#590 Up +1/-0 Down
eka_caesium: If you'd come up to me several weeks prior and said "Eka you're going to end up drawing a sexy alligator for school" I would've said "we're in the midst of a pandemic get out of my house"
#589 Up +0/-0 Down
dinofanham: Oh, also, if anyone has any suggestions for cute outfits to try out whenever I'm able to actually experiment with then DM them to me!
dinofanham: I'm looking for ideas
chommki: yo, skirts and button-ups? you will slaughter millions
#588 Up +0/-0 Down
pallasvoid: if you have time, money, and EVA Foam, you too can have a sick robot arm
pallasvoid: tbh working with EVA foam is pretty easy once you get used to it
justdogs: i have no time, no EVA foam, no money and i am very small so you can imagine the kind of stress i am under
#587 Up +1/-0 Down
revya: One day I'm gonna check in here n Fef n Danny will be like yeah taucon next week, I hope you all got your tickets, n I'll be like fuck
#586 Up +0/-0 Down
alcorian5305: My dad wants me to take ketamine for my depression?
alcorian5305: Disappointed but not entirely surprised...
alcorian5305: Hes saying it will "cure" me. Not treat me, cure me.
alcorian5305: Wtf dad
toothpastecanyon: wtf
toothpastecanyon: That's so stupid
toothpastecanyon: *huge paps*
tinylittlegremlin: ^
tinylittlegremlin: i know nothing of depression but even i know that aint how it works
justdogs: *paps*
pallasvoid: just "ah yes you are sad in the brain... do horse tranquilizer about it" wtf
#585 Up +0/-0 Down
revya: [slaps Dipper] this can fit so much body horror
#584 Up +0/-0 Down
revya: Be gay, do ocean crime 🏄
toothpastecanyon: be gay but if you do ocean crime you do ocean time
revya: Be gay and know your ocean rights 🌊
justdogs: no ocean crime unless u ready to do the ocean time
toothpastecanyon: be gay and give ocean liscence and reefisdration please
#583 Up +0/-0 Down
justdogs: ugh
justdogs: google did an update and i HATE IT!
hatkirby: uh oh
hatkirby: that darn google! *laughs nervously*
justdogs: star
hatkirby: hi
justdogs: star were u the one who took away my tab folders?
justdogs: star?
hatkirby: yep, i'm the criminal
hatkirby: i stole them and have now eaten them
justdogs: how could You star!!!
hatkirby: idk?? they looked yummy??
justdogs: *i CrYYYY*
hatkirby: i'm sorry doggo!!
justdogs: they did look hell yummy
justdogs: :blobcry:
hatkirby: :blobpats:
justdogs: god look at this mess
justdogs: [Image of mobile browser with no tab groups. Hey, dogs is reading Lucy Ann & the Lunch Bunch!]
hatkirby: :blurryeyes:
hatkirby: yo i've never had tab folders, on my phone i've got over a hundred tabs open and there's no organization at all
hatkirby: also :blurryeyes: thats a nice fanfic u've got open there
justdogs: hehehe
justdogs: tab folders were the best thing that ever happened to me
hatkirby: i'm sorry :( that's rough
justdogs: if i ever meet god i will shoot a basketball hopp through their halo just for taking them away from me
hatkirby: are you inmplying that god works for google
justdogs: it's their day job
hatkirby: lol
#582 Up +0/-0 Down
lutherstatic: im a clc, cowboy loving cowboy
toothpastecanyon: omg ur valid
lutherstatic: thank u toofers
toothpastecanyon: :blobsnuggle:
justdogs: !!!
justdogs: i am a nlc, non-cowboy loving cowboys
lutherstatic: please dont fetishize cowboy culture, we're real normal people just like you, riding horses to the grocery store, cleaning our spurs on the porch,
toothpastecanyon: 💚
justdogs: aw man, i'm sorry there r people out there like that but i am only here trying to show my support, i am a non cowboy loving cowboys the same as i am out here loving the non cowboys, just an ally fighting for cowboys right to ride cowhorses and to clean spurs
justdogs: Cowboy rights are human rights
justdogs: 👏
toothpastecanyon: HELL YEAH
toothpastecanyon: YEEHAW MOTHERFUCKERS
#581 Up +0/-0 Down
toothpastecanyon: al-v ooh I got a good one
toothpastecanyon: I love chocolate okay
toothpastecanyon: so what if everything I touched turned to chocolate!!
toothpastecanyon: I SEE NO PROBLEMS HERE
alcorian5305: oh no
toothpastecanyon: I got the idea from reading about this idiot called midas who made everything he touched turn to gold
toothpastecanyon: what an idiot. you can't eat gold
eka_caesium: Wow what a loser.
aba_daba_do: You can eat gold if you apply yourself
alcorian5305: true ^^^
toothpastecanyon: aba you do put out a good defense. Maybe I will make one hand turn things to chocolate and the other turn things to gold