#584 Up +0/-0 Down October 22 2023 at 09:11:57 am EDT
revya: Be gay, do ocean crime 🏄
toothpastecanyon: be gay but if you do ocean crime you do ocean time
revya: Be gay and know your ocean rights 🌊
justdogs: no ocean crime unless u ready to do the ocean time
toothpastecanyon: be gay and give ocean liscence and reefisdration please
#583 Up +0/-0 Down October 22 2023 at 09:10:08 am EDT
justdogs: ugh
justdogs: google did an update and i HATE IT!
hatkirby: uh oh
hatkirby: that darn google! *laughs nervously*
justdogs: star
hatkirby: hi
justdogs: star were u the one who took away my tab folders?
justdogs: star?
hatkirby: yep, i'm the criminal
hatkirby: i stole them and have now eaten them
justdogs: how could You star!!!
hatkirby: idk?? they looked yummy??
justdogs: *i CrYYYY*
hatkirby: i'm sorry doggo!!
justdogs: they did look hell yummy
justdogs: :blobcry:
hatkirby: :blobpats:
justdogs: god look at this mess
justdogs: [Image of mobile browser with no tab groups. Hey, dogs is reading Lucy Ann & the Lunch Bunch!]
hatkirby: :blurryeyes:
hatkirby: yo i've never had tab folders, on my phone i've got over a hundred tabs open and there's no organization at all
hatkirby: also :blurryeyes: thats a nice fanfic u've got open there
justdogs: hehehe
justdogs: tab folders were the best thing that ever happened to me
hatkirby: i'm sorry :( that's rough
justdogs: if i ever meet god i will shoot a basketball hopp through their halo just for taking them away from me
hatkirby: are you inmplying that god works for google
justdogs: it's their day job
hatkirby: lol
#582 Up +0/-0 Down October 22 2023 at 09:08:49 am EDT
lutherstatic: im a clc, cowboy loving cowboy
toothpastecanyon: omg ur valid
lutherstatic: thank u toofers
toothpastecanyon: :blobsnuggle:
justdogs: !!!
justdogs: i am a nlc, non-cowboy loving cowboys
lutherstatic: please dont fetishize cowboy culture, we're real normal people just like you, riding horses to the grocery store, cleaning our spurs on the porch,
toothpastecanyon: 💚
justdogs: aw man, i'm sorry there r people out there like that but i am only here trying to show my support, i am a non cowboy loving cowboys the same as i am out here loving the non cowboys, just an ally fighting for cowboys right to ride cowhorses and to clean spurs
justdogs: Cowboy rights are human rights
justdogs: 👏
toothpastecanyon: HELL YEAH
toothpastecanyon: YEEHAW MOTHERFUCKERS
#581 Up +0/-0 Down October 22 2023 at 09:07:46 am EDT
toothpastecanyon: al-v ooh I got a good one
toothpastecanyon: I love chocolate okay
toothpastecanyon: so what if everything I touched turned to chocolate!!
toothpastecanyon: I SEE NO PROBLEMS HERE
alcorian5305: oh no
toothpastecanyon: I got the idea from reading about this idiot called midas who made everything he touched turn to gold
toothpastecanyon: what an idiot. you can't eat gold
eka_caesium: Wow what a loser.
aba_daba_do: You can eat gold if you apply yourself
alcorian5305: true ^^^
toothpastecanyon: aba you do put out a good defense. Maybe I will make one hand turn things to chocolate and the other turn things to gold
#580 Up +0/-0 Down October 22 2023 at 09:06:49 am EDT
justdogs: all flesh is temporary!! escape your meat prison! stay hydrated
#579 Up +0/-0 Down October 22 2023 at 09:03:04 am EDT
dugamar: Good morning, good morning!
garamoji: mooning
justdogs: morning
anonymousmoon: Morning
dugamar: Good now that you're all awake
dugamar: ***fiGht tO thE deAtH foR my amUsemEnT***
anonymousmoon: No
justdogs: If i fight to the death it's gonna be for my amusement and my amusement alone.
#578 Up +0/-0 Down October 22 2023 at 09:01:48 am EDT
hatkirby: if you want i can link you to a little guide i wrote for tagging tau fic on ao3
biplet: I have not but I think I know how to tag it. Alternate universe - transcendence right?
hatkirby: yep!!
biplet: Sweet
biplet: I write so much linked universe that I have to tag AUs all the time lol
hatkirby: oh lol yeah that makes sense
hatkirby: 👍
biplet: Which reminds me I need to update my lu fic oops
biplet: I was on a roll of every two weeks and then school started
hatkirby: oof yeah real life is a thing
hatkirby: i hope you can continue working on ur hobbies in a way that is satisfying to you!
biplet: Every chapter focuses on a different characters view of Wild and I have two characters left lol
biplet: Sorry I shall stop my rambles
toothpastecanyon: no no!
Ghost-cat: No, no
Ghost-cat: Don't stop
Ghost-cat: I am listening
toothpastecanyon: RAMBLE RAMBLE
toothpastecanyon: ^^^
Ghost-cat: and "i hope you can continue working on ur hobbies in a way that is satisfying to you!" is certainly one good wish
hatkirby: i'm cool and i say cool things
Ghost-cat: yes you are star
#577 Up +0/-0 Down October 22 2023 at 09:00:17 am EDT
dugamar: Reminder: azula was 14
toothpastecanyon: I fkin love azula
justdogs: i wish i was that awesome at 14
toothpastecanyon: ikr
dugamar: I wish I committed that much casual murder when I was 14
#576 Up +0/-0 Down October 22 2023 at 08:57:54 am EDT
rekipstar0258: if u have a startling enough alarm u start the day VERY AWAKE
tinylittlegremlin: (me today-the alarm thing)
rekipstar0258: i mean my alarm is v startling and i frequently awaken in confusion and panic of why ppl are yelling its quite effective
seawhawha: :/ i have to change my alarm fairly regularly cause i adapt to them and just sleep through them
rekipstar0258: ye i had one that was just BEEP BEEP BEEP and i adapted enough to hit snooze without waking up
seawhawha: my adaption is literally just not even noticing it anymore while unconscious
revya: You just have to set the most annoying thing you can think of as the alarm
revya: I’ve had the dave strider rapping one for like 6 years now and just the opening notes are enough to rage-punt me awake at this point
revya: You need to go on a quest to discover the true meaning of loathing is what I’m saying
revya: A BEEP BEEP is impersonal
revya: Businesslike
revya: But on the other hand you set, I dunno, the Barbie song and it instantaneously summons up the repressed memories of years of receiving dolls from elderly family members who couldn’t be bothered to make it on your birthday, didn’t know you didn’t care for them or even what age you were, the way the dolls stared w judgement as you played w your stuffed animals, your legos, and Toy Story taught you to beware their wrath, and someday you knew *you knew*
revya: They would *get* you
revya: So you got them first and your parents blamed you for the mess, can you believe? It was self defense, you say
rekipstar0258: are you ok grey
tinylittlegremlin: ... Grey r u ok
tinylittlegremlin: Do u need to talk
revya: No
tinylittlegremlin: I feel that tho a BEEP BEEP is very impersonal
tinylittlegremlin: And rage is a good motivator
tinylittlegremlin: Pfft
tinylittlegremlin: Ok im still in class
tinylittlegremlin: And this is hilarious
tinylittlegremlin: "just faceplant clip tru the floor"
revya: All I’m saying is, if you don’t want to choke your alarm to death every morning, if you don’t awake w the burning desire to see the life leave its eyes as you throttle it
revya: Then it’s not doing its job
seawhawha: i havnt found anything that can draw that feeling out of me
revya: How do you get through the day w/o hatred and spite, sounds hard
seawhawha: im just not the type of person to hate much ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
tinylittlegremlin: I do it by being cheerfully optimistic!
tinylittlegremlin: Its better for ur heart
revya: Sounds fake but ok
#575 Up +0/-0 Down October 22 2023 at 08:55:37 am EDT
tinylittlegremlin: ....i rlly need to read noie but i feel like its going to be bad for my blood pressure
aba_daba_do: It will be.
toothpastecanyon: :blobmelt:
tinylittlegremlin: (jk jk its gonna be TERRIBLE for my rage)
toothpastecanyon: abaaa
toothpastecanyon: u are too nic
tinylittlegremlin: lmao
tinylittlegremlin: just out n says it huh
hatkirby: noie is so good and you will want to chew through concrete
tinylittlegremlin: hmmmmmm
tinylittlegremlin: that both attracts AND repulses me
toothpastecanyon: you def don't have to read
toothpastecanyon: 💙
aba_daba_do: All of my friends make good fic and now I exclusively eat concrete
tinylittlegremlin: i will someday for sure
hatkirby: FHJiuhsodfj
tinylittlegremlin: lmao
hatkirby: im chortling
tinylittlegremlin: that cant be good for ur stomach aba