#555 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 08:42:26 pm EDT
hatkirby: Dippy with a gift
hatkirby: For u all
rindomness: :O
tinylittlegremlin: :owo: ✨
eka_caesium: awwww
eka_caesium: Thanks Dipper!!!
tinylittlegremlin: 🌞 <- a gift for dipper as thanks
hatkirby: :blobaww:
eka_caesium: hey why is it dark outside now :blobnervous:
rindomness: uh oh
eka_caesium: where did the sun go :blobnervous: :blobnervous: :blobnervous:
tinylittlegremlin: Dont worry abt it!! :D
azhdrake: You did not let dipper eat the sun right as winter was ending
rindomness: it's dipper's now eka don't worry it's fine
tinylittlegremlin: Who said dipper ate it???
hatkirby: Well I think my psychic heart nosed bat deserves little a sin as a treat
azhdrake: If it gets one degree colder I'm ending everythng
hatkirby: Sun*****
rindomness: no no no
rindomness: stick with the first one
rindomness: it's already been said
tinylittlegremlin: [Carefully and slowly puts away the giant ice machine]
hatkirby: Well maybe he deserves that too
hatkirby: The son
hatkirby: Sin
rindomness: jfdlskafjskfjls
azhdrake: hxkulHL
rindomness: STAR
hatkirby: My PHONE
tinylittlegremlin: Dipper deserves a som too, yes
tinylittlegremlin: To cherish
tinylittlegremlin: And kove
tinylittlegremlin: As any adult should
azhdrake: Give the bat little a Jesus, you know, as a treat
tinylittlegremlin: Shajsbskavaksba
hatkirby: Listen, I u and o are all right next to each other on the keyboard
rindomness: fair fair
tinylittlegremlin: You said it star!!!!
hatkirby: Ok but I don't know if Dipper's going to know who Jesus is, he wasn't raised that way
hatkirby: In fact he was raised to soon
hatkirby: SIN
hatkirby: I'm gonna scream
tinylittlegremlin: Yes hebwas raised too soon to
rindomness: STARRRRR
azhdrake: I realize he's Jewish but I don't think you can
azhdrake: yeah he was raised 2000 years ago
azhdrake: no Jesus there
azhdrake: too early
hatkirby: Lol
#554 Up +1/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 08:37:23 pm EDT
azhdrake: I love finding websites that just blatantly lie
azhdrake: Looking up snakes for reasons and this website is claiming cuban boas are a) about twice as long as they actually seem to be and b) a different conservation status then they actually are
azhdrake: Wow I found a different website that made them even longer and more endangered.
azhdrake: People be lying about snakes
hatkirby: it's not how long the snake is, it's how you use it
hatkirby: herpetologists will be like my snake is soooo long and in danger of dying out, if only there was someone who could help it out ;)
azhdrake: ;oajfaowefjaiwjfeaw
#553 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 08:31:42 pm EDT
azhdrake: I'm currently working on making a character database website as an excuse to learn Java Spring Boot (a website framework {a way of making a website}) and it's going pretty well considering that I haven't touched Java or database stuff since graduating.
toothpastecanyon: Oh you go!!!
toothpastecanyon: Java always sounds like a coffee to me
azhdrake: I mean it's logo is a coffee cup
azhdrake: The silly thing, which I may have mentioned before here, is that Java is not related to JavaScript in the slightest, but IS very closely related to C#, which in turn isn't super closely related to C++ or C syntactically.
hatkirby: yeppers
hatkirby: it's a nightmare
toothpastecanyon: Damn that is a nightmare
toothpastecanyon: I guess these programmers are like >:333
azhdrake: Programing languages are named almost as badly as things in astronomy but at least astronomy has the excuse that we didn't know what the fuck we were looking at when we named things
hatkirby: yeah im just writing my new web 3.0 nft-enabled wobsite using Visual Cock++ .NET w/Javablasters
toothpastecanyon: I love astronomy names because people spent ages being like andromeda is a nebula it’s definitely a nebula then it turned out to be an entire seperate galaxy
toothpastecanyon: Fjfjfjfjfjfj
pallasvoid: astronomy good
azhdrake: Hey no reason but can I unstar a post?
#552 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 08:27:35 pm EDT
hatkirby: remember you are cringe. and to cringe you shall return.
#551 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 08:26:07 pm EDT
hatkirby: *turns grem back to normal*
hatkirby: *but also holding a carrot*
tinylittlegremlin: eheeeeeeee!
tinylittlegremlin: YAY CARROT
tinylittlegremlin: (gives it to star) here star! for your eyes!
hatkirby: 👀
hatkirby: Are you stabbing me in the eyes
tinylittlegremlin: no im handing it over!
azhdrake: God the carrots are great for vision myth is so fucking funny.
Like. WWII Britain be like. Hey. How can we get people to eat this cheap food we have a surplus of? Also how to we hide the fact that we have more advanced radar then anyone else? Hold the phone I got a though!
hatkirby: They what now
hatkirby: do carrots make you bad at detecting other ppls radars
toothpastecanyon: Djdndndndn I heard that all the time as a kid
beetlejess: No they spread it so everyone just thought British people could see really well in the dark
hatkirby: that's insane
hatkirby: omg
beetlejess: I felt so incredibly lied to when I found out I’ve never been more betrayed
toothpastecanyon: :blurryeyes:
azhdrake: No Britain was claiming that they were so good at detecting other people's planes because their pilots ate so many carrots.
hatkirby: ^ british people be like
toothpastecanyon: Oh dear I’ve been called British
hatkirby: im sorry :(
hatkirby: it's just, yknow, you were... looking
toothpastecanyon: It’s okay 😔 the truth had to come out sometime
toothpastecanyon: That’s why I play the looker so much
hatkirby: yeah tooth when are you going to submit a new WR
toothpastecanyon: When I finish this carrot!!
beetlejess: I don’t think the british exist
swbookworm: ...care to elaborate on that?
toothpastecanyon: That would be wonderful
beetlejess: I just don’t believe in them
bessler: i've never met a brit. my mother has a british passport but i think the australians gave her that so she would feel special
beetlejess: So true
hatkirby: you've met tooth
swbookworm: everyone else: the moon landing was fake! the earth is actually flat! there's a secret society controlling the world's governments!
jess, an intellectual: the british don't exist
azhdrake: God I wish that were me
azhdrake: Then again current UK politics are pretty funny
tinylittlegremlin: lol
bessler: i dont know where she went for ~6 years but it wasnt britain. we have to let her down gently. she may have been in france
toothpastecanyon: Yeah currently the British seem to be doing their best to not exist
hatkirby: i've also lived in britian
bessler: i dont think you have
bessler: it was probably a clerical error
hatkirby: you're probably right
hatkirby: i was living with a cleric i guess
bessler: there you go then! clerics will get you. always trying to convince you that the british exist
toothpastecanyon: We lived down the street from one another in tottingham upon twattle
hatkirby: mdsbhfkjs
beetlejess: Yeah my dad once asked me what I thought of britain I was like. Um. The what
hatkirby: yeah just a town over from Knobcock, alongside the Stephen Fry River
#550 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 08:22:24 pm EDT
bessler: How do vampires work in tau
hatkirby: they drinka the blood
#549 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 06:42:48 pm EDT
pallasvoid: mods are offline post skipping baguette child
pallasvoid: https://tenor.com/view/bioshock-infinite-baguette-gif-3984151
hatkirby: *shocked and appalled* What is this!!
pallasvoid: uuuhhhhh
pallasvoid: :NervousSmile:
pallasvoid: light-hearted tomfoolery?
hatkirby: Tomfoolery?? We only allow shenanigans in this Christian minecraft server!
pallasvoid: :blobcry:
pallasvoid: i sowwy
hatkirby: You will be forgiven my child
hatkirby: May the flames of the dark ones burn away your transgressions
hatkirby: And also may they make you super trans
hatkirby: Like a big ol transgener
pallasvoid: asdjghkdfgjh
pallasvoid: :blueflame: 🏳️‍⚧️ :blueflame:
pallasvoid: i have been reborn as
pallasvoid: SUPER MEGA TRANS
hatkirby: YASSS
hatkirby: dipper and mabel pines are both boy crazy. mabel is crazy about boys and dipper is crazy about being boy
#548 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 05:38:04 pm EDT
hatkirby: do you have any more sea cucumber facts tho
hatkirby: i just really want to hug one
swbookworm: i do! i have a Fun Fact™️ about a specific kind of symbiosis re: sea cucumbers
hatkirby: 👀
swbookworm: Fun Fact™️ : some sea cucumbers are in a symbiotic relationship with pearlfish, where the sea cucumbers provide shelter for the pearlfish. except this one is Weird And Slightly Gross™️ because the pearlfish are actually sheltering ||in the anus of the sea cucumber||
hatkirby: Lol
hatkirby: what a fun place to be
hatkirby: are pearlfish like really small
swbookworm: sometimes this is commensalism where the pearlfish benefits and it doesnt harm the cucumber, but sometimes it's parasitic bc the pearlfish will sometimes eat at the cucumber's insides while it's In There
swbookworm: ye theyre not very big. also sea cucumbers can get Large
hatkirby: oh RUDE !!
hatkirby: they're giving you a HOME!
swbookworm: some species can literally get like 6ft long
hatkirby: you come. you sit inside my ass. you ride me around all day. and then you eat my insides?
swbookworm: also another Fun Fact™️ sea cucumbers can ahsdlsafksadfjadsfsdf
hatkirby: Wow they can? :O
swbookworm: that one got me
hatkirby: Hehe
#547 Up +0/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 05:36:30 pm EDT
swbookworm: "frankenstein is the doctor, not the creature" not with that attitude he isnt
#546 Up +1/-0 Down October 21 2023 at 05:35:59 pm EDT
tinylittlegremlin: [Cries]
tinylittlegremlin: oh well, hey star whats up
hatkirby: blergh
hatkirby: decomposing, again
tinylittlegremlin: aw why r u decomposing again?
hatkirby: happens
tinylittlegremlin: #i thought that was smth u could only do once
hatkirby: speak for yourself
eka_caesium: They haven't even decomposed twice. . . .
hatkirby: ikr
hatkirby: L + ratio + hasn't even decomposed twice
tinylittlegremlin: 😭
tinylittlegremlin: this is bullying im reporting you all to HR!
hatkirby: what is human resources going to do
tinylittlegremlin: make you attend an anti+bullying seminar (sniffs)
hatkirby: for humans
eka_caesium: Effective bullying strategies :blobhyperthink:
tinylittlegremlin: wait no its supposed to be the opposite i think-
eka_caesium: :blobhyperthink: :blobhyperthink:
tinylittlegremlin: and yeah star! its so you dont bully the human!
hatkirby: >:(
hatkirby: but that's what they're there for
tinylittlegremlin: no its not!!
hatkirby: are you sure
tinylittlegremlin: ok yeah, maybe they are a little bit, but still!
hatkirby: :)