#600 Up +0/-0 Down
hatkirby: TOOTH!!!!
hatkirby: I am eating my three Egg Thursday
toothpastecanyon: STAR
toothpastecanyon: Omg!!
toothpastecanyon: But it’s Monday silly!
hatkirby: 🤔
hatkirby: Ah yes but someday it won't be!
hatkirby: Checkmate atheists
toothpastecanyon: It’s Thursday somewhere
hatkirby: Ass eaten by occam's razor
toothpastecanyon: Hrthhgjghgjgfjg
hatkirby: "Eating ass" is really really funny to me bc like imagine the idea of just biting off someone's butt. But then I remember that it is a sex thing ncsjgs
pallasvoid: ksjhdflkjahglajkhgr
toothpastecanyon: Damn they took all the fun expressions
hatkirby: 😔
azhdrake: "Gonna be eating ass tonight!" I say as I put my ham in the oven
toothpastecanyon: Hrqhffvergrg
hatkirby: I am making noises
hatkirby: Wait is that a sex thing too I thought that meant farting
toothpastecanyon: Pfffft
toothpastecanyon: No only SEX PEOPLE are allowed to make noise the rest of us must be SILENT
hatkirby: No lol I meant the ham in the oven
azhdrake: What?
toothpastecanyon: oh I misunderstood fkfkfkfkfkfj
azhdrake: Since when is "ham in the oven" mean anything other then cooking a ham?
hatkirby: we are all a clueless mess
toothpastecanyon: Hehehe
azhdrake: Yeah I googled it and it's just recipies.
hatkirby: ok i looked it up on urban dictionary and "ham in the oven" does mean farting
pallasvoid: kjahsdkgjhadfg
azhdrake: I stand corrected
toothpastecanyon: ‘Hey thanks for coming to dinner I have a ham in the oven’ ‘GROSS’
hatkirby: "thank you for attending my soiree. if you'll take a look at the menu you will see that we are going to be eating ass tonight"
toothpastecanyon: Omg
hatkirby: dipper walks into the room and immediately walks out
#599 Up +1/-0 Down
azhdrake: Reading the "how to have a video appointment" blurb for my new doctor and
> You must not be driving. If you are driving, your clinician will not complete the appointment.
The fact that they feel the need to specify this is terrifying to me.
hatkirby: hmm
hatkirby: yes that is. Frightening
hatkirby: "anyway doc i just crashed into a laundromat, any advice? blood work maybe?"
azhdrake: jefoaijfoaew
hatkirby: blood work? uh yeah i sure hope it does!
#598 Up +0/-0 Down
azhdrake: When I was at the U I was working for the Queer Student Cultural Center at the college and that was great. Loved everyone there.
roguechlnchllla: Yeah, I might end up getting a part time job on campus at some point anyways. I just don’t need to, which is really great.
hatkirby: hell yeah workin with the big gays!
swbookworm: tbf one of the jobs was. very involved and actually technically full time once everything that went into it was factored in, but i did genuinely enjoy that one and it was *very* good for me in terms of social development (if that's the right term) so
swbookworm: queer student cultural center sounds like a rly good place to work
azhdrake: it was! Absolutely the best part of the University experience
hatkirby: the job i did that was the most fun was backstage work for student productions, like it was a very time and energy consuming thing but i loved it a lot, like setting up and striking the shows, and i was often backstage during the shows as the stage manager, corralling performers and yelling about condoms
swbookworm: ksdslkajdlskas thats great
hatkirby: please ask me about the condoms
azhdrake: Star 🤝 bees
azhdrake: Yelling about condoms in their university jobs
hatkirby: kjsdfhkjsdhfksd
hatkirby: UR RIGHT
azhdrake: I mean, I'm assuming that the condom thing is that people be fucking, but I could also see unlubricated condoms being used for various Theater Things™️
pallasvoid: god im waiting with bated breath for this condom story
hatkirby: ok so it's sort of a common practice that when you're using wireless mics, you put the mic pack into a condom before you clip it on the performer so that they don't sweat onto the pack and break it, WHICH HAPPENS A LOT performers get sweaty when they're dancing around and being dramatique. and the thing is that people somehow kept breaking their condoms?? which is a really funny implication on its own. but it also meant that one time I had the unenviable job of walking to the campus convenience store and asking the clerk "hey do you have any unlubricated condoms?" and she gave me this tired, defeated look, shook her head and said, "no, baby. we don't have those."
pallasvoid: dfljgaljhdfgkdjfhg
swbookworm: kasjdklsfdhsds
pallasvoid: :wheeze:
swbookworm: that's somehow so much better than i anticipated
pallasvoid: right?!?!
hatkirby: :blobxd:
hatkirby: theatre is fun
pallasvoid: it is!
pallasvoid: i miss it
azhdrake: Theater IS fun!
#597 Up +0/-0 Down
azhdrake: I am....... sleepy
azhdrake: SleeBee
azhdrake: 😪 okay i was gonna do a thing but now I'm distracted by how terrible this "sleepy"emoji is
azhdrake: *sheds single tear* I'm just so tired.... So tragic
avespecora: 😴
azhdrake: Yeah that one's fine
azhdrake: But
avespecora: how does the sleeby tear lead to this 😔
avespecora: Crying before sleep
avespecora: the usual
azhdrake: As you do
avespecora: 🤫 🥱 😪 😴
hatkirby: god im so sad that all of my friends get to run around at the mall and through rocks throw store windows but my mom says i have to go to bed at 8:30 and i'd just sneak out but i'm so hecking tired 😪
avespecora: elfksdhdkhgkhjdfkfdj
toothpastecanyon: hgjfdlhj
tinylittlegremlin: Lmao
#596 Up +0/-0 Down
azhdrake: Okay reading an article on it: chameleons can and will camouflage with their color changing, but only in subtle ways like making themselves darker or lighter green. When they break out the other colors, that's for communication.
swbookworm: ah yeah sounds accurate
hatkirby: Or for dance parties!
azhdrake: Is dance not communication?
azhdrake: The purest expression of self?
azhdrake: The ultimate way of talking?
hatkirby: Chameleon listening to darude sandstorm and going big dick mode
hatkirby: Okay I meant to type big dick mode
azhdrake: o;aefjoi;awejfo;iawf;oawi
hatkirby: Big F U C K mode
swbookworm: ksaldsadjsaddsa
azhdrake: Star's phone knows what it wants in life
hatkirby: Pffffft
azhdrake: and it's big lizard dick
hatkirby: I'm throwing my phone in a volcano
swbookworm: kasjdlsakdjds
azhdrake: it's for the best
#595 Up +0/-0 Down
hatkirby: caught necrozma with a quick ball bc im a fuckin boss
toothpastecanyon: AWW YEAH
tinylittlegremlin: 🎉
hatkirby: i'm gonna use it in the elite four bc i'm a little bitch
hatkirby: i'm a fuckin boss AND a little bitch yes we exist
#594 Up +0/-0 Down
azhdrake: Guess who just ordered a whittling knife?
azhdrake: Gonna.
azhdrake: Carve
hatkirby: whater u gonna carve 👀
azhdrake: I don't have a specific project I've just lusted after the idea of being able to carve wood since I was ten and it occurred to me that this is something I can absolutely make happen
hatkirby: lusted
hatkirby: is a word
azhdrake: Gonna make a bunch of little sculptures.
azhdrake: objyeckkks
hatkirby: lustily i dipped my oars into the silent lake, and as i rose upon the stroke, my boat went heaving through the water like a swan
hatkirby: [what i think every time i see the word lust]
azhdrake: jao;jiweofjoe;fjw;
#593 Up +0/-0 Down
roguechlnchllla: Speaking of that, a few days ago I was in a really weird edge states of consciousness.
hatkirby: two days ago rogue was legally dead for 15 minutes and there's a new york times article about it
#592 Up +0/-0 Down
pallasvoid: how're you this morning?
hatkirby: Sleepy
hatkirby: Didn't sleep great last night which probably has to do with the fact that I stayed up to 1Am chatting with ppl
pallasvoid: oh noooo
pallasvoid: big mood tho, my partner is up lol
pallasvoid: sadly the not sleeping was mutual insomnia and my brain doing a fuck and nothing fun
hatkirby: Aww
hatkirby: Well that just about blows a big one
toothpastecanyon: Awww
hatkirby: Verily it sucks in the name of GOD
#591 Up +0/-0 Down
hatkirby: Hello void!
hatkirby: Me invocat
pallasvoid: awake
pallasvoid: i hate it
hatkirby: Ugh yeah
pallasvoid: I wanted to stay in bed where it was waaarm
hatkirby: I am like oh? Oh you have consciousness? You are no longer hallucinating disconnected stories about made-up people? You want to re enter the real world? Pussy
pallasvoid: dshgkjldhfgkjdhfg