kiwi is younger
hatkirby: i'm gonna be 30 next year
abgkiwi: idk for some reason i just assumed kirbs was like 23
abgkiwi: *oh i'm a bit off*
hatkirby: Lol
brentonw: kirbs has a young soul 🙂
hatkirby: :owo:
hatkirby: Yeah ok in another server there were a bunch of people who did not believe me when I said how old I was because I have a picrew avatar
hatkirby: Like what
abgkiwi: i used to have a picrew avatar but almost none of them have haircuts anything like mine
abgkiwi: so i kinda dipped
abgkiwi: also about 2 of them have facial hair options
hatkirby: I only recently got a haircut like this guy
abgkiwi: there's no intersect lol
hatkirby: but I'm lovin it
abgkiwi: floofty hair
hatkirby: Short floofty hair
abgkiwi: tousleable
hatkirby: only after i score the winning goal at my soccer game
hatkirby: ^ not a real thing
abgkiwi: or create a nice drawing to be put on the fridge
hatkirby: i drew a kirby!
abgkiwi: (the two genders: scoring in soccer and nice drawings on the fridge)
hatkirby: so true bestie
#688 Up +0/-0 Down March 12 2024 at 11:35:07 pm EDT
kf01: Looking For Game Short > LFG Short > Let's Fucking Go Shortenstein
hatkirby: ohhhh i always thought LFG really did stand for let's fucking go
kf01: shortenstein reminds me of my cousin throckmorton
exempt_medic: I thought FTW meant Fuck The World for SO long
kf01: (physics problem meme name)
kf01: I refuse to believe
kf01: oh no
hatkirby: ok so the name sounded familiar so i googled throckmorton and this is one of the first things i found https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Thomas_sign
kf01: ah yes, TTT, Throckmorton Throckmorton Throckmorton.
hatkirby: was not expecting the embed jksdhfksjf
kf01: lmfao
exempt_medic: I was reading the embed!
kf01: didn't want an X-ray of some poor sap's dick
rever: :Ban_Hammer:
hatkirby: you have been cursed to read the actual page
hatkirby: :owo:
rever: :rever_flushed:
kf01: kinkshame.png
kf01: /s
hatkirby: kink unlocked: guys with broken hips
rever: :isabelleBanHammer:
kf01: LOL
rever pinned a message to this channel. See all pinned messages.
exempt_medic: I AM WHEEZING
kf01: side effect: broken bed
hatkirby: hdfjkhskgdsf
exempt_medic: Primary side effect: Broken Hip
kf01: destroyed pelvis
kf01: this is getting really fucking raunchy holy shit
rever: imagine if it was phrased
rever: Nerf: Broken Hip
kf01: ashfkjasfgjhfgkwajkhfjhJGJHASDGHJGG
hatkirby: when god nerfs you for having too much fun
rever: @hatkirby join vc
hatkirby: > Studies have shown that the "sign" is no better than chance at identifying the location of a hip fracture.
hatkirby: i just think this is really funny because the implication is that some radiologists were trying to use ppls dicks as injury divining rods
exempt_medic: That was NOT how I thought that sentence was gonna end
#687 Up +1/-0 Down March 09 2024 at 11:58:57 pm EST
hatkirby: i feel so betrayed by kingdom hearts players. you have lied to me
hatkirby: i've been aware of "Goofy dies" as a wild thing that exists
hatkirby: and today i was watching a friend play kingdom hearts and he was like here look it happens
hatkirby: and goofy does get hit in the head by a big rock and is lying motionless on the ground and mickey goes rage mode and runs off with his big key-shaped sword. Cool. Goofy dies and it's so funny
toothpastecanyon: Oh
toothpastecanyon: Omg
hatkirby: he's like doh! i bumped my head!
hatkirby: Goofy Does Not Die
hatkirby: kingdom hearts players have been LYING to you. LOOK what they have been begging your respect for!
toothpastecanyon: Goofy doesn’t reenact lord of the flies :blobcry:
hatkirby: it's so funny to me because like if a kingdom hearts player tells you that goofy dies, what are you gonna do? Check?
hatkirby: No lmao
#686 Up +1/-0 Down March 09 2024 at 06:23:39 pm EST
rever: in a vc
rever: me at hatkirby: do you know what metal pipe sounds like
rever: hatkirby: male pipe?
newsoupvi: I do know what a male pipe sounds like yes :SylveonSmug:
hatkirby: i really could not tell what he was saying and i didn't realise what i was saying until someone laughed
hatkirby: XD
rever: ??????
newsoupvi: :KEKW:
rever: I said "Hatkirby, no stop XD"
hatkirby: >:3
scipiowright: From my research, they appear to make the "plap" sound
rever: euhkjdsaf
rever: Man im glad this is not a gc on the main server, yall would have been bapped to After Dark
newsoupvi: Imagining someone unzipping their pants and whipping out their dick and it's so long that it falls to the floor and it just makes this sound
newsoupvi: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P5R0FbEQBVM
hatkirby: sdjklfhsdkjfhskdjfh
rever: :dr_sob:
hatkirby: that is an insane packer