#437 Up +25/-20 Down March 09 2011 at 10:27:21 am EST
Drifty: Learning about Electricity a few years back never really sparked my interest, but I guess they needed to amp up the lessons a bit. I did find it a bit reVolting, but now I'm just shocked. Maybe we needed a better conductor, maybe we just needed to go with the current. Or the flow...

Hey, The reason I must be making all these puns must be beclaws of my purrfect cat shirt. I'm a worldwide punomenon!

Pyro: *LOL*
#436 Up +19/-20 Down March 08 2011 at 03:45:10 am EST
[Sarah got on my computer and started talking to people using my account. I was there, though, and this was hilarious.]

Hatkirby: omg candy corn
Hatkirby: my name is sarah and i like elephants
Hatkirby: i have a one question quiz for you
Drifty: What is it
Hatkirby: what is hippophobia
Drifty: Fear of horses
Hatkirby: you werent supposed to know the answer
Drifty: There's always a trick in these kinds of questions 
Hatkirby: lop
Hatkirby: ok i have a riddle for you
Drifty: What is it
Hatkirby: whats green, has four legs and would kill you if it fell out of a tree and landed on you?
Drifty: You?
Drifty: A pool table?
Hatkirby: WHAT
Hatkirby: we're all screaming here---YOU KNOW EVERYTHIGN
Drifty: Not particularly
Hatkirby: we also would've accepted a dropbear on acid
Drifty: Really
Drifty: And the question's from Two and a Half Men, although I don't watch that show
Hatkirby: lol were sitll amazed
Drifty: ...
Drifty: It's easy to ask someone over the INTERNET random questions that they'll answer correctly
Hatkirby: lololol
#435 Up +19/-17 Down January 25 2011 at 03:28:52 am EST
Hatkirby: ohgodtvtropeshasme
ozzyfrog: :O oh no
Hatkirby: :P
ozzyfrog: dangerous place
ozzyfrog: minutes quickly turn into hours
Hatkirby: and then I suddenly realize that I'm 40
ozzyfrog: haha yes
#434 Up +17/-18 Down January 09 2011 at 02:14:27 am EST
Hatkirby: I'm in a very dark mood right now and I'm not sure why
Hatkirby: Do you have any lightness cookies?
Drifty: Why don't you direct that darkness into something else
Drifty: like Sabrina or Four Island creepypasta
Hatkirby: Like how I was trying to channel my anger yesterday into a productive sink such as writing my homework?
Drifty: Sure, why not
Hatkirby: It doesn't work—channeling involves ghosts and ghosts are dark. The darkness hides various slender people who need to work out some more even though they're very anorexic. I tell them to just get a job but instead they want to climb trees. This makes them even thinner.
Drifty: Wait what
* Hatkirby is quite possibly insane
Drifty: wot
#433 Up +22/-20 Down October 29 2010 at 11:15:56 pm EDT
(06:46:54 PM) Starla Insigna: I just walked into a door
(06:46:59 PM) Drifty: ?
(06:47:00 PM) Starla Insigna: It wasn't as fun as the commercials promised
(06:47:49 PM) Drifty: Do you want your weekly dose of nagging right now? Free for only $1.95!
(06:48:05 PM) Starla Insigna: Nah, I can't be bothered to type in my credit card number again
(06:48:47 PM) Drifty: Buy a nagging and you could be in the stakes to win a free bananaphone!
(06:49:04 PM) Starla Insigna: Oh, alright
(06:49:14 PM) Starla Insigna: *faxes over $200,000,900.48*
(06:49:22 PM) Drifty: YAT!
(06:49:34 PM) Drifty: Yes, A Tarantula
(06:49:43 PM) Starla Insigna: OH GOD! THAT WASN'T WHAT I ORDERED!
(06:50:00 PM) Drifty: AHHHHHHH
(06:50:12 PM) Drifty: The Tarantula is doing the tarentella!
(06:50:45 PM) ***Starla Insigna looks up
(06:50:46 PM) Starla Insigna: OH GOD, THE HORROR!
(06:51:23 PM) Drifty: THE PAIN!
(06:51:45 PM) Starla Insigna: THE OTHER VARIOUS EMOTIONS!
(06:52:22 PM) Drifty: AHHHHH!
#432 Up +19/-18 Down October 29 2010 at 02:12:46 am EDT
(10:03:20 PM) Tamasys: When we grab you by the ankles
(10:03:26 PM) Tamasys: Where our mark is to be made
(10:03:31 PM) Starla Insigna: ohgod
(10:03:33 PM) Tamasys: You'll soon be doing noble work
(10:03:38 PM) Tamasys: Although you won't be paid
(10:03:49 PM) Starla Insigna: I liked you better with twenty turtles
(10:03:57 PM) Starla Insigna: :P
(10:04:02 PM) Tamasys: When we drive away in secret
(10:04:08 PM) Tamasys: You'll be a volunteer
(10:04:17 PM) Tamasys: So don't scream when we tell you:
(10:04:32 PM) Starla Insigna: I LIKE CATFOOD
(10:04:43 PM) Tamasys: The world is quiet here
(10:05:01 PM) Starla Insigna: I made an interjection! Ha ha! Ho ho! Hee hee!


(10:06:35 PM) Starla Insigna: I hear in my mind all of these voices
(10:06:40 PM) Starla Insigna: I hear in my mind all of these words
(10:06:47 PM) Starla Insigna: I hear in my mind all of this music
(10:06:54 PM) Starla Insigna: And it breaks my heart--it breaks my heart
(10:07:07 PM) Starla Insigna: It breaks my ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-heart
(10:07:24 PM) Tamasys: to hear you sing
(10:07:31 PM) Tamasys: :P
(10:07:33 PM) Starla Insigna: :O
(10:07:34 PM) Starla Insigna: :P
(10:07:42 PM) Starla Insigna: You made an interjection too!
(10:08:51 PM) Tamasys: I made a funny!
(10:08:52 PM) Tamasys: :P
#431 Up +19/-18 Down October 29 2010 at 02:11:07 am EDT
(09:59:39 PM) Tamasys: you've had 3 months, 11 days, 16 hours, 51 minutes
(09:59:46 PM) Starla Insigna: Horray!
(09:59:51 PM) Starla Insigna: Still, not as long as Chapter 4
(09:59:56 PM) Tamasys: :P
(09:59:56 PM) Starla Insigna: and CERTAINLY not as long as Chapter 5
(10:00:04 PM) Tamasys: >.<
(10:00:07 PM) ***Starla Insigna lols
(10:01:31 PM) Tamasys: wtf
(10:01:39 PM) Tamasys: why did I take so long to write that?
(10:01:45 PM) Tamasys: it wasn't even a long chapter!
(10:01:49 PM) Starla Insigna: :P
(10:02:03 PM) Tamasys: well, can we please not let this book drag into 2011?
(10:02:13 PM) Starla Insigna: because you had a life, twenty turtles and a machine gun
(10:02:18 PM) Starla Insigna: maybe had some kids, a job
(10:02:25 PM) Starla Insigna: moved on to real estate and sold some paper
(10:02:26 PM) Tamasys: o_o
(10:02:38 PM) Starla Insigna: then, one night, you fell into a hole and wondered where the toilet was
(10:02:50 PM) Starla Insigna: found an iPhone on the ground after you accidentally stepped on it
(10:02:53 PM) Starla Insigna: it didn't break
(10:03:01 PM) Starla Insigna: but it did when an asteroid hit it minutes later
(10:03:08 PM) Tamasys: ._.
(10:03:23 PM) Starla Insigna: Anyway, that's why it took you a year and a month
#430 Up +27/-16 Down October 17 2010 at 11:41:41 am EDT
(07:35:15 AM) Smiley: can you have it so it's aligned right
(07:35:30 AM) Starla Insigna: So it's all the way to the right
(07:35:31 AM) Starla Insigna: ?
(07:35:52 AM) Smiley: like inside the access div
(07:36:04 AM) Smiley: but to the right
(07:36:07 AM) Starla Insigna: Inside #access, but all the way to the right?
(07:36:25 AM) Smiley: yeah...?
(07:36:35 AM) Starla Insigna: So you mean to say inside #access
(07:36:36 AM) Smiley: nothing wrong with that
(07:36:41 AM) Starla Insigna: ...but all the way to the right!
(07:36:50 AM) Smiley: yeah
(07:36:59 AM) Smiley: inside #access
(07:37:17 AM) Starla Insigna: but all the way to the right!
(07:37:35 AM) Smiley: yeah
(07:37:41 AM) Smiley: aligned right
(07:37:50 AM) Starla Insigna: Just to be clear, it's going to be inside #access
(07:37:56 AM) Starla Insigna: but all the way to the right!
#429 Up +22/-18 Down September 02 2010 at 11:23:18 am EDT
Starla: Ohallo
Drifty: :)
Starla: O_O
Starla: Palringo was like "did you mean 'phallus'?"
Drifty: lolwhut
Starla: Yes, apparently my iPhone has a dick mind
Starla: WHUT
Starla: Yes, apparently
Starla: *sick
Drifty: lololol
* Starla is actually lolling
#428 Up +19/-17 Down August 27 2010 at 06:21:19 pm EDT
Ticket Salesperson: Great, have a nice time.
* we walk away *
Brother: She was tall!
Mother: You think maybe she was on something?
Hatkirby: What, like drugs?
Everyone else: lolwhut