#643 Up +0/-0 Down November 04 2023 at 09:07:58 am EDT
gasmasque: There’s a dude on Tumblr utterly shocked that there’s no nsfw Wormfic tag, and I find that novelty a slight bit funny
toothpastecanyon: Lol
azhdrake: Undertale vs undertail back in 2015/16 is literally the only time I've seen tumblr respect the idea of a distinct nsfw tag
hatkirby: gravity fucks
azhdrake: I think I decent part of the reason I got into TAU was that the GF tag was so porn filled
gasmasque: Ah, the Wild West days of Tumblr
gasmasque: Aka, before I got into it, lol
azhdrake: oh right they banned port didn't they
azhdrake: I haven't used tumblr in months I kinda forgor
gasmasque: I think it’s back now?
hatkirby: it is not back
tinylittlegremlin: nope
gasmasque: Really?
tinylittlegremlin: not back
gasmasque: I’ve run into a lot of irl nsfw pics on there
tinylittlegremlin: tho a few nsfw artists r braving the way abnyweay bc twitter went to shit
azhdrake: Oh the ban didn't stop a lot of people
tinylittlegremlin: ^
tinylittlegremlin: '
azhdrake: the pornbot problem got way worse post ban, actually
tinylittlegremlin: u can report them n get the removed tho if u wanna
azhdrake: but you can get banned for it
gasmasque: I don’t really care enough to do that
hatkirby: Back in the day you could just scroll down your cock and randomly see COCK though
hatkirby: WHAT
tinylittlegremlin: i mean ur not wreong
hatkirby: What Hadfield in that science
azhdrake: That's where I would expect to see such a thing
tinylittlegremlin: or you phione isnt wrong i guess i shoukd asa\say
gasmasque: It’s the pornbots dming me that’s annoying
hatkirby: I'm laughing too hard to
azhdrake: Dare I say I don't even think it would count as random
gasmasque: Star’s just got too much cock on the brain to function
hatkirby: Yeah it's true
hatkirby: That dentist with his fingers in my mouth still playing in my mind
hatkirby: I meant to say scrolling down your DASH and idk why my phone then also all capped the second COCK
hatkirby: Stopppppp
gasmasque: Your phone just knows you too well
tinylittlegremlin: thinking abt the comedic piotential of tormwenting star by asking him if his cute dentist is single
hatkirby: he's NOT though, he mentioned his boyfriend the last time i saw him, so i am tormented nonetheless
tinylittlegremlin: suffer in agony
hatkirby: 🔫 :Cry:
azhdrake: Maybe he's poly
hatkirby: i guess i don't know that!
hatkirby: bees keeping the hope alive
hatkirby: Lol
tinylittlegremlin: star walking into the next desntist appointment like: how open are youb to polyamory
toothpastecanyon: Fjfjfjfj
hatkirby: hjgkj
hatkirby: "also my top left molar hurts"
toothpastecanyon: Just casual small talk
#645 Up +0/-0 Down November 13 2023 at 08:57:46 am EST
hatkirby: Lmao oh the memories
hatkirby: I miss irc; I miss the decentralised Internet I’m gender
hatkirby: In general*
hatkirby: Shlshldlhdlgshld
newsoupvi: I'M ALSO GENDER
hatkirby: XD
hatkirby: :blobhighfive:
#646 Up +0/-0 Down November 16 2023 at 10:53:10 am EST
pallasvoid: but for now, bagel time
toothpastecanyon: awww yeha
pallasvoid: yeeeee
pallasvoid: bagel with creamchee AND spicy peach jelly
pallasvoid: a treat
hatkirby: :raynaud:
pallasvoid: nuuuu
pallasvoid: mine
hatkirby: Except the spicy stuff. Or the bagel since I'm gluten free
pallasvoid: so
pallasvoid: creamchee
hatkirby: So just give me the scgmeat
hatkirby: I am struggling
hatkirby: I topped it three times
hatkirby: WHAT
pallasvoid: WHAQT
pallasvoid: :wheeze: :wheeze: :wheeze: :wheeze:
pallasvoid: Star how dare you top my bagel thrice
hatkirby: Putting my phone down. Closing my eyes. Going to sleep. Falling into a hole
pallasvoid: tgagergergsergagrag
pallasvoid: amazing
toothpastecanyon: FJDGDDG
hatkirby: ~~well it does have a hole in it~~
toothpastecanyon: 😳
#647 Up +0/-0 Down November 17 2023 at 01:44:23 pm EST
hatkirby: i like this post because 1) it's funny 2) reminds me about cock
#648 Up +0/-0 Down November 20 2023 at 11:33:37 am EST
newsoupvi: putting someone else's code in your code is just such a pain in C
newsoupvi: Or like
newsoupvi: libraries I mean
newsoupvi: Idk maybe I'm just not used to it
hatkirby: I don't really think it is?
newsoupvi: I love love love that I can go "Hey this problem was probably solved by another person. Ok there is a library for it. I'm just gonna put import their_library at the top of my file and then my IDE will instantly ask me do you want to install their_library and then pip will sort it out for me"
newsoupvi: in Python
hatkirby: If you're using a nice makefile system like cmake, you can just tell it to find the library package and it adds all the right cflags and link flags and you can just include it
hatkirby: Mm yeah
hatkirby: Microsoft made a c++ package system like that
newsoupvi: If I have to download a specific version of a dll and lib, and then realise oh I downloaded the one that was compiled with a different fuckin compiler version thing
hatkirby: I think it's pretty useful. Don't like using Microsoft solutions tho
newsoupvi: I just wanna cry
newsoupvi: forever
newsoupvi: Or when I need to build two different versions, one for debug and one for release
newsoupvi: MD vs MDd
newsoupvi: or whatever
newsoupvi: b ru h
hatkirby: See this is all good to me. The stuff you are saying
hatkirby: It is asmr
newsoupvi: :sadcatNOOO:
newsoupvi: how
newsoupvi: why
newsoupvi: I don't understand :sad:
hatkirby: Raised by wolves
newsoupvi: ok based
newsoupvi: but
newsoupvi: :KEKW:
hatkirby: XD
#649 Up +0/-0 Down November 21 2023 at 12:46:44 pm EST
newsoupvi: > on witpus
newsoupvi: On what now
hatkirby: Witness puzzles
newsoupvi: Damn that's some good witpussy
hatkirby: Jekskgskgskgskgs
newsoupvi: Yeah makes sense :KEKW:
hatkirby: Trying not to cackle in this waiting room
newsoupvi: witnussy
hatkirby: Getting Jonathan blowed
#651 Up +0/-0 Down November 30 2023 at 09:42:34 pm EST
eka_caesium: Terrible impulse moment, I bought it
toothpastecanyon: ohhhh noooo how uhh terrible
eka_caesium: There was only one on ebay :blobsob:
hatkirby: i wanna impulse buy something! i have a hole inside of me that could be filled with items! i wanna do it i wanna do it!
eka_caesium: Buy me
hatkirby: :blobnervous:
eka_caesium: :blobowo:
hatkirby: i mean i guess this is what a deal is
toothpastecanyon: buy eka
hatkirby: but you seem too into it
toothpastecanyon: :thatorbthingfrompetscop:
eka_caesium: :blobowo:
hatkirby: ok uh but like. what do you want in exchange for your soul. or is this just gratis
eka_caesium: :blobowo:
eka_caesium: You
eka_caesium: *you'll find out
hatkirby: :NervousSmile:
eka_caesium: Not you
eka_caesium: NOT YOU
toothpastecanyon: gfdgfdg
hatkirby: i am not giving you my soul
hatkirby: sorry not sorry
eka_caesium: Okay well, it might be you
hatkirby: you just said it wasn't!
eka_caesium: I was bending the truth a bit
hatkirby: that's MY job!! wtf!!
toothpastecanyon: eka is doing the first rule of demon dealings and that is have fun and be silly
hatkirby: pushes you into a puddle
eka_caesium: Uh huh
eka_caesium: bleh
eka_caesium: Oh there's a worm in here
toothpastecanyon: a tiny little one?
eka_caesium: Yeah
toothpastecanyon: oh that's mine
eka_caesium: here take it
toothpastecanyon: thanks! 🥰
#652 Up +0/-0 Down November 30 2023 at 09:43:43 pm EST
eka_caesium: There are worse things, but the smell that comes from cooking them down is truly awful <--intimately familiar with this
azhdrake: I doubt I'd mind it that much
azhdrake: <- worked in a lab with strong smelling chemicals and bodily fluids included some truly rancid blood
tinylittlegremlin: we have scented cansdles 🕯️
azhdrake: I don't think that would do much besides add an additional strong smell
tinylittlegremlin: too late
tinylittlegremlin: 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️ 🕯️
swbookworm: :blueflame: :blueflame: :blueflame: :blueflame: :blueflame: :blueflame: :blueflame:
toothpastecanyon: love a good additional strong smell
swbookworm: hmm that looks like a fire hazard to me
swbookworm: Those. Sent out of order
swbookworm: Oops
toothpastecanyon: it's a fun hazard
swbookworm: Alcor voice: "Fire hazard? More like *FUN* hazard!" [maniacal laughter as something burns down in the background]
#654 Up +0/-0 Down December 11 2023 at 10:04:05 pm EST
darkid: always the discards
darkid: see the good thing about eclipse was that you could go back through your void and find what you missed
darkid: vod*
hatkirby: no i like the void better
hatkirby: i was REALLY trying to figure out what you meant
hatkirby: like you go through in the darkness of your own mind what things you may have missed during the run
darkid: true
darkid: eclipse is a time for self reflection
hatkirby: it's very true, and about half of the time that self reflection was about challenge
#661 Up +0/-0 Down January 01 2024 at 02:01:32 am EST
novaluknight: TWO MINUTESSSSSS
tinylittlegremlin: i can imagine
thee_with_eyes_of_stars: almost time for u ey?
tinylittlegremlin: eey sup jinx
novaluknight: YEAHHHHHH
novaluknight: SUP
thee_with_eyes_of_stars: as a time traveler i must warn u
tinylittlegremlin: a new year! thats whats up!
thee_with_eyes_of_stars: do not eat a lot of butter bread
novaluknight: SMH
thee_with_eyes_of_stars: a moderate amount is good
thee_with_eyes_of_stars: but know restraint
tinylittlegremlin: dont listen to lu, theyre a buzzkill, eat a lot pf bread n butter
novaluknight: ONE MINUTE 👁️
novaluknight: mmmm buttered bread
thee_with_eyes_of_stars: do not, else the Tummy Hurt Disease™️ may befall u
tinylittlegremlin: fuck restraint, go hog wild
novaluknight: HAPPY NEW YEARRRR
tinylittlegremlin: 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
thee_with_eyes_of_stars: hap new york!!!
tinylittlegremlin: happy new year!