#611 Up +0/-0 Down
hatkirby: anyway mizar summons alcor to kill macbeth
tinylittlegremlin: Soon i can eat meat
tinylittlegremlin: XD
azhdrake: Lmao
tinylittlegremlin: I love the "you what?"
hatkirby: this guyyyyyyy this frikken guy lmao he did NOT expect lady mizar was gonna pwn him like that!!!! he thought he'd say his cool line "no man can kill me" and it'd be like damb!!! but mizar LEGIT summons a demon to kick him into next week! Subliminal shit right there
tinylittlegremlin: *pffft*
tinylittlegremlin: You sound like an announcer
azhdrake: "You what" are the best last words before getting destroyed by a demon.
hatkirby: thank u
hatkirby: Pfft
hatkirby: although it's often like this: "that was a great deal we made. anyway now that i gave you a hundred dollars, i get to take my side of the bargain: Y O U R S O U L" "you what"
#610 Up +0/-0 Down
avespecora: I'm Not wonder Sayng I'm woman I'm Just ⭐ Saying No Has Bo Me Ever Dy And Seen Wonder Woman In the Same Room Together
#608 Up +0/-0 Down
doomsdayfairy: You go Star!
doomsdayfairy: Unlock those kin memories!
hatkirby: Hldhlslgskgsmg
hatkirby: Oh I Will
toothpastecanyon: Djdncnck
hatkirby: This is the kind of thing where I go in expecting to get dipper memories but I come out with Bill memories and then I tear off my shirt in agony
doomsdayfairy: pfft oh no
toothpastecanyon: No the dipper memories are in the second one
hatkirby: Oh phew
doomsdayfairy: get both and you'll get Alcor memories
hatkirby: The Transcendence happens between covid vaccine doses
toothpastecanyon: Nfnfncmckc
doomsdayfairy: lol
revya: Initially read this as “no worries, the dipper memories are in the bill memories” n I was like :blobamused:
doomsdayfairy: pfft
hatkirby: no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hatkirby: :grumpy_alcor:
hatkirby: theyre my kin memories and i get to decide which au theyre from!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
azhdrake: ohaeldahwlfeaw
#607 Up +1/-0 Down
tinylittlegremlin: Twin souls kinnies, aka Twinnies or in the singular: Twinny,-
hatkirby: djkhfkaf
tinylittlegremlin: I sufter the though, you suffer the thought too
toothpastecanyon: yesssss I love that except for the twinner part but yeah before that hell yeah grem
tinylittlegremlin: XD
tinylittlegremlin: Ok now i want a fic where alcors pretending to human and when he tries to reveal his secret everyone just thinks hes a closet twinny
tinylittlegremlin: Not just a twinner
tinylittlegremlin: But a twinny
hatkirby: omG
hatkirby: kjhsadkfh
hatkirby: IDEAS THO
hatkirby: alcor tries to tell someone and they're like "oh thanks for feeling comfortable enough telling me something like that! i know people say it's cringe but i'm alcor kin too... hey why do you look like you're gonna be sick"
tinylittlegremlin: XD
azhdrake: "Oh don't tell me you're a no doubles kind of guy"
tinylittlegremlin: Every time he tries to prove it theyre just like "man ur rlly commited to this arentcha"
hatkirby: 😶
theentity0808: :blobglare:
azhdrake: And that's how space california gets blown up
tinylittlegremlin: *Gjfhskalalijho*
azhdrake: "COULD A KINNIE DO THIS???"
azhdrake: "oh fuck not again"
hatkirby: kjDSHF
tinylittlegremlin: Bees ur killing me
tinylittlegremlin: Im dead
tinylittlegremlin: Youve slain me
tinylittlegremlin: The news reports tho-
tinylittlegremlin: "Alcor 'kinnie' blows up space california"
azhdrake: ;oafjo;awefjo;awiejf;iaw
tinylittlegremlin: "Twin Souls: harmless romance or unspeakable crime?"
hatkirby: you're laughing. the world's biggest alcor kinnie blowed up space california to turn space georgia blue in the elections, and you're laughing.
tinylittlegremlin: "Twin Souls encouraging violence in The Youth"
tinylittlegremlin: Im no just laughing im ***howling***
hatkirby: >:D
azhdrake: I mean. "The world's biggest Alcor kinnie" is, if you think about it, a technically correct description of Dipper
tinylittlegremlin: *wheeze*
azhdrake: Are we all not but the worlds biggest kinners of ourselves?
#606 Up +1/-0 Down
toothpastecanyon: also I was wondering if you're a fan of turkey or just regular bacon sauce
eka_caesium: what now
eka_caesium: what sauce
azhdrake: The bacon sauce™️
tinylittlegremlin: What bacon sauce
tinylittlegremlin: We talkin grease or gravy
toothpastecanyon: originally the joke was bacon milk but I worry in this situation it's not a diverse enough meal
azhdrake: *The* bacon sauce
eka_caesium: okay :blobnervous:
tinylittlegremlin: Ah i see
tinylittlegremlin: Tooth
azhdrake: Gonna milk my bacon.
toothpastecanyon: grem 💙
azhdrake: Squeeze it's little bacon udders.
tinylittlegremlin: If the next time i go to That One Fancy Store and they have bacon milk
hatkirby: :blobhyperthinkfast:
tinylittlegremlin: Im blaming you
toothpastecanyon: :blobsnuggle:
azhdrake: Hey star
azhdrake: Hello
toothpastecanyon: star!
toothpastecanyon: we love u!!
azhdrake: Welcome to this completely normal conversation
hatkirby: that cant be true bc you made me read "squeeze the bacon's udders"
tinylittlegremlin: Hi star come talk with us about completley normal things
toothpastecanyon: djsgljdslg
toothpastecanyon: the budders
tinylittlegremlin: Excuse u star its 'little bacon udders'
tinylittlegremlin: The little is very important, its a descriptor
hatkirby: hmm i don't know if it improves it at all
toothpastecanyon: ;gfldgkd
toothpastecanyon: it's udderly improved
tinylittlegremlin: It doesnt have to improve things to be important
azhdrake: Man I'm glad the place that I'm trying to get a job at has no way of knowing who I really am because I'm pretty sure that I would get mega fired for typing that sentence out even though I'm not even on board yet
toothpastecanyon: It's alright I'm interviewing at a law firm tomorrow
hatkirby: thats it im taking away all of yalls hall of fame privileges
eka_caesium: Hahaha :blobamused:
toothpastecanyon: none of you guys tell them I regularly say nutty tweaked and bacon udders ok
tinylittlegremlin: Lmao
hatkirby: you've milked your last meat
hatkirby: 🔪
azhdrake: ejfaofejeoa;wfj;aeo
hatkirby: YALLS
azhdrake: I am fucking DYING
hatkirby: SKJDFHKSDF
toothpastecanyon: STAR
eka_caesium: YES HAHAHAHA
toothpastecanyon: I am SCANDALISED by what you've put on the hall of fame
tinylittlegremlin: 😈
hatkirby: I'M MORTIFIED
eka_caesium: GOOD
tinylittlegremlin: UR WELCOME STAR
hatkirby: expecting me to think things through before i say them at 9:30pm i mean really !
#605 Up +0/-0 Down
hatkirby: Happy C-ta Sunday!
cymrin: happy c-ta sunday! celebrate by doing morally questionable things today
ickyickyicky: \ o /
hatkirby: I'm watching gaslight at beppo and I am thinking of Him
cymrin: gfjfsfkfd
ickyickyicky: LMFAO
cymrin: I can’t remember, have you seen it before? <- this is not a gaslight joke, I just can’t remember
hatkirby: Lsysks
hatkirby: I have not
ickyickyicky: Do we have plans to hang out tomorrow btw?
ickyickyicky: Omg gaslight is really good
hatkirby: Yeah I've been wanting to see it
hatkirby: Tomorrow?
ickyickyicky: For some reason I had a memory of us making plans but now I think I was just confused lol
hatkirby: We made plans for today but then you cancelled
ickyickyicky: Oh I meant for like all 3 of us
hatkirby: Oh
ickyickyicky: I remembered canceling for today
ickyickyicky: Lmao sorry I just wanted to check but it sounds like no
ickyickyicky: was gaslit by self into thinking I had plans
hatkirby: I was gonna say this whole conversation is a minefield
ickyickyicky: LMFAO
cymrin: for real
ickyickyicky: YEAH SORRRY
cymrin: no you’re fine I think the whole conversation was really funny. we all contributed
#604 Up +0/-0 Down
toothpastecanyon: Guys I love the hall of fame posts they’re all incomprehensible
roguechlnchllla: Sadly, the nfsw hall of fame is not up to the same impossible standard.
tinylittlegremlin: Probs bc we never use it
hatkirby: Damb now when we welcome ppl to the tau 18+ chat we really do just have to explain to them why we have an entire channel devoted to godmod saying omega cumslut
#603 Up +1/-0 Down
hatkirby: How many eggs do you think noted transphobe Bitch Hartman has cracked. Like he sucks so bad but keeps accidentally creating the TRANSest cartoons
pallasvoid: looking back, Danny Phantom definitely tapped on my shell haha
hatkirby: Haha
hatkirby: Daniel Phaniel
pallasvoid: ekjghliajfhdg
hatkirby: I'm so funny today
pallasvoid: you are <3
hatkirby: <3
pallasvoid: love that for you
azhdrake: Morning
hatkirby: I am funnier online. Irl I have just been sitting here yelling "exploding titties! Exploding titties!" For like five minutes
#602 Up +1/-0 Down
avespecora: tucks star in ever so gently
avespecora: no it is bed time
hatkirby: uwu
pallasvoid: same
hatkirby: Read me a bedtime fic avie
avespecora: yes yes let's see.....
avespecora: clears my throat and obnoxious amount
avespecora: "Once upon a time there was a Dipper and he was a demon. Some fuckin wild shit happened man, you shoulda been there. Crazy. Anyway's I'm sure it worked out in the end. The End"
hatkirby: Fzfakgskysgksk
#601 Up +1/-0 Down
hatkirby: Give me immortality or give me -- uh. Not gonna finish that thought.