#565 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 09:29:24 pm EDT
hatkirby: Hey void
pallasvoid: star!
hatkirby: Void can you imagine being a gamer. I'm rotating it in my mind
hatkirby: Drinking mountain dew and saying stuff on stream that you have to apologise for. It's so fking hot
hatkirby: Also I lost four hours of sleep last night and am feeling a little loopy why do you ask
pallasvoid: kjdhfglkadjhfg
pallasvoid: omg star you're right being a gamer must be sooooooo sexy
hatkirby: :sunglarp:
hatkirby: All the good ones are married 😔
pallasvoid: gkjahfdgkjhdf yeah
#564 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 09:12:30 pm EDT
hatkirby: i find the slang terms for "muscular" to be the funniest things ever
hatkirby: shredded? ripped? tweaked? jacked?
hatkirby: its just. so good
toothpastecanyon: alcor ripped some angel
alcorian5305: I've never heard tweaked??
alcorian5305: Wtf how does that make sense
hatkirby: how do any of them make sense?
alcorian5305: "Tweaked" sounds like the opposite of muscular
toothpastecanyon: aww lil angel is tweaked
hatkirby: bab angel
hatkirby: one one muscle
toothpastecanyon: Omg just a tiny angel in the same pose
toothpastecanyon: like comes up to lucy ann's knee, still rockin the sword n the armour
toothpastecanyon: absolutely tweaked
hatkirby: pfffffft
hatkirby: i cant get over shredded
toothpastecanyon: I would not like shredded muscles thanks
toothpastecanyon: that sounds painful
hatkirby: "yes i got prion disease so my muscles would be shredded"
toothpastecanyon: PFFFFT OW
aba_daba_do: Did you guys see the SNL skit that parodied Star Wars? “I heard that Kylo Ren is shredded. That Kylo Ren has a six pack.”
aba_daba_do: That’s what I’m imagining rn but with TAU
hatkirby: "yo i heard that Alcor the Dreambender is jacked to the moon"
hatkirby: mabel loses her mind laughing bc dipper is a scrawny kid
toothpastecanyon: ~~alcor shows up with bleeding, shredded muscles and a six pack of soda~~
toothpastecanyon: 'DINNER GUYS :DDD'
eka_caesium: Yeeesss
toothpastecanyon: nobody eats alcor's dinner\
hatkirby: "bruh i read online that alcor is nutty tweaked"
toothpastecanyon: even lane is like 'may I have candy'
hatkirby: pfffft
toothpastecanyon: NUTTY TWEAKED
aba_daba_do: Don’t ever say Nutty Tweaked again
eka_caesium: Star that's so cursed.
hatkirby: >:D
toothpastecanyon: N U T T Y T W E A K E D
aba_daba_do: NO!
hatkirby: T̩̯̪H̝̫̞I̯̖ͅS̼̫̭ ̝̝̞C̡̹͔U͏̱R̻̝͔S̴͇͙E̡͎ ̖̫̟I͉̣̰S̻͈̝ ͚̥M̻̲͇Į͎̩̰N҉̺̝̘E̙̹ ̯̜̙AL̶͇̭O͇͙̰N͏E̸ ̩͝T̠͍́O̥̟ ͈̝̲B̨͖͉E͇͝A̢̤̦R҉̖̤ͅ ͢N̩̞̖O̷̱̬ ̰L̖͈̺O͕͉͎N̷͎̠G͓̳͚E̱̺̜Ṛ̢̟͎
#563 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 09:08:59 pm EDT
toothpastecanyon: Dipper got noodle arms but he will crush you so hard your matter will collapse into a black hole
hatkirby: ok
hatkirby: i'm ready
#562 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 09:08:09 pm EDT
hatkirby: do you think about the fact that humans had a heart for centuries before they ever knew they did
azhdrake: Like. The blood pump?
hatkirby: yeah
hatkirby: centuries is an underestimate
hatkirby: a lot of time
azhdrake: I mean, we knew what hearts did way before we knew what brains did
hatkirby: do you think about the fact that humans had a brain for millennia before they ever knew they did
azhdrake: I do sometimes think about how egyptions making mummy's were like. "this bit's useless just pull it out the nose and toss it"
toothpastecanyon: Pffft
hatkirby: XD
hatkirby: don't need that shit in the underworld, all you do is sit around and play bingo and watch cartoons all day
azhdrake: lijwaf;oeja;owf
#561 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 08:55:02 pm EDT
azhdrake: Eridan was kinda weird for a supposed sea dweller
azhdrake: never went under water much
azhdrake: but fef
azhdrake: God DAMN did fef live underwater and have a deep sea goddess as a mom
hatkirby: feferi is glubbing around in the sea all dang day and helping cuttlefish and feeding creatures to the giant unknowable beast that lives at the bottom of the sea
azhdrake: Fef is good
hatkirby: eridan was too much of an incel to live in the water. the whole point is that he never got wet
azhdrake: Oh is THAT why that was
azhdrake: that went right over my head
hatkirby: oh i just made that up because i thought it sounded insane
azhdrake: It sounds.
azhdrake: Very inline
azhdrake: with hussie logic
hatkirby: true
hatkirby: oh no i'm understanding him...
azhdrake: I'm sorry
azhdrake: 🪦
#560 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 08:51:36 pm EDT
eka_caesium: Can I interest anyone in a 7lb bucket of sand and soda ash
hatkirby: Yes
hatkirby: Idk what that is but I want it
revya: Wow tasty :catjuice:
eka_caesium: excellent ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ🪣
hatkirby: :herehecomes:
eka_caesium: ahgfdasdfghjlkj the tagline is "it doesn't make sense not to have one of these nearby, does it?"
eka_caesium: I'm sure it's very useful in your lab but also--lol
hatkirby: *me advertising a lame pair of pants* "I can't NOT put these on!"
eka_caesium: *wheeze*
eka_caesium: It's $3.75, can't beat that
azhdrake: I believe sand and soda ash is used to put out fires
hatkirby: well it can't possibly put out the fire inside my soul
hatkirby: or my acid reflux
azhdrake: jfailejfa
azhdrake: actually it would help with that theoretically
azhdrake: it's pretty basic
hatkirby: fair
azhdrake: Mind you, I feel like depending on the dose it might violently react with your acid and that would cause other problems, but in the end it would neutralize it
hatkirby: i want to cause nuclear explosions in my microbiome
swbookworm: Don't we all
#559 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 08:49:52 pm EDT
tinylittlegremlin: hi bees!!!
azhdrake: Hey Grem!
tinylittlegremlin: bees help i am thinking about technology again
tinylittlegremlin: also bees help it is super windy out
hatkirby: are you thinking about all of the objective-c code loaded into that ipad 🥺
tinylittlegremlin: whats objective-c code?
azhdrake: Because our planet rotates at an angle?
hatkirby: objective-c is the best programming language in the universe said literally no one except me because i think it is neat and i get canceled everytime i bring it up
azhdrake: And uneven heat distribution causes air currents to do things
hatkirby: it's the language apple used to use / sort of still uses for its software platforms
azhdrake: Oh you didn't ask why was it windty
azhdrake: You just stated a fact
hatkirby: no i think you effectively helped grem
azhdrake: Sorry about your wind, brah
hatkirby: you told them what was going on and helped them come to terms with why they're being blown comically off their feet toward a large tree
tinylittlegremlin: djkklgalkghajklgdf;
tinylittlegremlin: and yeah what star said
tinylittlegremlin: [gets blown away]
#558 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 08:48:01 pm EDT
azhdrake: God I was old enough to drink when GF ended and some of y'all be not even teenagers
notroxa: i say as if 21 isnt also a baby adult
notroxa: old ass /j
pallasvoid: adjskghkasdgjh I was like 18 or 19 when it ended, depending what month it was
gasmasque: It was February
hatkirby: mmm yeah I remember knocking back all those brewskis watching a triangle get set on fire
notroxa: feb 2016
pallasvoid: asjkdghksdgh STAR
#557 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 08:47:21 pm EDT
hatkirby: ƛ
tinylittlegremlin: oh that sounds fun
hatkirby: i could only find a lambda with a diacritic for some reason
eka_caesium: λ
hatkirby: i knew i could count on you
hatkirby: now we can do some lambda calculus
hatkirby: kjsdhfkjshdf i got confused because i'm watching an episode of golden girls while typing and they said "hot flashes" and i typed it
hatkirby: anyway lambda calculus time
hatkirby: λf.(λx. f(x x))(λx. f(x x))
eka_caesium: new high level kaomoji
hatkirby: :blobaww:
hatkirby: new emotion unlocked: the Y combinator
eka_caesium: wow!!
#556 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 08:46:14 pm EDT
hatkirby: happy homestuck day
pallasvoid: I was waiting on you to say this lol
pallasvoid: happy homestuck day
hatkirby: Haha
hatkirby: i'm a non-practicing homestuck but it's how i was raised
pallasvoid: dkjgfhalsdkgjhaghfj